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Posts posted by DesTroll

  1. Heya folks.

    Just wanted to give a shout out to anyone looking for a new place in TOR to call home.

    I'm a new member to HFC myself, and I have to say that this is a really good, helpful, and funny bunch.

    Great group for adults to get together in a relaxed environment and have a few laughs while you're doing your thing.

  2. Hi again, just wanted to let you know that the guild I had applied to never got back to me, so I cancelled my application with them a few hours ago applied to HFC.

    Rolled up a BH so I'm on the Imp-side as well now (toon's name is RoboRob), and am currently working on getting it some levels.:D

    Hope to see some of your folks in game.

  3. Oh, hello there GreyLadyDeux.

    I do have an application in with another guild at this time, but if for whatever reason it doesn't work out with them, I'd be more than happy to check your group out.

    Thanks for extending the offer. :D

  4. Just picked up the game last weekend and I'm enjoying it a lot so far, but I've been having a bit of trouble find anyone to team up and run some missions, flashpoints, or heroics with.

    So I figured it might be worth a shot trying to finding an active guild.

    Unsure if it makes a difference or not to you, but I am a little laggy at times because my laptop is a piece of crap. lol



    My current toon's name is Killobot. It's a Jedi Sentinel, only level 14 right now but working on it.

    However, I would be willing to re-roll Darkside if I get along alright with your group.

    I'm usually on in evenings after I get home from work, so from about from 5or 6 (EST) until like 8 or 9 usually.

    I'll probably be fairly active during the weekends too.


    I'm hoping to find an adult-centric guild that puts more emphasis on kicking back , having fun, and joking around than anything else, but who like playing and running missions as a group, and that (hopefully) wouldn't mind showing a new guy the ropes once in a while.


    Also, I'm not trying to be part of any hardcore raiding guilds. Wouldn't mind joining a raid once in a while, but I'm more of a "needs to be in the mood for that sort of thing" person.



    Anywho, thanks for reading my wall o' text.

    If what I described above sounds kinda like your group, and you're looking for someone else to joke around and do some quests with then let me know here or just toss me a message in game. :D

  5. Just joined the game the other day. Rolled up a sentinal on Shadowlands, have got it to about lvl 12 so far iirc.

    Players in general chat have been pretty friendly and helpful so far, but I've yet to find anyone that wanted to form a group and roam around.


    Then again my laptop doesn't quite meet the minimum system requirements, so I tend to lag a bunch on load screens and when a lot of other people are in the area. lol

    Doubt there would be many people willing to deal with a really slow n00b.

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