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Posts posted by notebene

  1. Concur. Really dislike seeing gobs of other players messing around in a mission I'm playing. I whack a mob of bad guys, and some loony tune rushes in to grab the item I was fighing to get. Item re-spawns, along with bad guys. Ugh.


    Or worse, some bored Level 50 PvP cat (or group of cats) sees my Level 28 PvE alt conducting a mission and worms his way into one of my area attacks, turns me PvP and then whacks me for fun.


    Rinse and repeat.


    No thanks.


    There were lots of "I don't want to see a lot of people around" comments, but I'll just pick yours to quote. I covered that in my suggested idea. They have the instancing in place. When you come to a new planet, you are dropped in whatever instance they want to put you in. If there are too many people there, you can join a lower pop instance. If the 'lowest' pop instance has at least 30 people in it, you can spin up a new one! Now, I have played a lot on planets where there are 30 people, and I see maybe 5 of them, if it's a planet where there are 50 dailies. So that would seem to cover it pretty well.


    You'd need to have the ability to either be only in your instance general, or in a global general, or both (same with all the other channels, trade, lfg, whatever). So there would have to a be a huge server (now, we know when we say 'server' we are talking about a virtual thing that is made up of lots of pieces of hardware, yada yada, we're all on the same page...clearly when we say 'everyone is on the same server', we're not saying it's some old Dell Mom doesn't use any more, right? Good) to handle that.


    I would imagine you could even have some instancing preferences you could set in options.


    Size of instance I'd 'like' to join when I visit:

    A planet: high, med, low

    The fleet: high, med, low


    Chat channel preferences (for each type):






    All sorts of ways you could cut that up.


    As far as community, this is a 'bit' tougher, but some things to note:


    Most folks these days think of their guild as their community. If you read a lot of 'why is chat so quiet' posts, lamenting over the good ol' days whenever everyone chatted in general, the responses are usually 3 things:

    a. I play with a few friends and we hook up on headset chat.

    b. My guild is my community, I only chat in guild chat, and sometimes use their chat server to talk.

    c. I shut off general because "Mankirk's Wife" killed general for me.


    Odd for me, this is a sore spot. I'm usually guildless. The idea of chatting on a guild Ventrillo, TS (forget the name of the new one...starts with an M?) doesn't appeal to me. I guess I'm kinda a jerk socially. But I do friend people, a lot. People I play with. That kinda becomes my community. I'll friend someone, make a note about them. If they are online and I happen to see them, I'll throw a wave at them. So how do we 'see' those friends, at least, in a sea of people?


    I vote for some sort of indicator, or a message or sound, like when a friend comes online, that pops when a friend is nearby. A little 'help' that you noticed them walking down the street. What you do with that is up to you. Even an option setting to set a color for the names of friends.


    An additional thing that might help with community is Alliances.


    Allow guilds to have alliances. Allow people to join an alliance without being in a guild. Allow people to put percentage discounts on things sold in the GTN for alliance members. Add alliance benefits (like legacy). Tie Alliances into PvP! AvAvAvAv...nv! Again, an option to set the color for names of people in your alliance. There would have to be a hierarchy of which color you see, and 'that' hierarchy, again, can be configurable by player. Maybe you want to see your friend colors over guild?


    Lots of fun options there I think to solve these things...but I do feel it's the next big mechanic.

  2. I actually really enjoy GW2. It's not a replacement for SWTOR, just different. As with all games, there are some things I wish each had from the other.


    What is funny is the only time I get sad about the games I'm playing is when I come out to the forums. These days, it seems it's can be either the forum that goes with the game or in the case of GW2 (as I'm reading and writing now), someone else's forum.


    Everyone just seems really, really mad...about everything. Nothing is good. :(


    Two things:


    Area Events

    I really like these. Yes, I suppose they might get repetitive, but so do dungeons (flashpoints) right? Anything you play, if you do something more than once, it is bound to feel repetitive. That condition pre-dates MMOs, sorry about that. To me, as in Rift, I 'really' enjoy these because it's a way to interact with the world in a really fun and social way, with others, without having to feel the pressure of filling a specific role, and being yelled at because I'm not wearing the right gear or casting the right spell when my energy is at 13.


