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Posts posted by Freyrr

  1. The weekly reputation cap right now is way to low. I'm getting a little sick of having weeks worth of reputation items sitting in my bank just waiting for the weekly reset. I mean legendary status takes 30k points yet the weekly cap is 125k, that means that you have no choice but to stay at champion rep for 3 weeks despite having more than double the rep items sitting in your cargo bay collecting dust. I currently have weeks worth of both gree and fleet rep items taking up space and have been avoiding even bothering doing quests very often in some areas because I don't feel like adding to the pile. I understand you don't want people shooting up to legendary in a week but at least set a reasonable cap that actually will take time to hit. I hit the current weekly Gree cap in 1 day, I'd suggest 30k would be a solid cap point since it is the requirement for Champion>Legendary but anything higher would be helpful.
  2. For the love of god stop making me waste five minutes staring into space to make it go away. It's bad enough that my companion is forever wanting to turn it on by healing fully healed flagged party members once then disappearing cause we are full. You already have to be in a Safe Zone to make it turn off why must you make me wait five minutes doing nothing in addition. One or the other, let me turn it off instantly or at least let the 5 min click down outside of a safe zone.
  3. So they decided to give us a legacy family tree to connect all our characters and make us feel warm and fuzzy to be able to see our world. Now then I've got my master Jedi here and my... wait... HOW IS THERE NO MASTER APPRENTICE OPTION! Seriously BioWare what the hell were you thinking? We are talking Jedi and Sith here yet you don't give us any kind of master/apprentice option what so ever? It is bad enough the only family options you decided to give us are sibling and child/adopted child. I know that this is a little thing and the family tree really has no actual use but you could at least try and pretend like you put some though into this.


    Also not to burst your bubble or anything but not everyone started with the parents. If I decide to go make my characters dear old dad then I shouldn't have to clear my tree and start with him since you only decided to give us a child option.


    Now if you all will excuse me I'm off to decide if calling my Twi'lek daughter is gonna give her daddy issues.

  4. The GTN does seem to be currently bugged when viewing stuff with no sub category. If you change the rarity from Any to pretty much anything else stuff will show. Just throw the rarity to Cheap and everything will show up, this confused me a lot till I figured it out.
  5. People seem to forget a lot on the RP servers that those of us that do RP are a minority. BioWare has done things for us which people have already mentioned so be thankful for everything they give us. Besides I've heard nothing what so ever about chat bubbles being planned at any time and BioWare has said that all new chairs will be sittable but nothing about old chairs being converted so you really shouldn't have expected either with 1.2
  6. Without the CE vendor about the closest you can get that I've seen is the Pilots uniform, the cheap one looks a bit like an actual uniform. This is one of many things that they seem to have forgotten with the social outfits. They really need to update the clothing one of these days...
  7. I just completely and totally wiffed on a group of lizards with MV... this nerf is gonna take a hell of a lot of getting used to. Vanguard in tank spec already takes forever to kill, now you gotta nerf my big AoE clearer and slow me down even more. What really annoys me is all I hear is OMG MV looks so cool now. I'll take slow activation and useful aoe range over this quick tiny little bombardment any day.
  8. Why does everyone insist on tying their story to the class stories? I mean if half the smugglers I see are legit transporters for the Republic which makes them not smugglers at all why does your JK have to be a member of the Jedi order? I've planned to make a Sith Shadow since I heard about 1.2 and never once have I considered making him a Jedi. Instead I figure former Sith who due to a difference of beliefs abandoned the Sith and now works with the Republic against them. Honestly looking at the Sith I'm sure a lot of people have turned their back on their ways, most just don't survive it. The way I see it half the point of RP is to make your own story the way you want, don't tie yourself down and try and make everything fit into the box BioWare gave you. I've met people who RP all kinds of stuff, dancers, PIs, slaves, sound engineers. Just cause your class says Jedi doesn't mean you are forced to RP one.
  9. Today I went and ate a big ole Easter breakfast and then a big ole Easter dinner. I figure I could take a day off though cause my miniature giant space mouse droid Jormy went and rilled up the mouse droid community by reading poetry he wrote today about his new love RebelWeasel. Seriously what did you say to him cause he is really fallin hard.
  10. Despite the trolling already delivered, I gotta say... so what?


    I get Heavy RP, but... well. Actually I don't get -that- heavy RP.


