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Posts posted by Cerilynn

  1. ...Remind me to slap the parent that calls their child "Spunk 5000"

    What about the parents, with the last name of Wolfe, that called their children Grey and Timber?

    Or the parents, with the last name of Thyme, that called their son Justin?

    Or Frank Zappa who named his children Moon Unit, Dweezil, and Diva Muffin?


    There are lots of parents in real life who give their children names that many online RPers would complain about if they saw them in game.


    ~ Cerilynn

  2. My biggest fear is that I will never learn how to heal or tank properly for groups.


    This is a problem for me because it puts me into a catch 22. I don't want to mess up in the group, especially if it's a group of strangers, but as long as I don't group because of this fear, I'll never learn how to do the jobs well enough that I'm comfortable enough to help in groups.


    ~ Cerilynn

  3. This might sound odd, but was his response in text or voice?


    I know I will say something along those lines as a complement. It doesn't sound like one in text, but it actually is. Imagine the person with a thoughtful look on their face and nodding while saying it with a positive tone in their voice.


    Sometimes it means that the person wasn't expecting it to look good and was pleasantly surprised that it turned out better than they expected. (Personally, I'm often surprised when any MMO outfit looks really good. They usually have some quirk that makes me wonder what the artist was thinking. For example, the slave outfits, why are there TWO waistbands? For that matter, why is the loincloth part attached to the top? ... sorry, I'm getting off topic here.)


    It also can be the person's culture.


    If it annoyed you enough that you felt it necessary to post here, did you bother asking your friend for clarification?


    If not, you might want to think about your own actions before calling out others as passive aggressive.


    Also note that passive aggressive techniques sometimes aren't intended, but instead tend to feel to the person doing it as a more polite way of dealing with an issue. I know that I do it. I usually don't mean to, but I do.


    Edit: - Sorry, I missed the bit about oneupmanship.


    That also can be an innocent/unaware thing.


    Sometimes it's a challenge, if I do better than you here, will that drive you to do better than me there? Who's going to be the first under the table from the beer?


    Sometimes it's a self confidence thing, or rather lack thereof. I don't feel good about myself, so when you are going to show me how good you are, I need to point out how I'm better so I can feel good about myself. This one is especially true among teens.


    So... in the end, there can be many reasons for both passive aggressive behavior and for oneupmanship. If you don't ask your friend, you may never learn why.


    ~ Cerilynn

  4. Considering that the local US Air Force base has their Fighter Jets scream overhead quite a bit, I don't see anything wrong with the description. (And, yes, that is SCREAM, not SCRAM - Scream refers to the sound, scram refers to the speed at which they are sent out.)


    ~ Cerilynn

  5. Well I'm finally all moved. Not particularly happy about it. I was on two servers. One was my (kind of) serious named Legacy - Jynxed, with all my characters being named after historical or mythological cursed people. The other was my far more light hearted Legacy. The server that the light hearted legacy was on was opened up for transfers first, and so I moved, establishing that Legacy on Ebon. Then came the news that my other server was to transfer to the same.


    Welp, so much for the Jynxed Legacy. Almost feels appropriate.


    Anyways, if you see any tall drinks of ...wait, that's not WATER, around, it might be me.


    ~ Cerilynn


    P.S. I'm not posting my Legacy or any of my character names, because there are some who might get offended. However, I do regularly check the Funny Guild and Character Names thread in case someone decides to call me out.

  6. You have to take into account that this is a company currently paying to keep running more servers than they need to, servers that told 1000+ players with 20 people max on them. What else are they supposed to do?


    What they could do is listen to the customers and give a little bit more leeway in the transfers. For example, create groupings of origin and destination servers to allow people to have multiple choices of where they can move their characters to, for example, remove the time zone qualifications, and just open up all PVE origin servers to transfer to any PVE destination server, or replace "PVE" with any other server category.


    This would allow people with more than 8 characters on the current origin server group + the destination server they are attached to, to be able to keep all their characters by spreading them across multiple destinations.


    This would also allow people who are attached to their character names to try different servers in an attempt of finding a destination server that would allow them to keep the names they have.


    Along the same lines as the character names, this would also allow people to not be forced to combine legacies.


    Working with the customer, and respecting the customer's wishes as best as possible, is "What else are they supposed to do."


