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Posts posted by xBSTrooper

  1. every time i quit the game it (game) is holding my computer from 5 to 15 minutes in a freeze that seems to lock it up and there is nothing i can do to but wait until it lets go. the longer i play the longer it takes to get out of the game. this isn't happening on any other program and it making me want to not play with all the down time. is anyone else having this problem? I've tried ctrl alt delete and everything i know that's worked on problems before but nothing like trying to make SWTOR let go. I'm no newbie, i have been playing for years. also i have since the same time get lag on one of the two north American servers, sometimes to the point i can't play. thanks for your time and reply . may the force be with you.
  2. does anyone think that maybe in the future each type toon will have it's on path to level. having to do the same or near same missions with each toon type is boring after a while. the same goes for the heroic . don't get me wrong i love this game and play it many hours every day but still i ponder the joy and wonder each toon would bring if it only had his or her on path. may the force be with you.
  3. i agree for all the cost it's unfair to say the least. myself i try to keep at 100 percent health and equipment at all times. this takes a lot of credits because i do it at every healing station or when i buy from vendors. why do i do this ? because i solo without the help of a group. i need every point of repair and heal i can get and i still die often for no apparent reason.

    i can kill lets say a bot and later if i have to fight that same bot i attack it the same way i killed it before and it takes me out like last weeks trash. i'm a 55 sith sorcerer and worked hard and long to get there. I've probably spent a million credits or lots more on repairs since i started playing. usually a guild helps with this on other mmo's but with the cost most guilds in swtor don't or at least none i'm in. will anything be done about it ?? you bet.. an increase is probably on the way...

  4. :confused: i was questing with a female companion when all of a sudden she's gone. I'm a Jedi. when i had my r2d2 type with me even if he died i was notified and got him up and running. but this one seemed to be here one second them --gone.


    is their some way to get her back of get back the r2d2 helper.....I'm at level 15 and a newbie..

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