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Posts posted by RagnarokTime

  1. My characters are as follows

    Sniper named Siege I play all 3 specs

    Juggernaunt with full Tank/Smash set's named Copeater

    Operative & Scoundrel, Operative is Toxic-Avenger Scoundrel named Zound I play all 3 specs on both

    I am looking for a active PvP Guild because the Guild I am in at the moment is not very active. I have 1 Battlemaster and 2 Warlords and a Conqueror. Message me if your interested thanks for your time - Siege

  2. Hello I just recently moved here from Jedi Covenant and I am looking for a active PvP guild. I have five level fifty five characters lowest Valor being sixty five and the highest being ninety. I consider myself a pretty solid all around players numbers, strategy, objectively and in my ability to communicate in game. I would love to get in on some ranked warzones but it is not a requirement. Most of all I am just looking for a active guild with a solid player base who have members to q with at all hours of the night and day. I myself tend to be a mostly night gamer as I work graveyard shifts. Well Thanks for your time any and all feedback is appreciated.
  3. Xanxas stopped updating a while back. If somebody wants to take up the responsibility since people think all these records aren't legit, you're welcome to it. Please continue posting about how this thread shouldn't be updated anymore, when it hasn't been updated in almost two weeks.


    Why do you have to be a dick about it?

  4. I think the whole thing needs to be scrapped and re done starting now. Because of the Augment exploit at the start of 2.0 Some of the records would not be here if it wasn't for that. So basically you have all these unattainable numbers representing the highest numbers. IMO
  5. So we have decided to make start at 10:00 AM EST until its over. There is going to be a full War Hero minimum requirement(This is only to keep it fair and balanced if you have a better idea please let me know). This is to be a fun drama free experience for everyone so if you show up and start attempting to "Bring da Rukus" you will be asked to leave. Capríca has stated that he will be helping me get this started and such, so message me or him with any questions comments or concerns you may have regarding this. LETS BRING RATED BACK!!!!!


  6. Yeah so I would like to get some good pug Rankeds going again. Sundays at around 8-10 am depending on the sorta response this gets. Everyone is welcome if you would like to help and or spread the world feel free. Also if Imperial side would like to join in maybe get someone to take over there and get some teams going we can make it huge and last several hours all up to you guys the community. Cheers -Zound
  7. Well i was in this game so were alot of QQ guys Justkitten and silverlance we can all vouge for the fact that it was a *** whooping no set up here. we had a all nigte rivalry with QQ friendly of course but no it was one of those inspiration and warzone buff moments i assume with the perfect crit. Long story short nothing was set up and if need be i can get every person in the game to speak up about this.
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