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Posts posted by Kroolster

  1. Hello all. First time poster here but this subject compelled me to try and contribute.


    As a WoW player I use many macros and i think the misconception on here is that macros are just to make things easier, or for lazy people, however i've always used them for efficency/speed.

    To the people who's argument is that macros in swtor would just promote cast sequence macros for dps I completely agree with you, however i've always seen this as a problem with class design rather than macros themselves. If a class can do adequate dps with the use of 1 or 2 macros than it's definitely a bad thing, if a class does it's optimum dps with the same then it's just plain bad design imo.


    My macros in wow mostly consist of harm/no harm spells (casting an offensive spell if my target is enemy and a healing spell if my target is friendly), assist macros (casting a spell on the target of my target) and the usual cast tricks of the trade/dispell/other random spell @character name/party1 etc.

    None of these are about being lazy or making things too easy, theyre about efficency. Maximising my use of keybinds, minimising the need for target changes and such and what I feel is playing my character to it's potential.

    I guess we'll just have to wait and see what Bioware classes as "non-combat" macros.


    Anyways sorry for the slight wall of text just wanted to get a point across on macros being so much more than mindless dps spam buttons.

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