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Posts posted by -Holmes

  1. Holmes, you arent in the guild for a long time i would say. And yes, i dont force people to do conquest. And yes, it is a pretty chill guild. But when we go for a planet, usually the entire guild works pretty hard towards this goal. And arguing, that we have at the moment not many points, i mean this is priceless.


    What is the difference between rank 2,3,4 and 5 in the list? It doesnt matter. So there is no real reason to go for high cq numbers right now. When we won Taris, we were 13 mils behind the numbers of the mainguild of one of the 2. We were a top 5 (maybe even 3, cant remember) guild with cq points on this server !


    And i am totally aware of the fact, that many players have toons in those guilds. Just to get the titles. And they have toons in guilds like i run one.


    But you are not hitting the problem in your post at all.


    Btw, if you feel uncomfortable, feel free to leave the guild. And take your friends with you.


    So what is the problem then? You said it's a chill guild with no duties, but then you turn around and say that you want to win a grinding conquest whilst not requiring anything from your members? Can't have the cake and eat it too.

    Get more active people. Filter out alts that just take up space in the guild and work like that. All the other big guilds didn't just suddenly start winning conquest over time, they built it up. Last week you hit the 100m CQ mark for the first time, make it 110m next time, then 120m and keep going.


    The problem is that there's a dude out there with such an ego and so much time on his hands that he's willing to run 4 guilds, all farming for conquest, because he wants his name on the board all over. Ambitious fella but if he has the time and puts in the effort to do all that, then by all means he's earned it and you can either match it or say "yeah I'm happy where I am."


    So keep growing your guild, and keep getting active members, and that gap will get smaller and smaller each week.

  2. A guildmember, supporter, whatever? Being part of one this guilds, you are automatically involved. Because you are part of it. And i want to make it clear: I dont want to punish the members/players.


    I made public who i am, my function, what i do. He didnt. This is the reason why i asked how far he is involved ... And it is just a question, not an accusation.


    So, lets put it this way and ask the question in a different way. Who is he? Which guild is he in? What is his role there? And we are back at the start.


    And if someone has followed the conquest on the server the last months, and doesnt see anything ...erm yep.


    ...then i have to agree and yell with the majority ...what do we shout? the earth is flat? or something else?


    There is only one truth?


    I ask everyone, enlighten me. what is the truth?

    I am Remnt, member of your guild, <Enslaver>. You recruited me when I made my fresh character and you were advertising on Korriban for new members. If that's how you get all your members, then I'm not sure what you're expecting.

    For the past month(except this last week) I've been in the top 10 conquest leaders in your guild on a throwaway alt that I played for maybe 5 hours a week.


    You need more active members if you wanna challenge for conquest wins, not the other guilds to be disbanded because they're winning. Unless theyre using an exploit that gives them more conquest points than your guild then there's nothing you can do except /gitgud. Over 30% of your members haven't logged in for a month. Replace them with daily members and you'll be winning those planets. Organise guild runs on world bosses, flashpoints and operation because I for one have never seen anyone look for group in your guild.


    And no, I do not have a single other toon in Kort or Eternal Order or whoever else your beef is with. My mains are in Temasek for the purpose of organised raids and another little guild made of super chill people who only this week have decided to attack Large Conquest and I carried them through it with 2.7m cq in 3 days.


    I'm not saying losing conquest is fun, but if you wanna be the best at something, you need to raise your game instead of expecting everyone else to lower theirs. If you can't beat a guild that mass recruits and kicks players after a month of inactivity and replaces them with new players, then perhaps you need to change your tactics or say that it's not worth it.


    And that is why I suggested other solutions before you accused me of things that have nothing to do with me.

  3. No comment about wintrading ...interesting. I am curious how far you are involved.


    Your comment states: Nothing to see, nothing happened, just continue.


    And i am totally aware of the fact, that there are some who want to continue acting like the 3 monkeys: no hear, no see, no talk = no troubles.


    I will take a closer look at the gamedescription. The official one. Published by Bioware. What do they state there?


    Join a guild. Nothing said about randominvites, nothing said about multiguilding.


    But: Work together in a guild towards a goal. Work on a strategy.

    Randominvites are a strategy? Really?


    I wasnt able to find anything about randominvites, preventing other guilds from participating in conquest, nothing about wintrading for planets. Maybe enlighten us. Place a link from an official Bioware statement, or the TOS.


    And taking no action , would reward them. You really want to reward them?


