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Posts posted by Kardiak

  1. My time with Pax started during the beta of SWG. I was lucky enough that they were my first 'guild' in an MMO, and I've since played with these fine folks in many other games. It's great to have a group of friends to play many games with, and friends we are. My wife and I have had Paxians over to stay with us, and we're not alone. There's been gatherings and parties in real life, both at homes and conventions. The Star Wars Celebration in Orlando, for instance, had a great Pax turnout.


    The point is, we look for great people behind the screen, folks we can build lasting friendships with that will carry through to whatever virtual world we choose to play. The two-week recruitment can seem daunting, but it's so you have time to really get to know us as well. Give it a try, you may find a group of friends who like to game just like you do. :)

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