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Posts posted by Sccorpion

  1. Haven't played my Sage for about a month, but tried it this weekend. I specced into balance and immediatly tried warzones to test 1.2 changes. I was amazingly surprised just by pressing telekenetic throw and mind crush on procs I got top 1 in damage dealt. For the whole warzone i killed plenty of players and not died even once.


    This class is OP. It is ranged and have plenty of instant cast attacks, you can run dotting without being hit. No matter how big dps other classes have, if you proper manage distance they just don't hit you.

    This class is amasing it has 2 slow, 3 ranged stuns and one fast knoskback. If melee focus on you not matter, juggernault, marauder or darkness sin it is easy to kite/stun/slow him for ages until he die. You can dot any ranged class and run away to los starting healing watching him dying.


    You are exactly right. Multiple cc's, great dps and a shield they can pop on every 20 sec. absorbing damage. By primetime on my server everyone jumps on that class. 50% of the pvp premades are sage, and only sage.

  2. Completely false. With talents it is about 3000. Maybe 3500.


    Annihilate, Rail Shot, Smash, Hidden Strike, Ambush, HSM are all abilities that not only take off the shield in one hit, but if they crit will also deal damage to you as well.


    Try again, OP.


    So your saying that all the damage thrown at it (about 3.5k) dam doesnt matter.? And thats all it absorbs before breaking? Thats fine to say I agree with that but what Im saying is the cooldown on force armor starts ticking after the instant cast, NOT when it runs out. so 30 seconds and you can force armor again by the time it wears off. So, rinse and repeat. 3.5 k absortion every 30 seconds. And if your talented its 20 sec cd. deflect 3.5k, 3.5k, 3.5k, 3.5 k. I believe the cooldown for some other classes is 2 min. thats 120 sec cd. OP

  3. The Jedi consular sage. I'm sure that if you pvp on either side of the faction you have come across this class in WZ's and world pvp. This class is used mostly ranged abilities and is has very effective healing abilities. IMO one of the best healers in the game for groups. I can't help notice how often I run into them in warzones, and I would like to point out why.


    SWTOR calls this class the most balanced class in the game. I beg to differ.

    1. One of the best healers in the game.

    2. Has very good DPS.

    3. Countless cc's

    4. Compensates the team very well.


    Stats on Healer- Healing Abilities

    Benevolence has a 1.5 sec cast time healing target and has no cooldown.

    Deliverance has a 3 sec casting time healing target and has no cooldown.

    Note: Cast time reduced to 2.5 seconds base when talented.

    Rejuvenate is instant. Immediately heals a target and additional healing over 9 sec. . 6 second cooldown.

    Note: Hot duration increased to 15 seconds when talented.

    Healing Trance Channeled 3 sec. Immediately heals target and additional healing over 3 seconds. 9 sec cooldown.

    Salvation 2 sec cast. Immediately heals allies within 8 meters of the targeted area, and additional healing over 10 seconds to allies who remain in the area. 15 sec cd.

    Ability/Talent Interaction Effects


    1.When talented, your Rejuvenate goes from a 9 sec Hot to a 15 sec Hot, causes the target to take 10% less damage while active, and when activated causes other healing abilities to be buffed until used:

    1.Benevolence: Force cost reduced by 50% (cheaper fast heal)

    2.Deliverance: Cast time reduced by 1 sec (1.5 sec big heal)

    3.Salvation: Force cost reduced by 30% (cheaper AoE heal)

    4.Healing Trance: critical effect increased by 25% (see below)


    I do not like the healing in this game but I have to live with it and I'm not complaining about it. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the sage healing. But when you add other elements to this ability we have a problem with the balance. I'm not saying nerf nerf but I think some things need to be changed about this class.

    Jedi Sage have very good dps as well. That’s not a problem to me as well. But when you add Great DPS and very good healing abilities one would consider it a viable foe. Add countless cc abilities and we have a monster.


    Force in balance

    Force speed


    Force stun

    Force lift

    Force slow

    Mind snap

    Force will

    Telekinesis Throw


    As you can see the class has multiple cc abilities, and when trying to DPS, its really almost impossible when you bring in WZ armor and BM armor. Again I would like to say that although all of these abilities seem very overpowered I believe a clothy need cc's for survivability. IMO some of these abilities need to have longer cd,s or need be some kind of buff needs to be implemented into the game. Force speed needs to be breakable or cc able. Force lift is entirely too long. Telekinesis throw should be stationary and the slow it puts on people should have a much smaller range. I believe that some of these cc's need to be changed or longer cooldowns should be applied.


    And for the biggest problem with this class is FORCE ARMOR.

    Shield/Damage Prevention

    Force Armor Instantly Shields target and prevents about 3.5k damage. Target cannot be re-shielded for 20 sec. 30 sec cd

    Note: Cost reduced by 30 Force and cooldown by 3 seconds when talented.

    (Originally posted by someone else but it's my thoughts exactly from pvp experience in WZ's.)

    My general estimate is that the shields take about 5-7k damage to break. Others have said this can go as high as 9k. Mind you this is on a class that can also heal itself.