    I'm just as involved as you are, because I'm a member of your guild. If that's a problem I can leave. If you don't wish to hear another's opinion then don't make a discussion thread and accuse everyone else of being "involved," whatever that may mean.


    This thing you call "win trading" is basically just a status quo among the bigger guilds so that all their members might win and get that planetary conquest achievement. Take a look at this week's invasions. Kort invaded the same planet with 4 guilds. ANY ONE of those guilds has better points than Enslaver. Eternal Order invaded 2 different planets and both their scores can beat Enslaver.


    So let's say that they're not "win trading", and all the big guilds invaded the same planet, and they wouldn't have sister guilds, you would still be BEHIND everyone. Whether they choose to fight against each other or not, you still don't get to win it, so why are you angry at them when you have less than 20 members that regularly pull more than 1m conquest?


    And nobody is preventing you from participating in CQ. Didn't you win a planet last week or something? Instead of looking at all the other guilds who win conquest, why don't you just focus on getting members that will get you more than 50k conquest a week? Why not filter your guild a bit and get people's mains in the guild instead of all their alts that they play once a week?


    Your guild description is "no duties, no drama" so it's basically a casual chill guild. You've recruited people that just want a guild tag and don't really care about conquest and winning the planet, and now you're here complaining that those guilds who do put an emphasis on active players who earn conquest are killing the fun for you and you want them BANNED?


    Why do you act like it's your RIGHT to win conquest? Improve your guild, get more active members that want to put their MAINS in your guild and not their throwaway alts and then perhaps you win, but the "no duties no dramas" attitude never won anything anywhere. A third of the characters in your guild haven't logged on in a month, so why don't you start replacing those with people who will pull numbers?

  4. Solution 1:

    Make more planets available every week so that there are more targets to pick from.

    Solution 2:

    Cap how many points a single character can contribute to the guild or at least get diminishing returns.

    This would be even better if conquest was legacy based(for the purpose of guilds, not personal characters) so that once you earn a set amount of conquest guild legacy-wide, you start earning less and less till it grinds to a halt.

    Solution 3:

    Winning a planet triggers a week cooldown. You win it, you keep it for the next week but cannot invade another planet. This would also go great with introducing more planets to conquest as it will pretty much guarantee that even the smaller guilds will get a good chance at winning a planet.


    There's no need to disband and ban guilds that have been around for years, because whilst you may hate them cause they spam invites, it's their chosen tactics. At the end of those days those guilds still help new players and still answer questions for guildies as well as any other guild.

  5. One win yesterday and instantly back to losing, GG guys! I guess all I can expect is maybe one day a week where we actually win, after light side wins 6 days in a row and the stacked percentage for losing or whatever the hell happens in the background puts the odds overwhelmingly in our favor. /yawn Maybe I should just cancel again, it's clear the game I once knew no longer exists.


    And how do you propose to fix this? Make Light Side lose by default cause you don't win as often as you'd want? :(

  6. Im pretty sure static barrier does get but under under healing. The same with shield probe, the amount it absorbs for gets converted into your healing statistic at the end of the match.

    It does.

  7. Been away from SWTOR for somewhat a year now, just dropping by to see what's new every few months. Now I've left enough gap for me to return for another stint with SWTOR as there is enough content out to keep me grinding for a while now.

    I'm interested in joining an APAC guild, preferably Republic, but if none are still around I'll settle for staying on Imperial side.


    I don't have super selective requirements. Just people to hang out with and do the occasional SM/HM run and some PvP every now and then.


    I have experience in all classes but most experienced in Guardian/Vanguard as well as most other melee DPS classes. I am perfectly capable in playing ranged classes, but I tend to be a little hyper and always be moving, hence standing still just irks me. :(


    I can assure you I do not care about special guild ranks, officer positions or the items in your guild bank. All I want to do is have someone to talk to while I grind, and maybe find someone to grind along with me.


    In terms of raiding, the only time I have done a full on tier run was during SoR when I came out 5/5 Ravagers and 4/5 ToS while maining Vanguard DPS/Tank and Scoundrel DPS.


    If you have the guild for me or can point me in the right direction, leave me a message here or mail me ingame on Emma Hawke(Republic) or Valentine(Empire)



  8. This is not a riot/petition/unsub thread. It's just a rant thread. If you're looking for ea-ware hate speech, then look somewhere else.


    I just want to share my frustration as a long time SWTOR player and a little about my story so far. I don't know if this is the section to do it, but I'm sure someone will tell me I'm wrong about everything nonetheless.


