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Posts posted by nellerj


    1) If this is your second MMO, you will never recapture the feeling of wonder you got from your first. This is likely some kind of metaphor or life lesson ;)



    Wow, I never thought of it this way. No wonder I usually don't stick with a new MMO for more than a few months.. Guess my first love was Vanilla WoW. Nothing since has scratched that itch... Heh, philosophy on the TOR boards..


    That being said, so far I have had a great time in this game. I love the Star Wars universe and MMO's so I may be around for a long while.. :)

  2. 1. It's pretty massive

    2. It's multiplayer

    3. It's online


    Just because the game is multiplayer doesen't mean that you have to play with other players. It means that there are multiple players on a server.


    There is not, nor was there ever any "law" about having to group or PvP in order for it to be considered an MMO.

  3. 1. WoW- Played since beta and still have my sub. It never will be as good as it was in vanilla though.

    2. RIFT- Loved the open world PvE, awesome launch.

    3. EQ2/EvE/LotRO/Aion- Tie, cause I can't decide and I'm lazy... :p


    TOR could easily make that list, but since my highest character is only lvl 30, I will wait to make that decision.

  4. I've been clicking since vanilla WoW. I have done just fine in instances and raids with my guild. I'm not out to impress anyone with my uber skills or gear score. I play MMOs for fun, not to worry about my DPS and healing numbers.


    If people can't accept me for how I decide to play a game that I pay for, then we probably won't agree on much else anyway. Let me play my game my way please. Even if you think I suck, I really don't care. It's just a game. :rolleyes:

  5. I feel kind of the same way, but for me it's normal. I have played most modern MMOs (EQ2, Rift, Aion, LOtRO, EvE...etc). They are all great for the first few months, but then... meh... I always end up back at WoW. Been playing WoW since beta and I guess it's like my "first love". The one you can't forget.. Anyway, I'll be playing ToR for a month or so longer until I get bored. You never know, that may never happen, and I'll end up being here for a good long time.. :)
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