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Posts posted by darkwarrior_

  1. Now that I have read your reply to the other person I would say you might be the problem, what you expect is unrealistic, you want to control what people say and do, sorry not going to happen, you chose your lifestyle and that is your choice, nobody forced you to so blaming people when they offend you is on you, getting upset about everything you do not agree with is part of life, this is the current problem with social media, too many are trying to control what everyone says, free speech is a right, you do not have the right to stop people when they say something offensive, if it is against the rules then it is up to the admins in swtor to take care of it, people get offended by far too many things people say.

    You have the right to report or ignore them, not sure what it is you expect people to do, sorry but we have our own choice to believe the same beliefs that you do, I for one do not believe reading chat and getting upset is something you should do, getting offended is up to you, move on is my opinion.

    If you believe I am part of the problem then my fellow human, you are wrong in my opinion.

  2. You right click on the name and ignore them, you will not have to see anymore chat in game from them, not minimizing this but you might want to harden yourself a bit when in gen chat because you will get people in there that troll everyone regardless of sex or race, sorry but there are no mods to monitor it, most of the time I am in there to game so I try not to pay too much attention to fleet chat as it is a bit ugly at times, just ignore the bad ones and move on.

    Best advice I can give, hope it helps.

  3. Hey folks,


    We are looking into reports of disconnects and login issues on North American servers, I will provide updates as I have them.




    Huh???? Have i not been complaining about this for like a couple years now ????? Can not imagine what it will be like on the weekend, you need to fix this fast or all the new players will leave on account of bad play experience!!!!!

    Now it is a ddos huh>? I will be very surprised if that actually happened and believe more likely you opened up more bandwidth for your servers.

  4. But the article also says:

    Now, you may see packet loss or latency at the final destination. If you do, then it's time to look at some of the prior hops to see where this packet loss and/or latency was first introduced. Once you've identified which hop/router is adding packet loss or latency (which is also being seen at the final destination), then you can work on solving the problem at that hop.


    And what do you mean when you say that you've never experienced packet loss going to your ISP? It's the server destination of SWTOR that you need to plot so I'm a little confused by what you mean with "going to your ISP.


    https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/faq/connection-troubleshooting-basic How to run UOTrace is the section you want to check.


    Not to bash this but how much did you get payed for this work? Did it garner a response from EA or did you sit in front of your computer monitor waiting and waiting and waiting for more bs from them?

    Again.....since they moved the servers from the west coast to the east coast I have had issues anytime the load gets heavy in population with either of the locations ....satele or starforge.

    What we get is the same ol same ol that they always say and if you give them what they ask for it goes no further, the last response said without pause that the issue was on my end and they are not responsible.

    This is the copied and pasted response:


    Hi darkwarrior_,


    Thanks for contacting the Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ customer service team, my name is Alan and I will take care of your request today.


    Unfortunately we are not able to assist you with your connection issues because they are related to your location or your ISP. We have no issues with our servers at the time and all another player are playing without any troubles. So try the steps that you received recently or contact your ISP customer service for assistance.


    You can check back on the details of this case, and all your other cases, in-game.

    Click on Request Help or press Ctrl and / to open your case history.


    Please do not hesitate to contact us again if you have any questions, we are more than happy to help wherever we can.


    Too funny and my response was laughing as it does no good to complain as they are unwilling to bother.

  5. You are looking at it too simply. The customer “based” internet doesn’t work like you think it does. You will likely transit through multiple 3rd party companies to get to the end destination.


    This is what its more like.


    1. Your home ISP (you and your isp)

    2. Backbone internet providers (there could be multiple because the US is divided up between different ones and depending on where you are, you may go through more than one or two). These are usually seperate companies to your ISP and the end destination

    3. Game company ISP(s). This is the ISP they choose to connect them to the internet and will most likely be different to your ISP.

    4. Game company server farm / network

    5. Game servers


    By the time it gets to the game servers, you could have been routed through a min 3 companies and upwards of 4-5.

    Bioware are not responsible for anything before their own ISP. So any issues along the backbone are outside of their purview.


    Again....what does that have to do with my playing a game published by EA? You can explain this any way you like but it still does not solve the issue!

    The issue here is EA is dodging the issue completely just like they always do when it is too difficult to figure out because it might cost them money.

    You explaining your perspective or opinion still is not fixing the issue so maybe send that to EA or biofail and see if they can come up with a solution

    Quite simply there is a large population of people that play and quit simply because of issues like these, if they do not solve them it is sad.