    If the caster puts the shield on before engaging a target - which is quite common - by the time it is broken he won't have to wait much longer (if at all) to reapply it. It's quite common for a Sage to be able to shield, take some damage, CC, heal it up and then immediately shield again.


    Basically what you're looking at here is a class that is supposed to be squishy and is nothing resembling that. Tanks don't really mitigate damage since most big attacks ignore your defenses anyway. Most have the ability to reduce damage by 25% or so for a small amount of time on a long cooldown (several minutes). A reasonably geared Sage with ~15000 HP essentially has the ability to extend this to ~25000 or more in one encounter, assuming we're using 5k absorption from the shield which is at the lower end of the estimation spectrum. If you assume they can absorb up to 9k then you're looking at around 33k effective HP, plus heals.


    This is a HUGE advantage, as he can basically DPS at will while shielded, CC/Heal in between, and then resume DPS'ing as soon as his shield ban is up (15 seconds, I believe). They have a noticeable deal more survivability than a tank with ~19000 HP when the tank should be the one who is able to take more damage.


    I really don't think Sages need a big nerf. Their damage is fine and their CC should be there for a class that's supposed to be squishy. The problem is that they're not squishy. A class that's essentially a nuker with some healing ability should be able to use the heals and defensive/CC spells to extend their life, but should not have anywhere near the lifespan of a tank or melee DPS class. A class that's specced for healing should be able to survive solely on the merits of their heals and defensive/CC spells, but won't do that much damage.


    As it stands, this is not how things are working. Sages are able to put out significant damage, have solid CC, healing ability (which is all fine) and this shield which absorbs far, far too much damage with no bleed and a restriction cooldown that isn't enough of a detriment.

    So adding all of these so called BALANCED abilities into a class I have found-

    Very strong DPS. Boatload of cc abilities. Incredible healing. And a Force shield that practically never ends. In turn we have a class that everyone wants to play. I wonder why SWTOR says that it's there #1 baby. This class needs to be worked on and fixed before all the pvp is blown away by bubble's and rock projectiles!

  4. Please keep this thread civil :)


    To my point, there are days I can't decide. In terms of kills... some days I think the answer is yes. I'm not sure we are nearly as hard-hitting as we should be considering how squishy we are against almost everyone.


    Other days, in terms of how many wins my team has been able to manage because I was present at critical moments, I think we are doing just fine with our versatility as a utility member of the team.


    What have been your experiences? These days I'm thinking the answer completely depepds on how you are framing success. Team wins VS personal victories against other players resulting in their deaths.


    OMG! Are you really complaining about the sage being nerfed!

  5. That isn't true, complaining has this made this a house hold issue and one the biggest conscious issues about the game. This thread got really popular in February and it's no coincidence that after this thread exploded that Bioware anounced fixing this issue was their next top priority


    Thankyou brother. someone IS listening!

  6. I play republic, when I first started at release we had over 300 ppl in fleet most of the time, 400+ on weekends. around 100 on most planets.


    Now, I haven't seen fleet get over 70 in probably a month. Most planets have less than 10 people, if there's anywhere there at all. Ilum is dead. Only people on ilum are the people doing HM flash points. So there might be 4 people there for 30 seconds until they zone into flash point.


    When I first started playing my server was always Very Heavy... now it's always Light.


    I made 2 imps, one when I first started, and one recently too see if population was higher on that side, it is... but by very, very, very little.


    I dont know about other peoples servers. But mine is sure as **** dying. This game needs lots and lots of love if it wants to make it. Preferably that love will come in the form of some type of an end game.... As of now, I'm back to playing Guild Wars 1 while my sub runs out, I'll be checking back on this game in a few years, sadly I doubt it's going to make it that long. I really wish it would, this game has tons of potential to be great, but sadly bioware/ea has no clue.


    Not trolling, flame away, imo this game is dying, I'll go play a real MMO that i've been playing for 7+ years and still haven't done all of the end game content.


    Exactly. I was on Ilum this morning. population me. yes 1. Dont tell me about it being early or on late cause anything less then 20 on one planet is crap.

  7. Something is being done about it you're just not patient enough to wait for it. They can't just snap there fingers and magically have a transfer system in place that doesn't cause more issues then it solves.


    So either wait, quit, or re-roll... because complaining about it does absolutely nothing


    Maybe if you read my post earlier you would have seen that I was asking a question. What is being done about it, besides the patch.?

  8. last night highest ever seen (by me, no metrics here) On Daragon Trail


    40 in KP, 20in EV and over 60 in fleet - republic.


    If your server is in good shape then you get a :). Happy for you. Im not lying about my population. We are just saying that are server is dead and we would like something done about it.

    On topic. Character transfers would be great. Its a fact that they over anticipated how many subs they would have in the first place. Character transfers are great for solo peeps but what about the people with guilds. Sucks for them. As why I have said server merges.

  9. Vornskr, one of the original servers with a decent population, is practically dead now around 10pm PST. A month ago it ave 150+ in fleet with tons of traffic. Now there is usuallly 40-50 sitting around GTN afking.


    If I see 40-50 at primetime on my server I think maybe I can run a flashpoint. Thats LUCKY! My question is, has anyone even heard anything about server merges? And for christ sakes can we get the patch already!:(

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