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Posts posted by Meanerr

  1. SWTOR being my first mmo, this game was great when I first got it.

    Paid $60 off the shelf, installed it, and said this game is pretty good for $60. After one month, sub fee kicked it, ok $75 now, not bad, worth $75.


    $90. Haven't done everything, keep paying/playing.



    $135. Hmm.




    Ok, as is, this game is not worth paying $180+ to play anymore (comparatively speaking to all the other video game options out there). Personal option of course. Will be back when game hits f2p to see what things are like. Til then!

  2. Those who pvp will pvp and those that don't won't.


    Why artificially force people to pvp when they don't want to, as if they will try hard.


    Takes me a week to get my PvE dailies done. I should not be forced to do it either.

  3. that be like oh well let me run black talon for rep till this wz ends. will not stop or make the quitter leaving any less.


    I don't have issue with those who bail and do something else. It's those who keep queuing and bailing over and over that's annoying.

  4. Instead of fraps, can you record it on Twitch and let us watch the replay of your first night with Recruit on?


    And plez, no four-man premades in unranked vs pugs, cuz that is just lololololololol.

  5. I've read all the PVP tactics posts I could and have been slowly getting better.....but I have a question for those who know.....most of the conventional wisdom says if you're a Sith/Jedi don't rush into the fray cause you'll get killed quickly because people focus on the lightsabers and all; however, I see several Sith/Jedi jump into the fray (mainly at OBJs like the center console on Alderaan) and do damage. Is there a certain level where you know you can f*** people up and you just go do it? Or should you always cull the weak from the strong first?


    No need to leap into the fray other than to stop a near cap or grab the Huttball.

  6. I'm not gonna lie, I'd like at least a legacy unlock to up the caps on commendations as a character perk. Or if people getting full War Hero is really a concern just raise the cap on unranked comms. 2k is ridiculously low.


    At least raise the cap enough so that lowbies can buy a full set of BM if they pvp enough in the 10-49 bracket. What is that, around 12k regular warzone comms?


    I think we can all agree, unless you are 12 years old, that WH punting on Recruit is lame.

  7. we actually lost Voidstar and CW later on against a team with 2 tanks...


    This was going to be my first question after watching that video.


    Huttball is such a different beast and having an AC that can vertically leap is so advantageous on that map.


    Try having only pure melee dps try to take/hold a node, LOL.

  8. If you pug, you always need to be checking the health of your teammates on your map. In addition, when I pug, I also set focus on a teammate that is lone defending a node (just in case).


    If you are a really good pugger, you would call out help to a node even if you are not the one defending that node if you see that their health bar is going down.


    I have even left a cap on multiple occasions, even if I'm the first one capping, to go defend another node and let my teammates cap it instead. Capping a node means nothing if you are just going to lose the other node (and the wz objective).

  9. Thank you and it is about time.


    Some of the topics and posts in these "community" forums was really just about disrupting the community and really led to zero discussion.


    If people really want to vent, please create a subforum under General where you can just move all their posts to.

  10. just when you thought you'd seen enough baddies in your teams...

    just when you thought you had your fill of jerks in Ops chat insulting people left and right while sitting on a node all game...


    now, we get to add F2Pers into the mix. Hooray:rolleyes:


    And how is this different currently...


    /ignore is your friend, abuse it

  11. I like the concept of Expertise.


    I also like the the suggestion above to make Expertise not tied to gear.


    I think a good idea would be to tie Expertise to one's Valor level, maybe 10 Expertise points per Valor level (1000 Expertise at Valor 100).


    Those who PvP more often will have more Expertise and the matchmaking system can balance team matchmaking around the team's total Valor level.


    Just a thought.

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