    You can spin this any way you like but me putting hours into troubleshooting the issue is ridiculous to say the least.

    Enjoy and have a wonderful day!

  6. No it doesn't assume that. It merely states that it COULD be an internet provider issue in WHICH CASE it cannot be resolved by BioWare.


    It doesn't mean it precludes other possibilities. I for one will rarely sing praises about CS so I'm aware of how useless they can be. However, there is nothing here to show that the OP is not suffering from internet connection issues so as such it's the more likely scenario in my view.


    Look at his post. He says that no other games he has suffer this issue. Well, if you know that game servers tend to be at different locations physically it therefore means that it could very well be that there is a bad node between his PC and the SWTOR servers and not the other games he owns. Now I don't say it's going to be this issue necessarily because I do not know. But it's something he can check himself before he starts accusing BioWare of something.


    And by the way some nodes can be at 100% and that's fine. They need to be either 100% or 0% to show a packet loss. It's what I learned when I had the issue myself last year. So where 75% is bad, 100% is not apparently. Something to do with the type of node I seem to remember.


    So when the problem is there take a sample of 100 pings in a row and see what it gives you. But as much as the problem may show it may not because it could be temporary as well. I think that CS just checks things server side and when all is ok there then they say it's fine on their end. Whether that's sufficient or not I cannot judge but in reality the internet provider issue is more likely because if it was server side it would result in more widescale disconnects like we had before also. These seem to be a handful. So therefore my first thought would be the internet provider, not BioWare. That's all I'm saying here.

    So there are multiple routes from one coast to the other and we as customers are responsible for our own machines, our cables if we buy them and then it is up to spectrum....as they are my carrier or internet service provider but beyond that it is up to EA as the publisher or whoever is responsible for carrying the account providing servers that are likely leased.

    You as a customer should not have to troubleshoot anything outside of your house! You are not payed to do so and they are!

    The simple fact of the matter is I have spent way too much time on this issue already just replying in forums, the people that own the game are the ones that are responsible to take care of the issues.

    I play ops and listen to complaints all the time with aussie players and west coast players complaining about the latency issues sometimes causing disconnects so we put our two cents in, either they fix it or people will just leave which is not the answer.

  7. Well if the IP is different to the Bioware IPs, then it’s not Bioware and if it’s the one right before the Bioware IPs, then it’s likely to be “one” of their ISP’s (they have a few)

    If it’s Bioware’s ISP, then Bioware can lodge a fault with them the same as we would if it was our ISP causing the issue (not saying the ISP will do anything, but with EA as a client, you never know).


    This!!!!!! Yes this!!!!! Me lodging a complaint with someone in washington is ludicrous as I do not have the impact that someone like maybe EA or whoever is in control of the issue has.

    We as customers should only have to file complaints and the owner of the game should be the one investigating the issue.

    Like i stated earlier .....I have done a process of elimination and spent the last 25 years as a technician installing tracking or comuter systems, troubleshooting systems on trucks and trailers, please do not point the finger at the OP.

    If i make a mistake then I will own up to it in a second, this has been going on now for far too long.

  8. I also build gaming computers - not so much lately though.

    Another builder I know was having problems with a new build. It kept crashing. It turned out that he had neglected to remove the plastic cover over the CPU's heatsink (protecting the thermal paste during shipping).


    So, OP, the fact you say you build gaming computers doesn't impress me much. Rather than crabbing at everyone, why don't you do something useful like actually giving a few details about your computer, running a tracer, etc.

    So do you a troll think i come on here to impress you??? I do not care what you think....if you do not contribute something positive then you are not needed in the thread.

    If you leave a plastic cover over your heat sink you likely should not be building computers, that is blatently stupid and being in a bit of a hurry, I also question if you could even do that being the clamps holding it down would likely not clamp.


    I have ran ping plotter and see the issue with packet loss in washington state that another person posted but as he said it makes no sense at all with 100 percent packet loss you could not play!

    Who thinks it would make sense to have issues like that and EA not address them as it is their customers that will experience issues, if you lose half your customers because of issues with a switch or hub then do you go after the customers or the source?

    I have played this game since it came out and have had issues on multiple machines since they moved the servers to the east coast, maybe we should have picked a different game as EA really does not seem to care.


    So anyone that cares drop your general location in here and we can get an idea where the issues are.

    Mine is southern Oregon.