    Heck, I'm willing to pay, and was willing to forgo the special treats that they're offering to get us to transfer so that I could pay to transfer to the server of my choice, so I didn't have to combine legacies, so that my hubby didn't loose characters. (He's one of those with more than 8 total on the origin + destination servers.)


    And now? Well, I don't know if I'm going to keep playing. I'll admit, I probably will, as long as he does, but I'm going to have to do some convoluted creation and transfers to work out my character names and such, since about half my characters are losing one legacy name and acquiring another, one that their current names don't fit. And on top of that, I'm going to be setting up name place holders on the server that I'd RATHER they have been transferred to, so that on the day paid transfers become available, I'll be able to separate the legacies again. ... you know, the same day they add the same sex relationships, and skimpy male clothing, and all those other things we ask for that they promise they're going to add but never do.


    ~ Cerilynn

  7. Why is it that I might not have my own buff on me? Two main reasons.

    - I recently logged in, or recently died, and forgot that I needed to refresh it.

    - I didn't notice that it had faded, as it is not a permanent buff, but does hang around a long time before it needs to be refreshed.


    Gripe follows:


    As for the "all four buffs within one" - you assume too much. Not only am I a fairly recent player, but I rarely put in more than about 10 hours a week, AND am an alt-oholic. I have several characters, and none are above 40. While it is an impressive (to me) accomplishment that you have at least four characters at 50, please try to avoid implying that it is a requirement, and that those who don't are somehow lesser. In another game (and not the one you likely just thought of), I was a fairly hard core raider. I have since lost interest in that kind of stress in my game. I am now so very casual that even casuals tend to call me casual.



    I will try to remember to buff myself, but I'm no longer worried about every little detail, and sometimes they escape me. Oddly enough, I really like helping others, and what reminds me to buff myself is when I go to buff others and then realize that I needed to rebuff myself.

  8. Currently I have two, but if BW has its way and forces my second transfer, to the same place where I already transferred the first legacy, I'll lose the second. :(


    My first one, I already posted here, The Jynxed Legacy, the second, I cannot post without the permission of the person who my alts are often paired with, as the two legacy names go together. However, I keep looking for them to get posted in one of the humor threads.


    ~ Cerilynn

  9. I generally play body type 2, well, because I identify with that body type, even though I'm somewhere between a 2 and a 4. However, this weekend I created a trooper. I had to remake her as a three because her voice did not fit with a 2.


    (Personal opinion 1=teen, 2=average, 3=amazon, and 4= ... um, exotic? Not sure how else to describe her, but this thread isn't about 4, (and no, she's not fat).)


    Now my only issue is that so many of the trooper voice responses come across as stereotypical brainless jarhead. :mad: (With all respect to any and all Marines, please note I did state it was stereotypical.)


    My trooper is beautiful. In my head she is also highly intelligent. She didn't get to where she is just because she's willing to kill and does so with a minimum use of ammo. I just wish that the conversation options reflected this.


    This is my trooper.


    ~ Cerilynn

  10. I do very much like the story lines presented in the game.


    However, recently bouncing between my smuggler and my bounty hunter, I had something come to my attention. This is going to seem odd, but it was both a reminder of something I've seen commented on the forums and something I'd like to see changed. I hope you'all don't mind my rambling, but hopefully the points will come together in the end.


    I have often seen on the forums people complaining about how, while there seems at first to be a mirror between the Imperial and the Republic, there really isn't. Usually the comments are that the Imperial side is so much better - gear, special effects, that sort of thing.


    With the Light side vs Dark side AND Imperial vs Republic resulting in four possible alignments, that previously noted 'something' jumped out and jarred me.


    I wish the game was not presented as good vs evil. It doesn't have to be. Good vs Evil would be Light side vs Dark side. It shouldn't have to be Imperial = evil and Republic = good. In the Republic side, there are a number of quests where you help poor orphans and families torn apart and other general help this sad story turn happy. But I have yet to encounter any corresponding stories on the Imperial side. Instead, I usually find stories that even the good choices are hurtful.


    The Republic side does have occasional stories that show that some Republic members are occasionally blinded by duty and revenge, and rarely the truly evil person.


    In theory, this is what the Imperial side should be as well. The common person in the empire, civilian and low to mid ranking members alike, should be focused on things that are good.


    Both sides should have issues that when seen from differing view points should paint the viewing point as good and the opposing point as evil.


    But I don't see these in the Imperial side.


    As a person who is generally good at heart, I don't like playing the Imperial side at all because of this.


