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Posts posted by CaraExas

  1. Don't know if anyone is still interested, but i got bored with the downtime yesterday and uploaded this video
    . Shows how to properly utilize void disturbances in phase 1 to kill both adds and damage the tentacle. Also shows the perspective of a juggernaut on tentacles in phase 2 and how to take slams.


    music is aids


    3/10 would bang.

  2. That's utterly hilarious. Welcome to the jungle, where the beast run in packs and the prey falls by tactical savagery. The only laws are survival and domination. If you were expecting a fair mano e mano fight in hell, mommies bosom is waiting for those tears stage left and a second helping of that curb stomping is waiting stage left. Hahahahaha!!! :D


    lol....i would say that also if i needed help to take out some rando on a planet. OW zerg fests is the domain of trash players.

  3. Bah. Random open world pvp out in the wild, where you never know who your opponent is going to be, is the only real pvp. All this organized pomp & ceremony pvp is for pompous chumps.


    because that doesnt make you sound like a pompous chump............




    OW is aids. it consists of gankers who ./laugh at you when they global your *** in a 6v1. it is the video game equivalent to getting gang stomped while everyone shouts "WORLDSTAR"

  4. Bumping this.


    Shroud and Saber Reflect still don't work on Master's Overpowered Charge Arm (aka Auto Attack).

    Please either fix this or better yet, change it back to a melee/ranged attack like it was in 4.0.


    da fuk are you using shroud on the auto attack for?

  5. That is a good idea. Another solution is to have "Infractions" sort of system in place. Say somebody reports for win trading, and if enough people report the same person that person will be under review and won't be able to enter any ranked matches for X amount of time, depending how many people reported for exact same reason.


    because that wont be abused.........


    like the squelching thing from last month.

  6. It takes some players time to wrap their head around AHG, so I can both see, and concede, how this gamemode might be tough for some audiences.


    I am not crying about it though. No, I'm happy! We haven't had a new WZ in 2 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    they are still wrapping their heads around it

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