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Posts posted by Greywatch

  1. All of my worst experiences in Roleplay have come from confrontational people who don't comprehend the difference between IC and OOC. And who get offended easily by IC situations that don't necessarily work out for their character. Or by 'Evil' characters actually being evil.


    Yes, as a roleplayer you have rights over your character's life and over what is comfortable for you as a person, and these are far more important than any character consistency. However if you want to confront someone about this and work out a compromise, you do so privately in a mature and understanding fashion - on both sides. People get their egos far too hurt and are pointlessly confrontational. There's no reason for it and all it does is create drama, which is the most souring part of Roleplay.

  2. Honestly it's not the level that bothers me, it's the implied lack of experience.


    Level should have absolutely no bearing on character power. However it is a signal showing how long that character has existed. A Darth should have influence, he should have Lords on his side, he should have apprentices, he should have reach. A level 18 character made 20 hours ago who has barely graced the surface of the RP community claiming to be a Darth feels off to me not because he's level eighteen, per se, but because his character doesn't have non-NPC influence with anybody.


    That's not to say that a good, experienced roleplayer couldn't pull it off, but I'm unlikely to assume that the level 18 with emo hair named 'Darth Doomravagedeathslice' is the messiah of rational character development.

  3. I've had this discussion several times before, and my own, personal conclusion is yes. HOWEVER.


    Power does not equal victory, you don't have to be smart to know this. And as such, force-users, in my mind, can be defeated by a combination of three things.


    1. Skill! This is perhaps the most obvious. Cunning, guile, quick-thinking, tatical knowledge, knowledge of weaknesses, use of the environment, ecetera.
    2. PROPER PREPARATION. More on this later.
    3. Knowledge of force-user techniques, saber forms, ect.


    Let's work in a methodical order here.


    Skill is perhaps the most obvious of the two. Power can obviously be bested by guile and cunning up to a certain point. Whilst a non-sensitive is not going to win with the clever use of a blaster pistol alone, quick-witted exploitation of weaknesses can easily acheive victory. These include thing such as:

    -Structural weaknesses, bringing a pile of boulders down on a sensitives head.

    -Exploitation of emotional weaknesses, I:E: Hurting a sensitive's loved one to make them reckless or lead them into a trap.

    -Intelligent use of equipment.


    The list goes on. Essentially, Guile > Power up to a certain point, before power slowly begins to kick into place and remove the effect of such guile, skill or tatical capability.


    PROPER PREPARATION: This is the MOST IMPORTANT ONE so I hope you're paying attention.


    "If I see another idiot coming at a Jedi with a blaster pistol, I'll kill them myself." HK-47


    Watch this video, if you're playing a non-sensitive there is a TON of knowledge here to help level the playing field. (WARNING, CONTAINS MINOR SPOILERS FROM KOTOR 2, I:E COMPANION CONVERSATIONS.)


    Essentially, standard fare such as blaster pistols will not bloody work against a sensitive. No. Your smuggler can not just shoot at a Sith/Jedi, especially one using Soresu or Shien, and expect to come out on top. No. Your mandalorian can not tackle a Sith/Jedi to the ground, no matter how beefy or ripped they are or how much time they've devoted to f**ping to Mandolore, and expect to keep them there for more than a few seconds. No. Your trooper can not charge at a Sith with a knife (perhaps unless it's a cortosis blade) and expect to get close enough to gut them.


    However: Non-standard fare such as: Mines, explosives, Cotorsis blades (made of metal that can short out a lightsaber), metallic slug rounds and bullets, rockets, ambushes, correct armor types, Cortosis guards, sticky explosives, research, and sheer force of numbers when used intelligently and in the hands of a skilled and experienced combatant easily level the playing field between sensitive and non-sensitive, with the ONLY exception of the extreme ends of the spectrum. (We're talking Dark-Council/Luke Skywalker strength here.)


    Furthermore, these techniques and how to use them will be far more popularised than other points in canon due to the sheer numbers of Sith/Jedi about and, as a result, sheer numbers of people wanting them dead.


    As a Sith player I will certainly concede to intelligent uses of these mechanics and weaknesses to level the playing field between myself and a sensitive. Anyone who uses at least two or three of these devices and whom are skilled will be able to go toe-to-toe with my Sith for as long as those resources last. But if you come at me with a blaster pistol, or try to flat-out charge at me and punch me in the face, nnnnno. Sorry, no dice. Sith/Jedi can and will overpower you, so it's up to you to be intelligent about it.


