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Posts posted by sfreemanoh

  1. You are running with a full guild group. take 3/4 of your guild group and chain queue till you get the other person, problem solved.

    Yeah...no. It works half the time, and then half the time it doesn't. It's called being "bugged". Keep playing SWTOR, I'm sure you'll see many others.


    EDIT. You would rather be doing the same FP's to death than new ones? weird weird person.

    No, but i would prefer less bugged as crap instances. I literally have not ran an ops in the last 3-4 weeks that has not been bugged in one way or another. And I think in all but two fp's at least one group member (frequently all of them) had to submit a bug report to get their BH comms. Yes, the support crew reimburses us, and that's fantastic...3 days later, because I'm sure they're super busy and short of employees.

  2. I agree 1000%. First, slicers were the only profession that could get augment schematics. Now, while that's still true, they're ALSO the only profession that can provide the mats needed to MAKE augments, even though several professions can craft them.


    Bioware, how about spreading the love? Having only a single profession that is in demand for several professions (bringing the required crew skills for armormech ,armstech, and cybertech, at least, to 3) is a little unbalanced. Especially while, as the OP basically stated, there are other skills that are SORELY lacking in demand. Plus, other than the PVP armor boxes, crystal schematics are the only schematics (at least that I'm aware of) that require you to farm dailies and/or PVP to be able to purchase.

  3. It Is down to expectations, what is an acceptable time to wait for a WZ pop for example. Personally I'd be miffed at much over 5 mins , because I have an expectation of how long it should take to get a random group of 16 people together in an MMorpg, especially if I only have an hour or so to play.

    I was waiting about 30 minutes for my first WZ yesterday, and about 45 minutes for the second. That is horrible. No excuses, that's just bad.

  4. I have three 50s now, 2 of them very well geared in pve and pvp. I am leveling another toon. But, this is not the answer to the problem. This is me, the customer, trying to solve the problem of keeping myself busy doing something I hate which is constant leveling in the same areas, just to try to stay interested until the devs fix the problem. It's up to the business to fix the problem if they want to keep customers; not the customers job in order to have the privilage of paying the company to use their product.


    I agree 150%. Practically being forced to level new toons on different, more active servers just so you have a reason to log into the game is ridiculous.

  5. Well, then it's a good thing server transfers and a LFG tool is on the way then, right? It looks like Bioware is listening.

    They're coming "this summer", or "soon". That's 6 months too late for some people. Server transfers aren't a horribly complicated feature to implement, and they should have been available very quickly after launch. LFG is obviously more complicated to implement, but that should have been in 1.0 or 1.1. It's like they're expecting people to love the story lines and (lacking) end-game content so much that they can ignore the rest of the game features for now.

  6. The quests does not reset, you can take as much time as you like to complete it. All it prevents you it to get the quest again until you completed it or abandoned it. The new structure of that daily is better than it was before, since if you win 3 games you are also finished (a victorious game counts as 2 games played).

    I logged in yesterday and the count was back down to 0/6, after being at either 3/6 or 4/6 the day before. So if it didn't reset on purpose, it reset because of another bug.

  7. All totally valid complaints. The companion door thing is a little nitpicky but whatever.

    How is that nitpicky? They can't walk through a door. It's not like I'm saying i'm annoyed that a companion customization is the wrong hair color for my taste or something, I'm saying they can't walk through a stupid door. It's a door. You walk through them. It's what they're for. Are the companions scared of doorways? And if so, do we want them as companions?

  8. /begin_rant

    First of all...I don't have a weak system. Windows 7 64bit, Core i7 2720, 8GB RAM, GeForce 555 with 3GB VRAM, 160GB SSD (limited to SATA II speeds). And I consistently see load times around a full minute. How the hell does that make sense?


    Next, bugs galore! Doorways that your companions won't walk through?! What the hell! And if you happen to not notice, and command your companion to attack, even though he/she/it won't go through the door, you can get stuck in combat. Oh, that's brilliant.


    The audio problem that's been in-game for weeks now? Yep, still just as annoying, and now it's affecting Ops as well!


    The lack of any kind of LFG tool is ridiculous. Yes, you CAN sit around Carrick Station (or the Imp equivalent) spamming /general chat for a group for this or that. But then you also can't do anything else (including the daily mission planets like Belsavis or Corellia), for fear of missing out on that Flashpoint you've been trying to run for weeks, or that Op so you can finish the weekly.


    And now PvP...I've been online and queued for approximately 2 hours, and the queue has popped twice, and I've been queued all but the first few minutes of that. Since the daily now requires 6 games played (which resets nightly if you didn't finish it and turn it in), and I'm currently sitting at 3/6 (one of the games my team won), I'm looking at maybe another 1-2 hours. To do a daily. What the hell are you THINKING, Bioware?! How the hell does that make sense? Since I can't always play up to 6 WZ's every day, other than maybe on the weekends, this daily is impossible more than half of the week. For a freaking daily quest to require, on some servers, a several hour commitment, is ridiculous, and horrible design.


    I've been playing Bioware games almost since the very beginning, with BG1, and I've played the majority of your games since. This is the first one I wouldn't recommend to anyone, at least not in the current state. I KNOW you guys can put out awesome games, I've seen and played them before. Hell, the Mass Effect and Baldur's Gate series are some of my favorite games of all time. Get your stuff together, and get this game ironed out, or it'll be just another failed MMO.


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