    I discovered this game through a friend in Europe. We sometimes played other small MMOs out there and he recommended that I play SWTOR with him. It was at a stage in life where I had little to no time to spare, so I ended up buying the game and paying for the subscription, only to end up giving my account over to this friend of mine for the first 3 months after launch, with me saying I'll get to it eventually.


    Time passed and at the end of these 3 months, my friend decided he's bored of the game and I should cancel my sub if I'm not planning to play. I said screw it all, and decided to launch the game and play it seriously for the first time. My server of choice was the same server that my friend was playing on, Vulkar Highway. There I rolled my first character, a Marauder named Vangloria. There were already other characters on my account, but I didn't feel like they belonged to me, so I never touched them or the items on them.


    I absolutely fell in love with the game at that stage. I would come home from work, undress on my way to the shower and as soon as I'd come out get back to playing SWTOR. I was a noob and I didn't know anything, and that's what made it fun.


    Not too long after that a new set of servers were announced. Hooray, the APAC servers are opening. As I live in Western Australia, this was a joyous moment for me, as Vulkar Highway was not quite as responsive as I'd like in terms of ping.


    And that's where I really exploded. Once I had transferred I put my marauder aside, and decided to join the Republic, and rolled what ended up being my main for 2-3 years. A Vanguard called J'Hellsing. I joined my first major guild with more than 10 people in it and stepped foot in my first raid nights. I made friends who taught me about PvP and other friends who taught me how to tank and raid. It was a great period for me as I was learning the ropes.


    Eventually guild drama broke the guild apart. The PvPers left to find guilds who did mainly PvP, and the hardcore raiders left to make their own guild(with blackjack and ******s, if you will). I was left somewhere in the middle.


    I decided to go back to the Empire in order to finish my Marauder, and I ended up rolling a powertech and an operative. I decided I would only level these two classes via PvP, so I get more exposure. As I reached lvl 50 with my powertech, republic guilds started noticing me. This was the day when warzones were mainly Imp vs Pub, and not a clusterf*ck of factions.


    I got an invite to join one of the biggest(I would say biggest, but there would be several people that would like to contradict me almost immediately if they were here.) pvp guilds in the Republic. I joined MVP and things were fun from there on.


    While levelling my Operative through PvP, I met another player who I guess I sort of clicked with, running a marauder. He wasn't a hardcore anything, he just enjoyed playing, and he was damn good at it. So we grouped together and smashed lowbies to the point of people raging at us. These were the days when bolster was broken, and wearing purple gear at lvl 40 would allow you to two shot people all the time(with crits of course).


    Things were going well for a while, until the game started losing it's magic. It seemed fleet was less active, and little by little my guildmates were ditching the game for better options. I stayed with the game through all that, only having my hiatus periods when I could not spend any time playing video games.


    Fast forward a while, and surprise, APAC servers are closing down. We're all getting booted to NA. If you're not an APAC player I cannot describe to you how horrible of a blow that was to our community. Already struggling with activity, moving to a new server on a different continent caused a big portion APAC players to ditch the game. People I had been playing with for ages said "screw this, I'm finding another mmo."


    But I still stuck around. When the news hit, our guild, MVP, decided to merge with several other guilds on the APAC servers, and create a sort of "APAC PvP Guild" for all that's left of us. Egos clashing and all, it was eventually named Samurai Pizza Cats, a guild that sometimes still lurks around.

    Considering that EAware was killing off half the community with this action, they at least had the good graces to let us pick what server to go to. We ended up going to The Bastion. My 16 characters were all transferred there and I was getting used to the 210 latency from Western Australia. My operative which happened to be my favourite character at the time was practically unplayable outside of heal spec. Backstabs would not hit, hidden strikes would not trigger, acid blades would not trigger, it was really tough to go from 50ms to 210ms and still play operative.


    Moving on a while later, The Bastion started showing signs of dying. Although marked as a PvP server, there wasn't much open world PvP going on, and it seemed that in terms of warzones, Harbinger was doing far better. So, I bit the bullet, left Samurai Pizza Cats which was by all means dead, and transferred all my characters to Harbinger. At that time, the transfer fees were 1k+, so I had to pay an arm and a leg to transfer, but I got it done.


    Once here, I could not find a spot to settle down in, so I just did solo PvP for ages, till one of my old friends(the marauder I was playing lowbies with) recognised my character and invited me to his small guild of friends. <Your Companion> (the original one)


    By this point in time we were all in it for fun, and while we were really good PvPers, we weren't elitist. We went in there and had our fun in all brackets. We rolled matching characters, tried new specs, new gear, and simply enjoyed our time in-game.