    If new storylines are added to this beautiful game, would it be possible to add some that present the Imperial side in a positive light? With how dark, hurtful, and unscrupulous the Empire has been presented, it is amazing that the general populous, (npcs, not players), hasn't just tried to move to Republic planets for better lives for their families, increasing the strength of the Republic just through sheer numbers.


    I hope this rambling post made sense. It does in my head, I'm just not sure if I put it into words right, and I also worry that I might try to say the same thing too many times, (teacher instinct), to try and get it across.


    ~ Cerilynn

  11. Hi.


    I've been following this thread for a while, but only now, (probably due to the influence of flu medications), have built up the determination to respond. This is not a response to wherever the thread has managed to travel to, but more to the original post, and I apologize for the length, but knowing how long it would be was one of the reasons I kept putting off responding.


    I am a married older mother, but, (for those who want to indulge my vanity and view the RL picture thread), I think I still qualify as a "hot gamer chix," and that has been repetitively stressed to me by friends and acquaintances other than my husband as well, so not just me and hubby bias.

    I am a mix of stereotypicical male and female characteristics.

    (M) I am an engineering technician - I do CAD drafting.

    (M) I am mechanically inclined.

    (F) I am art inclined

    (M) I do math, love science,

    (F) I do drawing, painting, sewing, and crafting.

    (M) I hate shopping, especially clothes shopping, because as a costumer, I know exactly what I want, and as a nerd, it is never in fashion, so it cannot be found.

    (M) I do not multi-task well. I cannot do many things at once. Instead I HAVE to do them one at a time, or they will just get mixed up.

    (F) I am very protective of those I deem under my care. [Edit: This one might be genderless]

    (M) I tend to get tunnel vision when in urgent situations, and have a hard time seeing things outside of my center of both literal and figurative focus.

    (M) I am very detail oriented at home and at work.


    And I game. MMOs. EQ1, COH, WoW (OK, had to list that one as a technicality, was only there for a week. Gaaah), SWG, EQ2, LotRO, and now SWTOR.


    When I game?

    - I like to relax.

    - I don't PVP - Long story short - I'm very sensitive to bullying. I don't like receiving it, I don't like OTHERS receiving it. Many PVP activities come across as bullying to me. Therefore, I just. don't. do. it.

    - When in combat, the tunnel vision is a killer for me. Always being on the watch for enemies disrupts my focus and reduces my ability to get other jobs done. This is usually not an issue, especially since I don't PVP (see above), however, (see below on in game organization), large number of abilities available, and complicated ability setups also tend to mess me up with this.

    - I do well as a tank because of my protective nature. I hate mobs attacking MY healer.

    - I don't do well as a tank because tanks tend to be the leader of the group, and with my tunnel vision, I tend to not learn the zone as easily. I'm so focused on the battle, I don't pick up/remember the details. I'm willing to tank if you are willing to be patient, either having someone else tell me what to do/where to do, (NO hand baskets allowed), or wait while I constantly check a walk through. In this game? The only people I have found who are willing to do this are those who knew me from RL or other games.

    - I heal VERY well. However I currently don't heal in SWTOR because I'm still not used to how healing here works, and I refuse to take on the job of a healer, especially for strangers, until I know that I can keep them alive.

    - I'm fairly good at DPS.

    - I SUCK at min/max. PERIOD. I have to do mass organization at work and at home. When I game, I just want to have fun. Having to organize my gear, my skills, my gear modifications, my hotbars,... this is not fun. I am Minsc - "You point. I punch." (or heal, or whatever).

    - I have learned that it is hard to ask for help. Usually I'll get either "You suck" or "Here's the info, figure it out yourself" If I wanted to figure it out myself, I wouldn't be asking for help.


    So, I'm a female gamer. But you know what? Very little of my attempt to describe me was described in the original post.



    TL : DR version:

    In the end, Male, Female, we're all different. We're a mix. I'm not trying to be snarky, but please, if you're going to try to describe a group of people, please acknowledge that your description might not apply to all those in the group. :)

  12. Level 35 gunslinger and I just reached Balmorra.


    Before Balmorra I could take on golds, or, more specifically, one gold at a time. My companion would usually die, but in the end, I would win the fight.


    Not here.


    I'm a casual gamer. I've been playing since early Feb, and this is my highest level character.


    I'll admit that skill trees, (in every game), frustrate me.


