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Posts posted by Deadkold

  1. Is there a thread that clearly describes what will drop from SM/VM Op Bosses and how that loot will be assigned to individual players? I understand the item rating, I am more curious on how the loot is determined (class - loot discipline - RNG - etc.), how many pieces per boss, and will this be an item that I exchange at a vendor for a gear piece or will it be a the actual gear itself. Happy Hunting
  2. Please stop making dual-sabers store on the back right shoulder. They clip through my lekku and look terrible. Perhaps you can make a hide weapon toggle or belt/shoulder toggle and we can meet halfway on this issue... thanks in advance..


    EDIT: For clarification the 318 dual-saber on the PTS is on the shoulder.

  3. I have mained an assassin since launch. Stealth rez's have always been an ops utility that I have used frequently in the past. I left the game for over a year and upon my return the mechanic appears to be broken.

    It interrupts no matter what the variables are just after 2 seconds. Tested it with my ops team in EV, KP, DF, and DP in spots with no aoe damage going out, no HOTS, no DOTS, no guard, no pets, and various difficulty modes (SM and HM). My SPs are set to shroud me for 2 secs when I drop into stealth from combat so I should come out of stealth clean. I have tried selecting the player form the ops window, clicking on their body, using the rez from my skill bar, and using it form the skill menu.

    The last forum post I saw was from July 2017 which did not have much information but the problem seems to be the same. Was their a change and stealth rez is no longer possible? Was their a Dev post or Patch Note post that addressed this that I missed? Thanks in advance.

  4. I realize with all of the quick travel options that personal starships are not used as much as they used to be. That being said I do enjoy using mine from time to time and I find it deplorably empty. It is time for us to be able to decorate and place companions within to bring some life back to our original home away from home. Take note Bioware!
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