  9. I know bioware does not care and really just wants you to do the work for them but I will post this anyways just to see how many others are having issues.

    First and foremost I build gaming rigs and know for certain that the issue does not lie in my machine, 100+ meg cable static connection, or programs in my computer as i have done a process of elimination just to be certain, if you are going to post on this thread just to defend bioware then do not bother as it is annoying dealing with trolls in swtor chat so we do not need them on forums.

    Again I have no other issues with any other games, not world of tanks, not starcraft 2, and it seems no matter how many times i report it, bioware wont do anything at all.

    I am also guessing there are programs used to disconnect people just like there always has been that script kiddies use to mess with people but i have not looked into it just yet.

    If you have legit information it would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

  10. I do have a gaming machine built by me like the hundred other ones i build, if i buy a game and play it online and discover issues with a bad connection which really hurts my and hundreds others game play then who is it really hurting? So should I do my own investigation to discover the problems location? I am not going to waste my time figuring out where an issue is because even when I do is there a solution? Call up so and so at a switch and tell them they have a bad switch or hub?

    I used wireshark for an old company I worked for to find an issue in chicago which slowed our connection bandwidth down to a crawl, only happened around five or at the busiest time in after noon and actually told them exactly where the issue was......it took them six months before the switch finally gave out before they pushed to get it replaced.

    The point here is that most companies are well aware of the issues and wait until they absolutely have to fix it before they do.

    I still blame it on cheap servers as they are trying to save money.

  11. It is not just where you are, the whole game and forums as well, I will blame the cheap servers that ea or biocheap went with....has been bad before but now is a complete joke when you try to execute anything quickly it is hit key multiple times and wait for it to happen.

    Girlfriend is right behind me on an older computer with no issues whatsoever playing anarchy online so it is same ol same ol in my opinion.

  12. I showed my connection speed so you would know it wasn't on a crappy connection, am well aware of just how the connection is made between my computer and the server, lost packets tend to cause issues but this problem has existed since they moved the server to the east coast.

    You go with your belief in what the issue might be but I bet with enough complaints they might improve the bandwidth all by themselves.

    You ever hear of wireshark????? You seem to be white knighting it for bioware so I might even think you are on the payroll.

    Like I previously stated, this is not our problem but the more we squeak the more likely the wheel will get greased.

  13. Hahahahaha, misdirected in your mind but i have been playing since the outset. The servers got worse after they moved them to the east coast, even on days with low traffic, oh and i have a 150 meg connection so you go with the belief it is my connection to the server, been building computers for almost 20 years now so i must be mistaken huh?

    Have also witnessed what EA does when a game is on its last legs, been playing battlefield since bf-2 came out .

  14. Do not listen to phazon freek as he is obviously clueless about the issue, this is anything to do with swtor or any of its servers, i play on the west coast and both satele shan and the starforge servers, all of which do not so much show lag as the server is having issues, overload from cheap servers is my guess.

    Thank you for providing such a crappy service bioware and EA! Getting my money worth here!

  15. Ok, i build computers and since they moved the servers from west coast , where i am , to the east coast i have had constant lag anywhere from 100 to 500 milliseconds, there really is no excuse whatsoever for any slowdown on the

    connection, it is not our fault we payed for the server being on west coast and now have to put up with this bs because they do not make enough money!

    The slow down can be anywhere from here to there but makes no difference as it is not our fault for the poor quality.

    Using a program to map the pings or check the quality does not fix the problem, this is on bioware and EA.

  16. Quit nerfing companions! This game is messed up enough without you meatheads screwing up other crap! Trust me if I could say what i really felt it would have a bunch of asterisks and I am sure I would be banned.:mad:

    Oh and thanks for the server move eons ago! Now my ping is around 200 most of the time.

  17. I have been playing games for 20 plus years, ea has done the same garbage over and over with all the games it publishes.

    They come out with a new game load up on all the hype make as much as they can off the initial success then instead of being diverse or listening to the players they just let it dissolve.

    This game is no different and when they moved the servers all to east coast I laughed and thought to myself that it wont be long now as they are cutting costs for profit.

    I really am amazed that anyone in the apac area even plays as the ping is ridiculous so it is understandable to see someone complaining about it as they leave.

    EA wont say any apologies so maybe a fellow player saying so will at the very least show someone cares, sorry to see you go and sorry a game with so much potential was trashed by a greedy publisher.


    Good luck in the future gaming endeavors!

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