    'Heart' Questing

    It's actually a nice idea. Rather than having a list of things to do, and they make you go to each place, it does spread it out. You can do none of them or all of them before moving on. In one area, there are multiple options for given levels as well. I'm choosing to go off in one direction and I'm missing a few areas. I may come back to do them, or save them for another character. It's not very linear at all. And, do fulfill each heart, you can do one of 3-4 different things. I did a castle one and primarily did nothing but straighten up the area a bit. I ran over a bridge and helped some people in trouble from time to time, and did a few events, but mostly just tidied up. On another, I did a 'lot' of fighting and heavy events. Plus, there was no 'n', per se. There is a progress bar that fills a little each time you do something to help them, but when there are so many different things to do, you aren't even really aware of it, you are just running around doing things, alone or with other people, and before you know it you're done.


    Lots of other things. The world seems huge, I like the way it unfolds. Divinity's Reach is giant! I could teleport around town, but I rather enjoy walking around and learning the streets.


    I like how there are no healers, per se. Now, I chose an elementatlist as my 2nd (my first was the Ranger...uhm...Hunter...well....I had a bow and a bear! Still love the character, but I also started digging the Elementalist. Playing it as I type this (well I hear things blowing up in the background, hopefully I'm still alive). One of the attunements I can flip to is water, and it's 'more' supportive and has more 'help your friends with things that do damage and heal', but really it's not a healer, but makes for a decent substitute without a dedicated one. Everyone has something that can heal themselves. You can spend skill points to expand on your personal healing as well. Like SWTOR everyone rezes, though they have a neat mechanic with it. It takes time to rez someone, but the more people that help, the faster it goes. I like that I can move freely while I use my abilities. Hmm...well, lots of things to like.


    Doesn't mean I think that game is 'better' than SWTOR, just different. There are a lot of things I enjoy about SWTOR as well. I won't bother listing them, you could probably generate a list looking at my responses to other's posts (of course, you have to discount any of my 'harmless' fun replies to people from time to time, and silly posts to ragers that sneak in before their posts are eventually closed, and my questions...but there out there. The OJ (orange) armor concept, the story, big fan of the RPG dialog system...and frankly, it's nice to have a sci-fi in my MMO tool belt right now.


    So there. That's wasn't so hard to do. No one got hurt. Didn't make any hyperbolic rage statements about how all games are dying except the one that I'm playing right now (remember, anyone who says someone else is in 'Denial' may be in the 'Bargaining' stage themselves :p).


    Had a good time playing Tera, signed up to play it, probably 'tinker' with that one. For me, I don't think that will last more than a month or two. Really like the armor, scenery, combat system. The crafting is a bit steep financially for me and I have a feeling that the grand design for end game really revolves more around PvP than PvE - but not in a way that will be entertaining to me.


    GW2, hard to say, only one beta weekend. Might need a few more. I'm in the 'Shock and Awe' stage right now, so everything looks like chocolate enemas (:eek:)! Might change my mind. Now, you might think after my PvP vs PvE comment for Tera, that I'd be doomed in GW2, but, well...I 'might' PvP in that game. I don't usually PvP in a game, takes something special for me to get excited about it. DAoC had it's RvR and 'Darkness Falls'. WoW had Wintergrasp (that was nice because it was very impersonal and anyone could do it, even a dunce like me). I think GW2 might have it, just haven't tried it yet. I wanted my first weekend to be about exploring the unique PvE features, and getting my feet wet with crafting.


    SWTOR will be with me for a while. Can't say I'll be here a year from now, but these days, that's asking a lot, and I don't think it should be expected. WoW was an enigma. Not so much it's success level, but that people somehow got to this place where they kept going back to it. They didn't want to 'level up' through a whole new game, that somehow if they stopped playing, then all their time was wasted. I don't much get that. Fun is about the journey, not the end.


    Well, there you go.


    TLDR: Hmm. I guess nothing. It was really long, and I don't ever say much of anything useful anyway. Sorry about wearing out the scroll wheel on your mouse, at any rate. :o

  3. Would you play this game if it wasn't pay to play and it was free to play with a cash shop with microtransactions?


    All things being equal (whether I'm still having fun, puritans, all the stuff below), I'd be more inclined to play the game longer if it was subscription based.


    The F2P stuff wears on my soul over time. I never have a knee-jerk reaction like "omgzors bad playrz come community suffrz kek kek!", I continue along, because I'm having fun, but there is definitely something that is psychologically depressing, to me, about F2P, and eventually I just wander away.


    LotRO was a good example. I'm a lifer there (could pick up again at any time). I'm pretty sure I would still be playing today if it wasn't for the F2P there. I did for a long time (fell off more or less around Oct/Nov of last year), and played roughly a year after the conversion. Spiritually, it just changed. It was noticeable to me right away, but over time, all the 'buy this' and 'buy that' buttons and points and such just wore at the soul. Makes you feel like you need a shower, and just generally saddened by the whole thing.


