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Posts posted by Varturius

  1. They once said they wanted too, but wasn't a high priority. I put it somewhere between "doubtful" and "not a chance".


    Only somewhat related I know but GW2 released a beta OSX client a few days ago. Considering 1 in 4 computers sold are macs (not idevices, real macs), you'd think every gaming studio would be taking a look and OSX versions of their games. Although when you factor in tablet sales across the board, you'd also think they'd be looking into iOS/Droid development too.

  2. I don't have a problem with the queue's. I do however have issue with playing the same 15 other folks everyday. It gets silly when you know who exactly to target every single time.
  3. While it's true that everyone has their own opinion on what would make swtor (or any mmo) great, as far as this game is concerned there's been several common complaints from a majority of the playerbase since Beta that have gone largely ignored.


    PvP Time to Kill is entirely to quick. It's little more than a stun fest of death. The incoming resolve changes won't fix it either as a lot of players in Pug WZ's don't live beyond the first stun that they get anyway. Games with a PvP aspect that are challenging enough to be somewhat of a chess match against other players are typically the best ones. This one feels more like tic-tac-toe. "Stun & Done" ultimately isn't fun for everyone regardless of which end of the stun you're on.


    The crafting imbalance was well known before going live as well. Anybody serious about end game generally still has Biochem to this day. It's still the only profession to yield an easy bonus to end game that no other profession can match. While I think a lot of the players from beta until now actually like the way the crafting system is designed, the implementation and balance was never there. Yes I realize BW stated last summer they wanted a game where you didn't have to have any professions if you didn't want too. That's fine but when people realize there's one profession that gives a significant advantage over others or none at all, people feel forced to take it.


    The lack of cross-server PvE/PvP at launch was a large put off to many. Sure WoW didn't have it at launch either, but it was later implemented for a very good reason. That being a lack of players queueing on individual servers. This is a problem still permeating in PvP on servers now in TOR. Personally I'm tired of PvP with the same 15 people day after day.


    A lot of people complain about the graphics engine and world PvP and they have a valid point. The graphics engine used here just isn't optimal for anything bigger than 8v8 matches, at least on anything less than high end machines. Time may cure this as customers machines gradually get faster. I think a lot of players would like to see a different engine however. While the graphics certainly do look good (both characters and the world surrounding them), the limited playability eventually becomes center stage.


    As for Player housing, I personally find this a terrible idea for any MMO, but I realize a lot of folks love it. Ever since seeing the wilderness of UO turn into a slum of housing with mobs spawning in them it's been a turn off. Making the ships customizable is a great idea but yea there is the cut scenes issues. It could be made to where you can customize them post your final chapters videos or something. Let's face it getting to 50 and finishing the story goes quick anyway.


    Which brings me to my final comment, content. People have posted on this forum (and others) that this shipped with more content than any other MMO and it's simply not true. Regardless even if it were true, the fact that the players could level 1-50 in a week and their 2nd week clear it all tells me the content was not implemented correctly. I realize not everyone cleared the game in 2 weeks, but within a couple months an awful lot did. MMO games should generally span much longer than that if you want to keep players interested.



    If BW/EA manages to fix the above items, they'd get a lot of the lost playerbase back I think. After all over 2 million people bought the game they obviously had interest in playing and paying for it. Making it free won't change any of the above issues. Yes I know BW cites the number one reason players stated leaving was paying for it, but then the options during the cancellation process didn't go into any real detail on what it was people didn't want to pay for in the first place.

  4. So I guess noone enjoy crafting:


    Black hole mods, armorings and earpieces - Cybertech

    Campaign relics, hilts & offhands, Black hole enhancements - Artifice

    Campaign barrels - Armstech

    Augments - Synthweaving, Armormech and Armstech

    (campaign belt & bracers) - Synthweaving & Armormech. Not BiS but still craftable.


    "Enjoying" and "worth doing" are 2 different things.

  5. I've also been away since end of February or so. Came back late last week and as near as I can tell, Biochem is still the only crafting profession at 50 that's worth it. (although cybertech doesn't seem bad if you do alot of pvp)


    I could just be missing something though.

  6. Then PvP would be nothing more than WoW "Arena's"...which will introduce all sorts of new issues involving balance.


    While I like the idea, and there is likely a place for an arena type atmosphere, the game mechanics currently wouldn't support such a battle. The TTK is entirely too quick, and even 8vs8's are really little more than the better geared team facerolling the lesser.


    Cross-server should have been coded in right from the get go, especially since they claim they estimated the sub numbers to be on par with whats there now. (or so they've stated) If they really guessed that with the numbers of servers they have, they should have known they would need it.


    I would guess they are looking closely at server merges and cross server pvp for 1.4 (group finder is in 1.3), if they aren't this game will done before the new school year starts in the fall.

  7. It is my role, as a DPS-only class with 0 utility (see Sniper and Merc) to hold the middle. This was explained by Gabe in his post. So, I do my role, and guess what, the community continues to talk down to us.