    I tend to be a tunnel vision player, and not a multi-tasker. Searching for things/buttons during a fight doesn't work for me, so I tend to keep my fight routine simple, (and I'm old enough that memorization of where those things/buttons are doesn't come as easily anymore). I know this affects how well I fight, but I also know there are some passive things I can do to increase my survivability.


    Thus, what I'm asking for is:


    Advice for setting up my skill tree. (I mostly solo.)

    Advice for gear - what should I be wearing, and where/how do I get it?


    Thank you.


    ~ Cerilynn

  13. While reading this thread, I just had an odd thought ...


    Would the Mandalorians be considered a Guild or a Legacy?


    With that in mind, Legacies could be interpreted as something similar, rather than forcing us to conform to using them as a family tree.


    ~ Cerilynn

  14. Trivia and lore aren't the same thing.




    Yes, those were original ideas, they never were lore however. They never made the transition from an idea to lore.




    <snipped to reduce space>


    Actually, most of those DID make it into the original movie. They were all unmentioned things that were able to be relatively smoothly retconned into something else because they weren't spelled out specifically in the first movie. Oh, and the title of the movie does matter, as it was the first sign in the movie, (not counting the trailers), when it was rereleased that changes WERE made.


    There may be Star Wars trivia that does not concern lore (such as where particular scenes were filmed), but all Star Wars Lore is trivia.


    Knowing the changes that the official releases showed, and by going through, can be tracked, to say that the lore, the history, the official events of Star Wars is immutable, is outright false. George does try to bluff it off by pointing out that only the most recent release is the real story, but the older stories were released, and therefore the information in them, (or lack thereof), must be acknowledged.



    In addition, it has been pointed out that there are events that take place in the Star Wars timeline, but no one really knows when. Some of those events happen around the time of TOR, but the actual timing has not been confirmed by any official, and as a result some people choose to RP the event happening before TOR and others after, and no one can prove either wrong or right at this time.


    If you do not allow for flexibility, you do not allow for creativity, and that changes those who RP here from actors to reinactors.


    I RP here. I make up everything about my character as I go along, I do not, and never will reinact a part, as that is boring.


    ~ Cerilynn


    (And I did note the pun I put in here, did you? Or are you too caught up in your self righteousness and OCD lore obsession to see the humor of the situation?)

  15. No. Star Wars canon is not a flexible thing. There is a reason why Lucas Arts has one guy, Leland Chee, who's entire purpose in life, where he draws a six figure salary, is to keep canon coherent and stop any canon conflicts.


    Star Wars canon is supposed to be taken seriously.


    Not flexible, huh? I thought you were the one who knew all the trivia?


    Like how Darth Vader originally was a first and last name, that Darth was NOT a title.

    Like how Darth Vader was NOT Luke's father.

    Like how in the notes of the script Darth literally was to have killed Luke's father, (see previous).

    Like how Luke and Leia were NOT siblings.

    Like how Star Wars wasn't "A New Hope" when it was originally released into the theaters.


    Nope, not flexible at all.


    ~ Cerilynn

  16. I meant the whole group, not just the handful that joined their friends. It just doesn't make sense to me why you would join an RP server with no intentions of RPing. I just can't think of a reason why that would make sense.


    In accordance with your analogy, I see it as you wearing your favourite football team's jersey to my Stanley Cup party. Even if you don't say anything or disrupt the party, why are you there? I feel you'd be more suited elsewhere.


    Forgive me if I have misunderstood your post, but I'm going to write what I am picking up.


    You, (and, I'm guessing, any who start these types of threads), are elitist. A bit blunt, but that is how it is coming across.


    Your analogy - "you wearing your favourite football team's jersey to my Stanley Cup party" - I read that as: someone who is interested in sports, and happens to have a football jersey, but not a hockey one, has the opportunity to be at a hockey party. Wanting to show that they are attempting to fit in, but not having the right gear/experience/whatever, they select what they have that is closest to the genre to take with them/wear. Rather than being accepted as someone who is dabbling and needs a hand reached out to them to draw them in, where they can learn more and develop more accurate knowledge/gear/etc for the genre, you, (the elitist), instead choose to shun them, because they don't fit in perfectly the first time.


    This hits home with me... really hard.