    It's a bit like cable TV. When you think about it, it's all very sad. TV used to be free, paid for by advertisements. Taking the DVR out of the equation, and thinking about the period between when cable TV started and the DVR, we were then 'paying' for our free TV, and 'still' subjected to advertisements. Agreedycorporateamericasayswhat? What? Exactly.


    So I would suspect I wouldn't notice much at first, but then it'd be a problem, and eventually make me meander away.


    If the model were more like the original GW (which, ironically, I didn't play beyond a few weeks), where they figure out a way to pay their developers and server upkeep out of game and expansion purchases alone. Or, if what you could buy was 'so' benign as to barely be noticeable, and took place 'entirely' outside of the game (unlike LotROs implementation), then maybe.


    I think the only way I would is if the paradigm completed shifted to the point where old monikers didn't exist anymore. You buy the game, you buy expansions, there's no monthly charges, there are some things you can buy for the game 'outside' of the game, that doesn't give you any sort of advantage over anyone, low visibility, and those things are just called MMOs. They still have all the servers and infrastructure for the persistent worlds, but no sub. They just 'start' that way, all of them, and there's no longer names like P2P, F2P, F2W, W2P (Win to play? Win to pay?), W2W (parallel universe enterprise web integration business solution?).


    Then that might work for me.

  4. Writing something outside of the game that parses that file and gives you useful information is fine.


    It's possible they might get grumpy if you then make a UI for that that hooks itself on the UI so it appears as though it's a display that's part of the game. I suppose if I were playing in windowed or fullscreen (windowed) mode, I could run something that hooks itself to that window, and moves around relative to the dimension of that window, and makes itself modal relative to that window.


    If that is the case, and they have something running that is looking to see if anything is trying to 'talk' to them like that, question them about where they are, for that purpose, they might take exception to that level of program relative to their own.


    So just pulling a quote like that out as support isn't terribly supportive. I can go write a parser that I can alt-tab over to every so often, that doesn't try to interact with the game window in any way, and only reads that file. That's probably fine, I did something similar with Rift, joining all the level chat channels and parsed it for events starting, sending me emails when events started, so I could stop work and jump in for a bit. They eventually made that moot, which is awesome (after all, one would have thought with all that social media crap in there they would have thought of that from the start, but I digress).


    Now, if I then wrote a HUD that globbed itself on to the game window so it would look like it was part of the UI? Not entirely sure how they feel about that. But the statement "we encourage parsers" doesn't exactly condone that later technique. I'm not saying 'how' they feel, I have no idea how they feel. But I can see them taking completely polar stands on the difference.

  5. Cost doesn't bother me.


    Only thing that will bother me is if I am sitting around minding my own business and someone either moves to my server through a paid service or they merge servers, and any of my characters are renamed. On any of the servers I created them, even if they are level .000001.


    I reserved 5 servers worth of 8 character names each and while I'm sure someone will tell me why, how it's not fair, and sacrifice and whatever else. I'll fire back that no company ever again should even put us in these situations and make every character be unique by a first 'and' a last name. You'll come back and say how much sand accumulates in uncomfortable places having to type in long names. I'll offer some pretty easy solutions to allow people to still 'start' sending tells only use a first name, etc, etc.


    I'm very happy with the game, having a good time. My list is below, doesn't have much in it, pretty straight forward. Everyone has to have something; this is my something.


    I will meander off and dissolve into the tiniest or particles like the incredibly shrinking man. :(

  6. This is really pointed at the daily comendations. Could we please get a quest line for the Rakata Implants that involve some basic quest a heroic or two and maybe wrap it up with a flash point? Please dont continue with these terrible, uninspired, grinding time sinks BioWare. This applies to relics as well. They are not fun to me. I want the feeling of acheivment and progress.


    While it would be nice to have some different types of things to do, the problem is people like me. I'm just not that good. I drag down how quick and awesome you want to do the heroic, and I bet you'd laugh at me in a flashpoint.


    So either they come up with a level 'between' dailies and operations where you can do heroics and flashpoints that I wouldn't do to get better gear from mine, but maybe not as good as operations...or they just get rid of me. Which I guess is fine too. Would be a bit sad, though only for me, so probably not worth that much.

  7. Overall, I really loved the event. I love how it unfolded each day with something new tacked on.


    I think for people that don't get a few hours to play every day, it needs to be designed such that if you come in one a 'single' day, you should be able to unlock every quest that was unlocked since the first day, simply by completing the quest.


