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Posts posted by Arionfax

  1. Speaking as someone who has enjoyed PvP since launch this is going to kill it. Make fun of the noobs all you want,, but without fresh players pvp will die. I can't 1v1 on my lower lvl toons vs these 55-59's. And if I can't you can bet that the new pvpers are getting beaten up bad. May sound funny, but wait til you spend 30 minutes for a WZ because no one else will play. Bioware, get your act together or you're also going to lose people who want a pvp experience that at least is moderately fair.
  2. The problem with PVP is premades being matched against PUG's. It is really starting to ruin PVP IMO. If they don't fix it soon, a lot of people will leave. PVPers are paying customers Bioware. Wake up!!!
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