    Are you seriously considering this to be an issue, and if so, how have you ever been able to do heavy RP in any other game? How do you explain your speeder popping out of your pocket. Or that you somehow seem to "load?" into your ship instead of walking through the doorway?


    Game mechanics (such as the annoying comments from droids) should never define your roleplay, and while you may claim it being elitist, you are doing it wrong if you let it.


    In fact, I am shocked this thread is even posted, and worried something actually important and interesting may have been pushed onto page two.


    Seriously can you please explain to me what is the trolling and what isn't. I'm seriously not sure who is being serious and who isn't in this thread. I laughed and assumed troll when I saw this topic but now I'm really not sure. If you are being serious though and not just trolling I gotta tell you lighten up man. You take this game waaaay to serious. Either that or go roll a Sith, cause Sith don't listen to droids.

  11. I tend to try and ignore all story and class related everything when I RP. I'll use my job as a basic template but that is about it. I RP a Vanguard and Gunslinger so light and dark don't mean to much. I took all light choices on both simply for title/gear/gameplay reasons and don't let it affect my RP. As far as sticking to my class I keep the basics there, my vanguard is military and my gunslinger is a smuggler basically but try and not make them the typical stereotype.


    My Vanguard for example is a former mercenary(A empire class btw not that I've ever treated him that way though.) Unlike most soldiers I've RPed with he rose through the ranks very fast because well lets just say he has connections and is owed a few favors by important people from his past life. Also he tends to act more like a merc than a solider, no suprise given his technical commander is a drunk Jedi.


    My smug on the other hand at first glance seems pretty normal for a smug. Loves the drink, loves the serving girls, has zero shame. Of course now that he is getting a bit more infamous around and stories have started to spread I plan to start giving small glimpses into that he is a bit more than that. After all as fun as running around flirting with everyone is a guy has gotta get serious every now and then. Still though I REFUSE to play a smuggler as a Republic loyalist because lets face it, smuggling is against republic law. Seriously that whole privateer thing kills me and I do get a bit annoyed when I see a smug tell a Jedi "Yeah I'm a smuggler, I'm moving weapons for the military lately." HEY DOUCHE THATS NOT SMUGGLING THATS SHIPPING!


    Ok sorry I kinda got off topic for a second a bit, but yeah class is a guideline but don't let it rule your life. After all do you really believe that every solider in the real world is all gung ho yes sir right away sir perfect little soldier? No they are flawed and different and have varying stories of their own. So don't go all boring and be exactly what you think people expect cause I wanna have more fun than that.

  12. Well I think this thread has pretty much come down to the agreement that it becomes harassment when a person asks OOC for it to stop and it doesn't. So instead I'm gonna say that harassing people IC is fun. Seriously I spent about 2 hours last night on my smug harassing Sith... Ok so I was going for hitting on but yeah it turned into harassing. After a while we pretty much had an audience watching us too, although I think I did give my guildmaster an IC heart attack or 3 that night. That will teach the Sith to agreeing to no violence when I'm around lol. Eventually though things started to run dry so my lovely Sith ladies finally decided to actually tell me to go away, so I went away. Of course they still watched me and started making comments as I talked to my friends nearby, thanks giant say range! I guess the moral of the story is pretty much everyone got harassed at some point in the night and honestly I haven't had so many good laughs like that in forever. At any point though if even one of the audience said OOC they took offense I would have stopped, so I think the line is pretty clear. IC anything is free game so long as it is within your characters realm of believability but OOC its a clear you say top then I stop.
  13. Bioware cannot ruin our roleplay, because the company and its programmers do not define what we should roleplay. The Canon does. The canon which is detailed in the Extended Universe backed by Lucas, and can be found on wookiepedia also known as http://starwars.wikia.com


    And even the Canon I believe can be stretched a tiny bit within reason (when actual information is missing) as long as it is logical and not directly against canon - for the sake of roleplay.


    You make a very good point on this part but what so often ruins roleplay for so many people is that they insist that the Canon can not be stretched at all and everything must fit neatly. When you look at the way Lucas straight up insult canon with all his digital upgrades to the OT that make no sense it's clear that nothing in Star Wars is set in stone. I get so sick of people acting like our very RP has to follow a strict path or else the great Lucas in the sky will sneak into our room at night and destroy us all.