    And finally, knowledge of Sith and Jedi techniques and how to combat them. This includes lightsaber forms. I'm going to list off a few short examples;


    - FOR EXAMPLE: The Djem So form of lightsaber combat is not paticularly mobile. Because of this, they will be much more vunerable to heavy, projectile explosives such as rockets that are too heavy to deflect with a force push without exploding. They will not be able to move out of the way easily.

    - Force precognition can be spoilt by someone properly trained to broadcast emotions or intentions subconsciously. However this is an exceedingly rare skill, albeit once that does exist in canon.

    - Posion tends to not work on force-sensitives due to their ability to cleanse toxins with the force. However, there are several toxins so deadly (and rare) as a result that they can even counteract this defense mechanism. Make sure your character is using them.


    And so on, so forth.


    So, to recap: Skill, Proper preparation, and Knowledge. Do your research and you'll be the darned best Sith/Jedi hunter around.

  4. Because you're infiltrating OR bettering the Sith Order from the inside. If you're seen to be merciful as a Sith, you'll die as others will think of you as weak. Now this doesn't apply too much to a Lightside Sith because at that time, the Sith Warrior is THE most powerful Sith in the galaxy, compared only with the Sith Inquisitor, but Jaesa? She's a defector. She -needs- to plaster on the evil in public to keep both of you safe.


    Either that or it's a bug.

  5. Easy! This is a game and not a job... I work most of the day and have only a couple of hours to play, sometimes none at all... so i don't want to get out from one job to get into another...


    I have a full-time job and work most of the day, but I can't work out - however, I want muscles. God should make muscles easier to obtain because I don't want to get out from one job to another.

  6. That's true.


    It IS a step in the right direction, and that direction should have been stepped in before we paid for the game.


    I'm going to stick with it for now, because I love Star Wars and see the potential, but man...sometimes I feel like the launch was a bit mishandled.


    So many good opportunities not utilized.

    So many patches to make the game "normal".


    - DH


    Frankly, this happens with a lot of launches. It's annoying, but eh.


    Bioware seems to be shaping things up relatively quickly.


    So the amount of time spent on making the patch is irrelevant? BW does a huge patch in 2 months; Blizzard does in 6 months. I think it tells something about the pace that the BW team is working on.


    Oh what would happen if it took 6 months for BW to make a patch for swtor... The amount of grief...


    Don't mean to burst your bubble, but I'm willing to bet that Bioware has been working on this patch far before launch. Concept art, VA (Hell, I've heard they have VA stockpiled for years to come), level design, ect - so that they could use the first couple of months in launch to finish it off and get it sorted so that their customers get a large patch a few months after launch.


    Do I think that's bad? No. I actually quite like it, it's a smart strategy that's good for the consumer.

  7. They sort of talk about that with the Legacy system. Their example was getting a SI to level 50 and making a Bounty Hunter where you select the ability to be able to use Force Lightning (but it would be limited by your Heroic Moment ability.)




    I'm all for legacy system granting skills for alts, but they have to be force-neutral, as in - no. No bounty hunters flinging force lightning about. They'd be force-sensitive and flung off to korriban in an instant.

  8. Vette. Fun, a breath of fresh air of sillyness as a SW when faced with the constant brooding of Darths. I think I like her just because her character just juxtaposes everything on the Empire side.


    Plus when she talks about being a slave it makes me really sympathetic for her.



  9. Level 46 here, juggernaut. I've been soloing all of the class quests with Vette.


    They're really not that hard. Are you using your cooldowns intelligently?


    For me it's:


    Charge: > Invincible - wait until runs out, > Saber ward, wait until it runs out, > Endure pain + Trinket, wait until it runs out. Then: Force choke - wait until it stops stunning, force push, saber throw+charge and then backhand.


    That buys me about 2+ minutes of time without any damage really coming in, and then I have medipacks.


    What class are you playing?

  10. Not sure if it's mentioned in this thread (and it probably should be if it isn't) but the follow up to Baras' scream of rage


    SW: I feel your anger master




    And let's not forget Vette: "Ookay. I'm officially scared."


    To follow that up:


    Vette: Hey, captain oblivious. Boo!

  11. Your answer for people who don't want to raid is to raid?


    It's like you're on a level in Batman: Arkham Asylum, and are complaining:


    "I don't /want/ to beat the snot out of this bad guy to complete the game."


    Raiding is a part of progression: And besides. If you're not raiding what on earth do you need legendary gear for, anyway?

  12. Plain and simple i think bioware did some favoring for the sith,


    Do you guys think developers ideas like this are causing FACTION IMBALACNCE??????????????????????????????? what you think??


    This needs more questionmarks.


    Lemme help you.


    IMBALACNCE?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


    On a side note, prettymuch all of the stylistic animations for the sage I think are pretty damn cool, it's just the pebble-flinging of project that needs to be changed.

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