    F You


    Here's your problem (5vs8 notwithstanding). You do know that a merc has a couple HEALS right? Regardless of spec. You also have some CC and a couple knockbacks, so your 0 utility argument is false.


    Snipers/Marauders are the only pure dps classes in the game. (and their Rep equivalents)


    Sounds to me like you had a crappy group (which happens alot), and you need to L2P a little bit more.

  8. I unsubbed a month ago. My free 30 days ran out and this weekends free pass should be up tonite. As someone else said Fatman is full of trolls (both factions), and apparently every world through 50 has them.


    I was really pulling for this game, but it's just unplayable as an MMO.

  9. Since they lost the majority of pure PvP'ers with 1.2, they won't lose 400k over this. All the expiring "free 30 days" though is going to kill them, because I think a lot of folks in general have quit pending server mergers.


    They can't implement ranked WZ's without first handling the population issues. Being the #4 PvP'er on your server doesn't mean much when only 8 people are ranked ;-)

  10. This happened to me about a month ago. We were Imp's playing against Imp's and all of us started just chatting it up in /1 for about 5 minutes until the round ended. It's been reported on a few occasions I've heard of (including mine), kind of surprised it hasn't been fixed.
  11. I know this isn't going to be popular, but wow, do you all have absolutely nothing better to do than go on forums of games that you've quit playing and still complain? Wow...just wow...if, as you say, there are better games out there, then by all means go play them and quit wasting your time complaining on here. It won't make you feel any better.


    Perhaps people are venting their frustrations over the fact this game could have been so much better. Voicing their opinions to Bioware will do more for the game then just shutting your mouth and leaving.


    Perhaps you should be thanking the people in this thread.

  12. I gave 1.2 a good go for about 6 hours this evening. There is some nice stuff in it (the legacy system is pretty neat and has alot of potential), however:


    1) PvP is really nothing more than a dps race. Healers are paper dolls, and even tanks felt rather useless tonite.


    2) The leaving early when your losing a WZ just makes it even more faceroll for the winning team. Not sure what part of that someone thought would be "fun", but my $15/mo is saying it's not. Yea yea, ranked WZ's give a debuff for leaving. Big deal, they all should...period.


    3) Losing a WZ can yield absolutely nothing. Lol really? People don't pay $15/mo for that.


    I had really high hopes for this game back in Dec/Jan, but this past month has really made me lose interest, and 1.2 pretty much cinched it.


    Yea, I cancelled too.

  13. I would guess they are doing more than just adjusting the percentages. It's probably more like a code rewrite of how it works. Doing that takes time to not only write, but to test in any meaningful way.


    I haven't crafted anything since ~new year's because of how bad the whole system is. I have alts now full of mats for pretty much any profession and am just waiting for 1.2 to see how it all shakes out.


    1.2 sounds pretty promising for crafting overall, not just RE. My advice is just settle down and wait a few weeks.

  14. @OP:


    This also depends on the class you roll. If you're a healing capable class or have a healing companion, you can most likely get away without medpacs of any kind. If your class can't heal and you don't get a healing companion until later in the leveling process, biochem is a life saver (pun slightly intended lol).


    Edit: If you're refering strictly to endgame. Biochem isn't really needed unless your goal is progression raiding and you don't have a guild full of them cranking them out for folks.

  15. Raid gear mods are bound on pickup (when you pick up the raid gear its mods are also bound). They cannot be traded.


    The individual skill armoring appears to be a rare drop on it's own and it's BoE. There's 2 in the GTN on my server right now. (whether or not they "should" be is something else)

  16. i know i saw a white one pic somewhere, world boss drop , but they might have removed them i think , they didnt look that gray, more of a gray/silver color than actual white , nothing to write home about, decent for blasters though , just looks average on sabers


    The white one was actually a hack. There's a big thread in this section somewhere on it.

  17. I started out biochem, and have been since december 13th. People like me are forced to drop the profession they started with, lose recipes that took thousands of implant reversing, to pickup synth, crit craft bracers/belt, then grab artifice and crit craft relics, then relearn our initial profession and re-attain our recipes.


    Thats just bull man, 300% bull.


    It is, I'm surprised the synth/artifice BoP's still don't require the profession to use. I'm sure they will eventually.

  18. You're not putting two and two together here...


    The reason you weren't finding stims, medpacks, or adrenals on the GTN on a regular basis is because 9/10 Biochem crafters, when asked if they could make some for you, responded with "Lol noob, dump your pointless *** crafting skill and grind up the reusables yourself." :rolleyes:


    Only now you're going to have a whole lot more folks farming the mats. Coupled with the bioanalysis nerf I have a feeling these are going to get a whole lot more expensive, not cheaper/easier to get.


    They need to stop removing weight from the elevated side of the scale.

  19. People are really quitting over this? ...how far the MMO community has fallen..


    The MMO community fell quite a ways well before this game's release heh.


    It's not like you "have" to have an in game romance anyway. (Honestly they crack me up they're so cheesy, but that's just my opinion)


    Ehh it's just a game, if so many people want them included just include them Bioware. It's not like one player's romance preference is going to affect another player's in any capacity anyway.

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