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Posts posted by Phkrm

  1. Greetings, one quick questions, am wondering if one is able to create a new character for this PTS and then go to a machine or a bot and get a level boost to test out the new content? Also this is just based of my starting a new Character on Koriban

    • How does the adjusted threat and damage output of tank classes feel?
      • Could be my old machine but it seems a little off. Don't seem to hold agro in pve.
    • Darkness Assassin and Annihilation Marauder’s rotations have been smoothed out, does this feel better or worse than 7.0?
      • Again here too could be because of my machine but it does not seem as simple.
    • The Ward of the Continuum tactical has been redesigned to synergism better with Darkness Assassin mod choices. Have you tried it? What do you think?
      • Have not found were to pick this up at. But will continue to look.
    • What are your impressions of the redesigned Annihilation mod choices?
      • Will have to go over it when at a higher level.
    • How do you feel about the overall state of tanks in PVE?
      • PVE does not seem difficult, but it is challenging.
    • How do you feel about the overall state of tanks in PVP?
      • Do not part take in PVP.
    • What do you feel tanks are missing in PVP or PVE?
      • PVE could always use more content and story material. Maybe revisit some of the npcs we have interacted with in the past. Could bring about a more immersive and rounding out of individual story lines.
    • What are things you would like to see in the future for tanks?
      • the ability to while playing utilize force attacks while attacking with the saber.
    • What are your impressions on the itemization around tanks?
      • Not bad currently but will run it again when I have my new computer up and running.
    • Medals and Achievements for PVP
    • Would you like to see additional achievements added on a bi-seasonal or seasonal basis?
      • There are already so many achievements to keep track of.
    • Do achievements motivate you to play more PVP?
      • Have never cared for PVP.
    • Do you feel medals should be easier or harder to achieve?
    • What actions in PVP would you like to see represented in medals?
  2. Something I have noticed, there appears to be no customization packs for the Zabrak race. I would like to suggest sever customization, if allowed.

    First a choice to have no face tattoos.

    Second idea, if possible, allow a feature that allows the players to make there own designs. One of the characteristics of the Zabrak race is there face designs which, I think, are inherited. Yet with new life comes an interesting new and unique design as parental alleles mix.

    Third maybe different horn designs or rather different styles and colors. Which could include a new slot for horn customization or augmentation, thru use of jewelry, cybernetics or bio wear.

    Forth more hair styles with more option of colors, which also could include skin, and eyes.

    Ok Ok, well if anyone else as noticed this please add your own ideas and voice to this thread. Thanks my fellow Zabrak's and stwor family.

    • Like 1
  3. Like the concept, however am wondering and making a suggestion. Currently you have force users get a choice only a Force using style. the same is for tech only choosing tech, There are those, like myself, who would prefer to be a tech base with a force style or force based with a tech style.. Granted it could be a limited ability in the force or untrained ability that pops out from time to time during battles. I mean every force user I would presume help a kind of a tech or other professional career outside of there force ability so they could make a living.

    Hmm a force using Bounty hunter or any other combination.

    Well its just a thought to ponder. Of to testing, thanks for your time in reading this. Have a great holiday and a Mary Christmas to you all.

  4. Have only run through the smuggler option and am very confused as t how all this will work. Your a smuggler with secondary skills as an operative. Or its your an operative with smugger. It will be interesting to figure the new dynamics our of the class operation. Wish there was more to go off of. Kind of running into this blind but that is my way of learning. should be a fun run but will report any hick ups along the way. Just hope we are allow the time to find them all before it goes live. Thanks for reading.
  5. Greetings all, I'm saddened to see what is going on, as a solo player that has played each class, each advanced class, and the different trees. This appears to be nothing more Than an attempt to redo NGE. It killed SWG and already after playing am at a loss seems from my point of view that everything is nurffed to heck.

    Oh ever jumping form to 75 does not help, I get my joy out of building and learning the specs, bosses and trees. Not building from the ground up really does not help. But anyways I gave it a try. and I will continue to try but if this is a repeat of swg. I am gone. No joy in the game after that.

    Would have preferred a new few new races or at least some work on the interpersonal stories of the companion characters

    Have done both the A and B side and find them both lacking and not up to par with the standing game am sorry to say.

  6. After a weeks worth of play this really saddens me even more as Bio-wear seems to be taking the SoE (Sony online Entrancement) path in this update introduction. Very sad, however there is a little hope but with AE behind the scenes it may go down the same path as SoE did with SWG (Star Wars Galaxies)


    There is however, one of two ideas pops into mind. First off, this is just speculating, there could be a new star wars MMORPG coming with Disney's e fingers in the pie now.. Or the game will end up with an SoE SWG NGE (new gaming enhancements) outcome. please see this link for detail regarding that please: https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=347371


    My sincere hope and prayer is that unlike SoE or even AE. Bio-Wear will hope fully listen to the clients views and read the reviews. From reading what I have read to this point no one happy with this. Well I will keep testing and hoping for a brighter SWTOR.

  7. The time, dedication to learning each of the 8 base classes, the 16 advanced classes and each of the 48 skill branch along with each M/F Romance story like. To see NGE return is heart wrenching and Deplorable that once again a game company is going to side on the lower 10% whom want the game handed to them.

    After reading all the info posted here have not seen a good post, It reminds me all to well of the postings in SWG regarding the NGE B.S. which killed the game.

    Sony would not listen, Wow has to listen and honestly I highly doubt Bio ware will pay head to those of us whom want to keep this game thriving for years to come.

    I would have like to seen some new classes and or races added to the game. Ya it might make a little more work but it would have made it a much better game. I did like all the talk about underwater exploration on Manaan and the possible new quest lines. Along with the talk about updating the M/F story lines to keep them going. Well I am off to create a new character on PTS and I will look forward in hope that which is being proposed will not happen. Well we will see.

  8. "Hearts and Minds" Swtor 5.10.3 Dantooine incursion. this is new content to me and I was told my lana to go meet them. So am just following the mission line. This is the point of test server to run mission and make sure there are no bug or what ever. So you don't need to be a jerk about it. it was just a question.
  9. I have been all over vaiken space dock looking for Lord Izar however he is not to be found anywhere on the inside. I got to the space dock two days ago and found the door high lighted indicating you need to go through for you mission. However on the inside there is no highlight anywhere on the map. Does anyone know What is up with this mission?


  10. anyone else having a hard time finding individuals to group up with for mission runs using the group finder. I spent nearly 6 hours of play time enjoying the story run and using each testing class, however during that time never did I get a pop up or invite to join at group.
  11. Greetings all, After running through the new story line. I was told to meet a npc at the fleet, however there is no npc, plus the missiong did not up date after speaking with the holo-terminal after the group meeting. Just an fyi.

    Marauder seems to be very close to a C classification based on the SABCD sale. It was hard to get through solo highly suggest bring a friend or two with you. I squeaked by barely, died several times, but enjoyed figuring out what was going on.

    Also for some reason I am unable to find the Bounty hunter armor, and weapons venters. Maybe they have not been added.

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