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Posts posted by SpeesMuhrines

  1. +1 for lightside SW....


    On Voss ATM, but so far its been a blast. A good many of these quests would have been impossible for me to solo (I'm under-leveled, haven't grinded / pvp'd at all) without trying to work out a peaceful solution, which in many cases gives me allies, avoids fights altogether, or half the enemies accept the surrender and don't fight me.


    Of course, thats not to say I only make light side choices... in act 3 I made quite a few dark side choices. I do not forgive betrayers or cowards...

  2. I don't understand some of your complaints.


    The fact that some places don't have mailbox access, or vendors.... why should they? I find it refreshing, that you can't do everything at one location, that you actually have to move in the world. WoW had the problem that everything was in a centralized area, meaning that everything else in the game was a freaking ghost town. Spread it out!


    As for the game being in development for 5 years... WoW has had at least TWICE that time to create its world. Its not about lowering expectations for new games, its about realistic expectations. WoW has had 3 expansion packs, and is basically nothing like the original game that was released. I would say that TOR has a much better leveling experience than WoW so far, and I am enjoying it far more.


    End game content may be lacking; but you need to understand, I think that may be intentional on the part of BioWare. Look at it this way. The average gamer who plays this will not see lvl 50 content for at least 3-4 months or so of play. Its a fact; If your only playing 2 hours or so a day, 2-3 days a week, it will take you a VERY long time to hit the level cap unless you know what your doing. Because BioWare has limited development resources, they probably put the bulk of their development into making the process of lvls 1-50 fun, and would focus on end game content after release. Makes sense to me.


    I'm a fairly hard-core gamer. I play a good 4-5 hours a day, every day. At this rate, it will take me about 3 weeks or so to hit lvl 50. There are 8 character storylines I want to experience.... thats 24 weeks of content, or 6 months of entertainment for me. And thats at my rate of play, which is probably more per day than most.


    You need to understand, when you rant about lack of end game, that you are in the minority, and your concerns will be addressed, when there is time.

  3. Go back to a previous world. There are bonus mission chains on most of them (I think) that allow you to get new gear and equipment. A challenge to you now, in 2-3 levels, will be much easier.


    Don't bang your head against a wall. Do something else, get stronger, and come back to it.

  4. I -HATE- how end game raiding became in WoW.... where to beat a boss you had to do X DPS, X Healing, and you were pretty much required to download 3rd party mods and add-ons to do it. I was on several occasions denied a raid slot because I didn't want DBM installed (Though I had the achievement for the boss fight, and had run it several times before).


    The end-game wow raids were just a big gear check. It had all the fun of doing differential calculus.

  5. I've been rocking the armor from the black talon flashpoint for a while now... modding it as I go.


    Looks quite cool! nice robe and everything. I picked the big bulky bear sith guy (the fat one)... and all other armors look stupid as hell.

  6. yea, I've spent ~30 hours on my Sith Warrior, only lvl 24 at the moment. Only way to level that fast I think is to ignore the story... which is the whole reason I bought this game.


    So far very impressed with the length of the campaign and story.... going to get my money worth it looks like.

  7. Anakin is what happens when the Jedi refuse to acknowledge human nature. You end with someone who can't control his emotions and turns to the dark side to save a loved one. (Who wouldn't?) This is one of the main reasons I couldn't stand being a Knight or Consular.


    The Jedi code is so annoying.


    Tell Anakin love is okay. Had he felt comfortable telling Yoda about his dreams he could have explained the meaning to Anakin. Instead he internalized them. It isn't about despair and hate leading to the dark side. It's about being void of the tools to manage it properly and still keep your head.


    Thus Darth Vader is born.


    Thats the difference between Sith and Jedi, as I understand it. Jedi reject all emotions, including love... while Sith embrace all emotions. Sith don't have to embrace only rage and hate...

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