    Second, we need better notification before the event outside of the game, and outside of hipster social media. Twitter, Facebook, Tumbler, all fine and dandy for sperm, but I'm old, and just don't have any time or interest in that stuff. While I frequent the forums, I don't enough to even think that is much of a way. Emails and a clear news feed might be good.


    The only reason I knew this event was starting on Sunday when it did was somehow it got sucked into the search for the Taunlet pet discussion, with references that @Rockjaw was making off in never-never land that everyone was so excited about. Fluke that I caught it, really.


    On the one hand, it'd be 'fun' to just have us find out about it in the game, but people don't play every day. Some people maybe play once a week. How long did the event last? 8 days? For people that 'maybe' play once a week, not a lot of time to get on board.


    Actually, a calendar would be nice! That always worked good in LotRO. Event, start, end, then you just check out the calendar every so often. And...what would be really slick is if it were designed such that we can add it to our Google calendars! :)


    But the event itself, the mechanics, the story, it was all fun. I like the color crystals and the pet. Would have been nice to also be able to get daily commendations from completing them, that would have been swell (since for many they might take away time getting to do dailies). Didn't care for the customizations so much, but I have a weird relationship with those. With the exception (so far) of Khem, it seems 'jarring' to me to change my companion so drastically from the way I was introduced to them. Make customs that change her face completely and get rid of her dreadlocks, after I spent 10 levels getting used to her the way she was. I even saw a custom for Temple that made her white! That was just odd!


    Doh! Off track again. Uhm...it was fun! :)

  8. My account was credited today. I haven't logged into the game yet to see about the pet lag monster. :)


    I have the pet, but no 30 days.


    How does knowing you have it manifest itself when viewing your account? Right now, I show my subscription is up 7/19. Would I then just see it as 8/19, something subtle like that? Or are there dancing people, flashing banners, "YOU HAVE BEEN CREDITED!", something like that? :o

  9. Would be nice. At this point I'm thankful I don't have to enter it every time I leave my ship. :rolleyes:


    Seems a bit insane to have to use it when changing general forum settings. Subscriptions, signature, profile stuff. Authenticators should be for playing the game, and changing account information (payment, password, email, etc).


    I wouldn't mind having to enter it each time I change my IP address, that wouldn't be horrible. Or better yet, let me save each place I login from as a 'safe location' so it doesn't prompt me any more (still from a forum standpoint, it will always make you do it for changing account info listed above).

  10. You can blame PVPers that were exploiting it in Warzones for forcing a delay in their opponents and using it to gain an advantage. Seriously. PVPers ruined it. (Not all of them - just the types of people intent on ruining the game for others...)


    My Spanish is a bit rusty, but here goes...


    el los makeo thingo notto worko in pvpo por fla-valor!


    Or better yet, what a great opportunity to let your developers have fun! Make it so when you use the device in PvP, 1976 Plymouth appears and some thugs get out, strip you naked, soak you in lemon juice, tie you to the back of the car with 30 ft of chain, and drag you around a field of salt and broken glass for a few hours.


    Disclaimer: I never used the device (though it seems fun and harmless), but when crime is solved by punishing the innocent, because it's the 'path of least resistance', whether it be in the game or in society, it makes me crazy. I'm as liberal as they come...right up until we start talking about punishment. I think hackers, identity theft, bullying, cutting people off in traffic, and generally being a selfish donkey fedora, should get you a televised burning.


    Whew...glad I got that off my chest. Continue... :o

  11. Actually, what I was originally hoping for (and the first person added that we just don't have the formulas as of now), was exactly that.


    In your scenario, how does 405 relate to the 18?


    There's some formula that probably takes some modifier, and then with other factors (level of wearer, AC mod being used, etc), and in the case of empty armor comes up with seeing a different of 18, and in your case, a difference of 405 (with the AC mod you put in it).


    Originally, I was hoping to get a handle on that, so I could just do the math and figure out what the difference would be in any given situation, but I know sometimes places are all cryptic about the formulas they use for things.


    In lieu of that, the next poster took the approach of asking me what my playing situation was, and that helped me at least come to a conclusion about what sort of decision I could make not being able to do the math myself.


    Of course...if you want to take a 'stab' at interpolating what the formula would be based on empty being a difference of 18 and using the AC mod you used, a difference of 405, and come up with a formula that could then withstand testing with other AC mods at varying levels...well that would be awesome too. :)

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