    As all good things must come to an end, so did this. Bunch of us went inactive for a while, with only myself and another bloke logging in every now and then, and things were quiet. Before my friends went inactive, the guild leadership passed to me, as I had invested my credits into the guild ship and it's decorations. It really stung when I came back from my holiday and the guild had been sold to what I imagine is the owner of the current <Your Companion> guild. I'm still really bitter at that, because everyone in the guild was mates, so I guess I felt a little betrayed(f*ck you Mokey :< )


    I moved on from that as well, and for the first time in my life, I decided to go into hardcore raiding. This was in the SoR patch, and I entered the raid scene just as it launched, so I can catch the new progression teams. I joined a pub guild called Excession, and managed to fill a DPS spot in their second raid team. Along that expansion, my experience in PvP and adaptability allowed me to quickly develop as a raider, and by the end of the expansion I was 9/10 on ToS and Ravagers, with Revan left to kill. Overall I was happy with my progress, but disaster struck again.


    Come KOTFE, my guild fell apart. The lack of new raids pushed many raiders away, and it became significantly harder to find a decent raid team to go on with. I once again returned to my solo PvP days. KOTFE and KOTET brought a different kind of story content, and when I recruited a friend of mine to play the story of SWTOR with, we found ourselves blocked by KOTFE's solo online idea. What's the point of making an MMO if it's gonna be solo only?


    Class changes, gearing changes, mechanic changes, all that never bothered me. I accepted them and moved on, I had a huge character pool to choose from, and I felt it was easier for a solo player to gear up alts this way. With 3 characters at CXP 300, and having a blast just doing my own thing, the news of server merges once again brought back an ill feeling to me. Having moved servers several times before, it was a worrying experience. But I knew it would happen, so I decided to make the most of it.


    When The Harbinger was moved, I felt this crushing feeling inside of me. Once again, my latency had jumped. West Coast was no longer an option for me, as all there is left is East Coast. From 210ms to 295, it was yet another blow for me as a player and my enjoyment of this game.


    Even with this latency I can play, but being competitive is slowly moving out of the picture. On top of that my connection to East Coast is also unstable, spiking up to 400-500ms quite often, while I had a steady 210 on Harbinger.


    I have supported many changes this game has brought. I have accepted changes that worked against me. I have accepted my class nerfs. I have accepted my gearing changes. I took it all in and moved on.


    I'm not going to say "I gave you everything and you gave me nothing" because I received years of fun times. I am leaving this thread here and cancelling future payments for my subscription today. I have 19 days of sub time remaining and then I will drop to Preferred and just play the story when I feel nostalgic.


    I fear that with this server move, you've pushed a great deal of APAC players away from SWTOR by making the game harder for them. All you have left from this bunch is the casual "let's do a little story" bunch because they are not able to play anywhere near peak performance.


    Soon enough my playtime window will be desolated as most of my fellow APAC players would have moved on to greener pastures, and all that will be left would be the solo story content players that are not affected by latency as much(since they play no competitive content).


    This thread serves no purpose except for me to reflect on my journey within this MMO, and maybe someone can relate. I don't know if any of this makes sense, as I wrote it all in one go and I can't be arsed to go back and re-read what I wrote.


    Good luck to you all.

  9. I live in Australia. I used to play on Dalborra with 40ms. They closed it down(instead of merging the 3 APAC servers).

    I moved to Bastion with 210ms. That server died cause nobody cared about a PvP server.

    I moved to Harbinger with the same 210ms. I played there for years, learning to cope with the high latency.

    Now they move the "west coast" server to east coast, I get 295-310 ms.


    It really feels like BW just doesn't want me to play this game. :(

  10. There's this novel written in the 1950's titled "On the beach". WW3 has led to the use of nuclear weapons which wipe out all life in the northern hemisphere. High levels of radiation remain in the atmosphere and slowly drift south. Those that can, evacuate to the city of Melbourne (Australia's southern most city on the mainland). Life goes on in Melbourne as it always had, yet the people know their coming fate, eventually the nuclear fallout will make it's way that far south and completely wipe out mankind.

    The Harbinger server is Melbourne.


    Damn man, that's deep. I can relate even more since I've hopped servers 3 times so far, coming from the oceanic servers.

  11. Only if you are higher than lvl 20. Valor tops out at the lvl you are. It can not go higher than your lvl until you get to 65 and then you start working on getting it to 100 Valor.


    The cap is actually at 50, they haven't changed it since Vanilla. Once you're 50, your Valor is no longer capped.

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