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Posts posted by VKemp

  1. I just read up to the carebear thing. Whom are you calling a carebear? your the one wanting stuff made easier for you. Seems to me you might be the carebear here.


    Then add a rating achievement requirement.


    I was bored out of my mind just trying out Eternity Vault hard mode last night.


    Fact: High end PvP is more difficult than any PvE. Period. If you disagree, you aren't good enough to face highly-rated opponents, yet you can PvE--So you make my point.


    The game doesn't have rated PvP yet, so give us the mat through farm or whatever else. There's no reason to require me to do this horribly boring PvE with the newb carebears to get a mat for PvP.


    I don't have a problem doing MORE challenging content for the mat. I just want access to the mat.

  2. It's a great game. It's great to have in the mix with the other conventional formats we know from other games. It's still got combat that tends to decide the match. It's just got a groovy map and environmental effects to play with.


    Granted, public matches with random teams tend to suck. But that's the case with any map. Presumably everyone complaining is one of the bads who can't comprehend this super complex game.

  3. It's a game, and I want to play it. I'm not going to learn to enjoy 2v6 because more than 3/4 my team is literally useless. I'd rather do something else. I'm not going to learn to enjoy pointless combat with random people with no regard for competing to win the match. I'd rather do something else.


    Premades are the only real partial salvation from a significant chance of completely un-fun warzones now. But I don't always have a group wanting to PvP. Or, frequently, it's 5 or 6 people so we don't all get to premade. The 4 man limit is awfully small (like the warzone player count).


    Otherwise, you can always quit and try again in a minute. For now. When a debuff goes live I'll certainly consider if I want to keep playing. I presume it's coming before significant performance optimization and any sort of rated, competitive pvp.


    The small 8 man teams of this game mean that complete idiocy on the part of only a few members completely destroys a team.


    Given the options of staying on a completely garbage team with only pointless combat to be had or doing something else, I'll do something else.

  4. I love all these posts about how the average player is awesome, so clearly anyone who doesn't recognize this must be bad.


    Take a hint: My quitting doesn't ruin your game if I quit because more than half the team has no idea what the objectives are. You are positively going to lose if only 2 of us are running the ball in Huttball every time while 6 people stand around the poison pits facerolling vs other [FOTM PC word for very not bright people].

  5. I'll be interested to try out open world PvP (recent level 50, valor rank about to hit 50) myself and see what's clearable. Open world PvP is my favorite part of any MMO. Hopefully attention is given to PvP and all the PvP players don't quit as they have previous MMOs where PvP was clearly an afterthought.


    Any suggestions for where best you've found to raid/harass? Obviously the major goal is high traffic areas with lots of bodies.

  6. Edit: This was intended to go in the Juggernaut forum. With reopening the forum pages a few times, I posted it from the wrong page. No way to delete it? I suppose some marauder suggestions might carry over, but not the only Soresu/shield generator suggestions I've heard so far.


    As the title says, I'm looking for a happy medium of damage mitigation while playing Vengeance or Rage specced.


    I'm currently level 44 with a Vengeance spec. I much prefer to PvP in a DPS spec, so I'd rather level in one as well. Why not take Quinn, you ask? Problem solved, you say? This is true. But I hate Quinn. I really, really, really hate Quinn. I hate him more than McDonald's hates healthy food.



    So I want to make the best of it with Vette or Jaesa. I'm open to either, though currently learning toward Vette because I hear she's much safer from AoEs that frequently kill Jaesa. I hear Jaesa is better single target DPS, Vette better AoE?


    The crux of the matter is I don't want to have to burn CDs on simple pulls with just 1-2 strong in them. I'm happy to pop a CD or few to down an elite (and it's quick! yay!), but I hate having to pop a CD to avoid risking death vs a few mere strongs in a pack. At the same time, I want to avoid this while gimping my damage as little as possible.



    So, how do I avoid this?


    I've heard that Soresu form works wonders. I'm pretty sure this one is obvious--correct me if I'm wrong. The mitigation is just too huge for the comparably small[er] DPS loss. I'm using Enraged Sunder and Battle Cry to help with the loss of rage. Is this right? Any other suggestions?


    I've heard that using a shield gen for tougher fights is preferable. I'm lazy and would just leave it equipped save for PvP, but I'm open to using a shield gen. Is it worth it for the 4% mitigation? (.2*.2=.04) I presume this is a shield gen in Soresu form with DPS gear, meaning no shield/absorb rating. Definitely need input on this one.


    Any suggestions from others using Vengeance/Rage w/o Quinn? I know it's easily possible, I'm just seeking suggestions on how to do it smoothest, with the most mitigation gain for the least DPS loss.


    Thank you for your time and input. I just want to force choke some Republic scum the best that I can!

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