    First, a comparative analogy that really happened to me - I used to be part of a group called the SCA. They're a group that does medieval recreation (reliving) as recreation (fun). I am a costumer. I create outfits based on LOOKS. I got chewed out and snubbed because the material I used was modern. I used polyester rather than cotton, etc. (I did that on purpose - ever try to iron while camping?) Now, not everyone did this. Those I hung out with, (and still do, despite no longer belonging), are people who appreciated that I had made the effort to at least look right, and that I was there for fun, not for historical reenacting. Others, saw my effort as a desire to go further, and reached out their hands to offer help with knowledge, skills, and supplies to help me reach the quality that was required by that first group was subbing me for not reaching.


    While I appreciate the last group, it was the middle group I was looking to join up with. Why? Because I'm here to have fun. I'm not here to take on a second job learning how to do a whole new career to perfection, and I don't appreciate being snubbed for it.


    See, I'm a casual RPer. I'm shy, and have a hard time getting started. While I'm unlikely to create the character Fluffybunny, I do use non-StarWarsy names because it helps me identify with my characters. I know where the name comes from, and it becomes a guide for me. Most names I've encountered that have been given as Star Wars acceptable names, names that seem to be pushed in threads like these, are meaningless syllables to me. They do not help me get over my shyness and difficulty starting role play. (I'll admit, it doesn't help that most every session I've had strangers bring me into have all ended up going down the flirtation path, which usually makes me very uncomfortable.)


    On top of that, this whole "Legacy" thing frustrates my lack of imagination even more, as I now have to come up with names that fit the Legacy as well as help me relate to my character.


    Go ahead, ignore me with my RL or other genre name references. If you are more worried about what names I choose than who I am, I would rather not game with you, as you are obviously more worried about perfection in this career than having fun in this game.


    But please, let me HAVE my names. I do try to follow the rules for names as established by Bioware, but I also need them as a crutch to help with my low level RP abilities.


    ~ Cerilynn

  17. Another thread on this?


    And http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=26958 isn't even off the first page.


    I'll just cut and paste a portion of my reply to that one here...



    My opinion?


    Report insults. The rest can be overlooked. If that's really the way that person wants to be known, let them be known that way. After all, we have, in real life, people who were given the names of Doctor, Moonunit, Orangejello (Or-awn-ja-lo), and Justin Thyme at birth. Why not have them in game?



    And those names don't include people who have legally changed their names, such as my RL friend Shadowhawk.


    ~ Cerilynn

  18. It's a convention that gives the audience a frame of reference, which actually makes suspension of disbelief easier.


    Thank you for making this statement.


    My character names are borderline for SW Lore. I try not to use names that violate the naming guidelines, but, what I usually do use are existing names from RL that are researchable.


    Why? Because I want a mental impression of how I should play my character, and having a name that already has a reputation helps me with that - a frame of reference.


    For example, on one server, I have the Jinxed legacy, and with the exception of one name, all my characters there are named after people who were jinxed, cursed, or otherwise had really bad things happen to them. These names are from history or mythology. (I really wish I had gotten Cassandra and Pandora, as they are pretty obvious fits, but I think I made a good substitution with Bodicea, but not too many would recognize Euryale, even though I think it's a good match for a twi'lek. :) )


    Strict name rule people would hate my names, but, despite being on an RP server, somehow I haven't come across any of them. I've only had one comment so far, and it was a comment in general chat relating to the Romans, while I was on Bodicea.


    My opinion?


    Report insults. The rest can be overlooked. If that's really the way that person wants to be known, let them be known that way. After all, we have, in real life, people who were given the names of Doctor, Moonunit, Orangejello (Or-awn-ja-lo), and Justin Thyme at birth. Why not have them in game?


    ~ Cerilynn


    Edit: While discussing this with my hubby about comments earlier in thread on using one's nickname as a name, I was reminded of a friend of ours. In real life, she legally changed her name to her nickname, because that was how people knew her. She is now legally Shadowhawk. That's what gets put on her IRS forms, resume, and bank statement. Why is this not acceptable here?

  19. I've a question...


    "31. Do you prefer a guild that takes care to ensure its members are mature?"


    What definition of "mature" is being used here? Is this referring to people who choose to behave in a grown up fashion, (they have matured), or people who choose to behave in an R rated fashion, (for mature audiences only)?


    I find it very frustrating that this word is used to describe the two opposite ends of the spectrum. As it is, when used in this context, I cannot determine which meaning it refers to.


    ~ Cerilynn

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