    Sure sometimes things get a bit off or silly but if people enjoy it and have fun then why stop it. The way I see it if people can manage to RP long drawn out stories on message boards there is no way they can't RP in almost any game. Sometimes people will play the good and noble Jedi and defend the weak. Other time mouse droids named Jormy fall in love with Weasels. So long as we have a good time who cares, SWTOR is made to be a game first and just happens to fit nicely for RP. Don't sit here and complain, go find your Padwan and lecture them on proper social conduct to make sure you never have to deal with us crazy people.

  14. Ya know I gotta say it is a bit silly when people start bring what is "canon" into this seeing as how Lucas himself has shown that he doesn't really care about what is canon and what is not. I mean seriously the entire way he did the NT shot so many holes in the Star Wars canon and made so many things just seem silly and impossible. Come on people the whole point of RPing is to have fun so maybe you should oh I don't know try just having fun rather than nitpicking every little thing.
  15. Personally I love the legacy system. I'm starting to feel like there is going to be a point where I'm gonna have to not use a legacy surname or title on a character cause they don't fit just right but if you plan your characters well enough you can do a lot with it. Sure not being able to start a new legacy is annoying but if you could it would bring up the question do you want to RP this character more or actually use him to play the game. You just need a little imagination and you can work the system just fine. Remember you can always hide your legacy name and if you are so crazy having a legacy tab with your character on it ruins your experience then I think you might just be playing the wrong game cause no one at BioWare takes RPing anywhere near as serious as you and you never will be happy with the game.
  16. If you want a new set of rules for naming guidelines on RP servers it isn't rocket science, there is really only one rule that should matter.


    1. Can you successfully RP the name.


    Bam done nice and easy. If you can RP the name then give me one reason why it doesn't belong on a RP server. Of course the normal nothing offensive blah blah blah rules still apply so don't bother fretting over that. If you want to whine and complain because you don't like a name find out if the person can RP it. If they can then what right do you have to claim it isn't appropriate. I could easy RP say a Sith Pureblood named HotSauce. Sure all you naming nazis out there would whine and cry but give me one reason why if I can RP it is it wrong. If your rules are going to get into whining about your personal taste in names which most of you who want policing are crying about then honestly do u all a favor and just give up, rage quit, and go play in traffic.

  17. I personally try and pick a name that I think fits my player and what I want him to represent but I find it hard without the ability to put in spaces or at least an underscore. Also I find the whole theme that SWTOR is set around a little ridiculous. The Empire is around at this time and all of a sudden it dies off all through Episode 1, 2 and 3 and all through these three movies it implies that the separtists are a new faction and everyone is a part of the Republic. In the movies the Sith work from the shadows and the Imperials have no idea what they're really working towards. In TOR they continue with this theme even though the Sith are taking a more active role in politics. They have tried to join these two time lines when there is no reason to. KOTOR didn't, it instead represented the beginning of what would be the Empire. I don't know where I'm going with this, I lost the original train of thought whilst ranting but I did get a little of how I feel across.


    Well a lot can happen in 3000 years. The Empire has come and gone before, the Republic and the Jedi have been pretty much wiped out a few times too. SWTOR is about 3000 years before the movies so it wasn't all of a sudden. As far as not having spaces or an underscore a lot of people seem to like using an ' to split things up. Plus preplanning your legacy name and title solves a lot of those problems, I hate seeing people try and put a Darth in their name when it is a title you can unlock in game. There are obvious downsides to the legacy name of course but thats for another thread.

  18. One small thing that I would really like to see is making datacron gathering unique items like the slot decoder mission items. I had the slot decoder glitch on me on one character and just climbed up to get the datacron on my smuggler only to find I was missing the decoder. I almost threw a fit and had to trudge all the way back to the incinerator room to see if it was giving me the same error only to realize it is not a mission items and I had sold it with the rest of my junk. There are several items like this with no other use than for collecting datacrons and it only makes sense to put them in the mission item area. I'm a little sick of seeing some of them in my inv and cargo hold, mainly the grappling gun I'm stuck holding until my guild does another +10 run.
  19. I won't waste time, numbered points.


    1. Emotes still repeat over and over. They fixed one a few patches ago, MANY MORE stil do this and given how long this has been the case, it's appalling.


    2. Text reading distance is sooo over the top, my toon can "hear" (read) the words of people in whole other rooms, or across massive cantina spaces. This also makes large roleplay events a speed reading contest. An option to limit it would be super.


