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Posts posted by Cammerroooon

  1. The talk is 1.2


    Unfortunately I dropped my crystal ball and it shattered, so a specific date to Bioware's plans eludes me.


    Me and some of my friends have been trying to follow the 1.2 release date for a while, and I think the last I heard was end of April beginning of May, depending.

  2. Maybe this has been said, but in a future patch two things are going to happen.


    1) Crafted orange gear will get an augment slot on a critical success.


    2) High level pvp/pve sets will have all 3 slots unlocked instead of just the mod and enhancement. Meaning that you will be able to take all the stats from the best gear and put it into a crafted orange with the augment slot.


    Which will make critical success crafted orange pieces from synth, armormech, arms, and artifice very valuable. You will still have to earn the good armor pieces from high level pvp or pve. But you will now be able to use crafting to enhance those items.


    I would say that the only downside is that you wont get the new cool look of your new high level armor by doing this, but since the appearance of all high level armor is generally regarded as hideous garbage anyway... *shrug*


    What patch and when?

  3. /signed for sure


    The worst part of it is that when you get on the ship and go to the holo communicator you can still hear him talk over the cinematic dialogue. Just having the mute option is all we need, people can leave it if they would like to, and disable it if they don't.

  4. I agree with the statement that books can be more immersive, because it's up to you to create that mental picture of what's happening, but I also agree with the fact that a book sometimes isn't the best way to casually enjoy a story, there's no discounting movies from books, or plays from literature because really they're just different mediums for us to experience something.


    I think they complement each other, sometimes anyway, because we all know what horrors movies can make of a book *cough battlefield earth cough*

  5. I agree with the need for cross server groups, because getting people to do the Heroics and Flashpoints is seriously painful sometimes. I wasn't even able to do a single one on Alderaan or Tattooine, just because of the sheer lack of people.


    I remember sitting there one day advertising that I was LFG, and I didn't get a response for over an hour. It's just sad that I have to miss these stories on my first play through because there just aren't enough people available or willing to do them.


    If there was LFG specific chat where no matter what world you were on you could post what you wanted to do, so other people could join in. I don't know what the limitations are for /general chat, but it would be nice to reach out to some players on other worlds, or give them the option to group up with someone, even if they're 3 worlds away. That I think would fix a lot of these issues.

  6. Ok so I know in the patch notes it was addressed that this issue was fixed, but seriously has anyone had the issue with Doc where he's showing that he wants to talk to me but whenever I click on him it says i need to complete missions first.


    The REALLY annoying thing is now he has a permanent quest icon over his head when he's running around on the mini map. Am I the only one having this issue??

  7. Spoiler Alert


    I know that throughout the Jedi Knight campaign, when I was picking the light choices there were several instances where Sith would convert over to Jedi. I guess I like the thought that a "light" sith would be a Jedi, and a "Dark" Jedi - would be a sith.


    It's just that old timey, good vs. evil comparison. Because it's the old republic I just associate Good with the Republic and Evil with the Empire.

  8. Definitely should use soresu form, then I usually throw saber, force leap, then overheadsmash, burning saber, and master strike, use enure if you get below 50%, but that was all I needed to do to kill the harrowers :s


    The healing guy is awesome IMO, makes a big difference in being able to just stay out in the field and hack away, instead of returning to base to resupply every 3 or so missions.

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