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Posts posted by ZutaraAvatar

  1. I'm really excited for KOTFE and have been for months, mainly because of the story. So, I'll probably jump right into the story after just checking out the changes that have been made. I'm really interested in seeing where the story goes, with you losing you companions, being captured, getting new companions and finding old ones.
  2. Glad I found this thread, everyone I've seen has been sort of angry about the changes or there not being any new content for PVP. I'm glad I found some people just excited for KOTFE as I am. I can hardly wait. Every time I think about how great it's going to be I get all excited.
  3. I like to believe the movies will boost the growth for the game. I'm sure some people will join the game after the movie. I haven't been really following what's going on with the Battlefront game but I'm assuming it'll be one of those things people will play for a few weeks or maybe a few months then get sick of it. I think this Knights of the Fallen Empire will be a new life for the game (sure there will be some complainers but I think they'll get over whatever they're upset about later on). I know some pvpers are upset but who knows what will come in the future. Mabye after KotFE is on a roll they'll do something for pvp.
  4. I play my character as me and what I would do if I was in the their universe. I actually have this story that I write and put up on Deviantart that I sort of put my toon in and if I ever get the chance to roleplay in the game that's the thing I roleplay by. So, yea, basically my toon is me and the character in my story is me, and they're both the same person.
  5. My level 60 Sith Assassin will be my main. I don't really have any other toons to use. I never really got into the idea of making alts. I tried to, it didn't work out. I'm not sure what faction I'll choose. I feel like the expansion is going to shake them up a bit. I'll be sith-ly no matter what. But, I would like to stray away from the Empire and be like a freelance Sith.
  6. I've been here since launch and I've been a sub since as long as I can remember. I still enjoy the game a lot! Sometimes it does get boring but that's gives me a good chance to take a break and enjoy real life for a bit and do other things. If I'm not doing that I'm playing the game as much as I can.
  7. I wasn't sure if this was the right place to ask about this but my game has been really laggy lately. I've done everything I could think of. I set the graphics low and I've gone to instances where there aren't as many people but the game still seems laggy which is weird because my laptop never really had any problems with lag before even with the graphics on high. I mean it was made for gaming so I'm wondering maybe if I need to update something or maybe someone can tell me what else I can do to stop the lag. Also it's lag is worse when I'm having a cutscene if that's anything to go on.
  8. Whatever it is, I'm excited. No matter how small or how big their announcements turn out to be I'm usually excited about them. Just as long as it's a new thing, I'm usually just happy with whatever they have in store. I'm probably more easily pleased with these things than others, I don't know if that's a bad thing or a good thing.
  9. I haven't really seen much of a decline on the server I play on. It's just the population it's always been. Though I think some people stop playing for a while after they finish playing new content added to the game. I think since school is out people might come back and I'm predicting once the new Star Wars movie is out we may get a bunch of new players. But I could be wrong.
  10. I'd like a neutral class as well. When I started playing the game when it came out I sort of expected every class to start out neutral. I had played SWG before this so I pictured it more as choose your class, then pick a side later. It seems highly unlikely they would do anything about making some sort of neutral class or group now but I guess we can dream.
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