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Posts posted by Kylerp

  1. Sorry I didn't come across this post earlier. Personally I haven't gotten my BH to 50 yet, so the story is still doing fine for me. As an avid SWG fan, I couldn't agree more with how great it felt to hunt people as a bounty hunter. I think it makes perfect sense, and I believe, not sure though, that BioWare said sometime they would like to add player bounties. They'd have to add something for each class though, so I'm not sure as to how that would work out. I guess smugglers could have to transport goods and Imp agents could stop them? Or troopers stop BHs? Just random ideas
  2. I think it would actually be somewhat reasonable to let Bounty Hunters and Smugglers defect because they really just work for money. A smuggler is generally a criminal, and Bounty Hunters sometimes work within the law, so it would make sense. They're both just guns/goods for hire. Then again though, that wouldn't be fair to all of you Force Sensitives.
  3. Our friend George is rather terrible at Lore Keeping, take the Clone War for example, and him just taking a crap on all of Traviss' work. In my opinion, she did a much better job at adhering to lore than the Clone Wars do. Lucas doesn't seem to realize that for many people, inconsistencies matter to us. He sees Star Wars as more of an investment and Hobby that he can do anything to, because he created the spark for its creation. Don't get me wrong, I love his work, but sometimes he upsets me. As for balance, I believe that the force is present in all beings, and beings are inheirently evil, or good. There are good people, and bad people. The Jedi destroying this Sith in my opinion, would be close to bringing the force into this Taoistic form, as even with the Sith gone, there are still evil people. So now we have a ton of lesser evils combating a smaller group of extremely goodies. Make sense?
  4. The uhh, the Empire isn't quite the stereotypical image of "good" with all of the Cathar Genoicide, Xenophobia, and killing within ranks. Plus they all have British accents, and everybody knows that contributes to a faction's Evil factor.
  5. Hello, sorry if this is a repeating topic, as I don't have much time at the moment to search the forums, but I was just wondering if there has been a finite date released for free-to-play. I have some friends who are looking to play, but not willing to pay for subs. I had originally though it was August first, then I realized it was just the start of Cartel Coins right? Yet I didn't get any of those either. And is it just me, or does BioWare do a really poor job with release dates? Please help, and I'm sorry this post hasn't been structured very well.
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