    3. No player biographies people can inspect and read (in the same way we inspect gear). This is a huge let down, and something I've seen in virtually every other MMO that does support roleplay. I want people to know certain things about my character, like tone of voice etc etc.


    4. Custom emotes can't be seen by opposing faction players. No reason for this at all. If you are close enough to read an emote, you're close enough to read their /say chat so any suggestion it could be used to insult people is moot.


    5. Lack of emotes that support being social outside of battle situations. Things like /drink or /handshake or /smoke or /read, along with actual animations. It is always the little things that add to atmosphere.


    6. Lack of /mood commands to alter how our characters say things. Even a simple emotion like /mood angry , which would change a sentence like "Jen'doon says : I'll see you later, buddy" into "Jen'doon says angrily : I'll see you later, buddy". Again, these are small points that add up to greater immersion.



    I am honestly at a loss as to why Bioware even bothered to give us roleplay servers when very little in their game actively supports roleplay. It is very clear from the changes that HAVEN'T been made since the game went live that the wishes of the roleplaying community is right at the bottom of the pile for them, importance wise. I get bugs and content updates are important for everyone, and I also understand the roleplaying community is a minority in SWTOR, but still many of these ideas have been requested since before launch.


    1. You are my hero for mentioning this. Nothing annoys me like my smuggler bowing for hours when he introduces himself. It is one thing to loop dance emotes and such but really infinite bowing...


    2. I can kinda understand why they did this but then having such a huge say radius kinda defeats the purpose of yell. Normally not a huge deal but at large events makes me want to pull my hair out. I get so annoyed having to repeat myself because what I say gets missed by whoever I am talking to.


    3. It would be helpful but don't know if I love the idea. I prefer to get to know someone by actually talking to them and probably wouldn't read many bios for that reason. What I tell someone often depends on who the person is, my trooper runs his mouth constantly but when I RP my smuggler in a lot of company I won't even admit that I am a smuggler because lets face it who would walk up to a stranger and be like "Hi I break the law for a living."


    4. Another thing they need to fix. Can be a big problem especially when someone doesn't realize the other faction can't see them. Annoying to have to go OOC to let people know not to use the custom emotes.


    5. The list is pretty decent already but I do hope they add more. You can't expect a game to have every single emote you could ever want, I get more annoyed the the silly and useless ones like the "These aren't the droids you're looking for" emote.


    6. You can always just add /angry to the end of your sentence. It may not look overly pretty but people will understand it just fine.


    I think you are expecting a little bit too much too soon from BioWare. RP is a minority on SWTOR and when look at at how much they are doing to fix problems that affect everyone it is no wonder they haven't gotten to the little stuff we have been asking for. Most people on the RP servers are also there to play the game so all these updates are not for everyone else, they're for us too. The gameplay does need to come first for BioWare because even for most people on the RP servers the game comes first.


    EDIT: On a side note I just want to point out that /handshake emotes and things like them are always a horrible idea. It always ends up with you sticking out your hand shaking air and 3 seconds later the other person shaking air a foot away from your hand. If 2 people need to be in the exact perfect position with perfect timing then its a bad idea. Please don't suggest having the emote make the other person shake your hand either because people are not going to be happy if my emotes make them do things they don't want to do.

  20. Ya know I think a lot of you are actually not understanding the entire purpose of this argument. This is about naming policies for RP servers, not naming policies for the game in general. Most of you who are for these policies keeps giving these lists of names that you have seen and been upset with and are just looking like idiots to me in doing so. Now don't get me wrong I'm not defending these name, actually the exact opposite. The problem is when you point out names Masterchiefhalo or Chumbawumba or Hanzzolo or any of the 7 billion Fett rip offs you make your entire list loose its point in this argument which is names that don't belong on RP servers yet are fine on PVP or PVE servers. You see each of these names is against the ToS and therefore not acceptable on non RP servers. Besides pointing out the fact that Bioware doesn't police their current naming rules kinda hints at the idea that not only will they not add your precious new rules but even if they did they wouldn't really enforce them anyways. So I will look forward to the next post that someone makes about a name they saw and prepare to be disappointed once again in someone who can't be bothered to take the time to actually separate names that they think are wrong for RP servers and names that are just wrong in general.
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