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Posts posted by Anarchists

  1. I am disappointed in the PvP community more than anything!! What a bunch of whiners! Want PvP to improve? Its time for some psyops missions. We need YOU, the PvP player base to mobilize and start encouraging people to do some PVP!


    The Dev's are definitely to blame for the bugs! No argument here. Season 1 had so many bugs I honestly didnt even feel like playing. And I really didnt even play much.


    This game seems to have a thriving PvE base. Why is that? PvP takes more skill... How many of you PVP'ers are trying to encourage PvE'ers to come do some PvP??? Yep they should go do all the research you have. They should go learn it all on their own but guess what.... THEY DONT! Most people dont even know where to start for PvP information. If you PvP you know guides are pretty scarce so we have to make them! They also need a nudge in the right direction... away from PvE and toward PvP! Be a PvP coach! Offer yourself up and help out these noobs! At least tell them some good links or web pages they can learn some stuff from. Make some instructional videos and post them on the forums to help new players transform from noobs to pros!


    Most people get stomped in PvP because of lack of knowledge -- not gear... We still got tons of people thinking they did awesome in PvP with tons of DPS/HPS without getting any kills or keeping anyone alive... I'd like to see a scoreboard that also shows how many CC's, interupts and slows/snares someone executed. Anyone can spam dots/hots/AOE's and not get any kills and have their team die. BUT LOOK AT ALL THAT DPS/HPS on the scoreboard!!!! DPS get on the right targets and kill people, heals heal the right targets and save lives... thats skilled PvP vs mindless spamming dots/hots aoes...


    If you want PvP to do well, start doing something to cultivate and encourage more people to come PvP instead of PvE! If you are like me you really like this game, see its potential and want it to succeed. It wont succeed by complaining about how things suck. It will succeed if you start doing things to change it. Be creative! Being a PvPer you are probably competitive and intelligent... Be a coach. Persuade people to PvP! Stop complaining and do something productive! Start a PvP guild or join one and help out noobs!! Encourage more PvP in your PvE guilds! Heck infiltrate PvE guilds and encourage people to PvP! Its the only way to grow the PvP community....


    Do you think the Devs are going to get resources to implement much PvP stuff if they dont have a large enough player base to make que's pop??? Nope. They are busy catering to the large PvE population paying them while us PvPers that nerd rage (I'm guilty of it) after a match scare people away from PvP. Instead of COMPLAINING start doing more EXPLAINING to noobs. Dont scare them away. Be gentle... more bees with honey than vinegar...


    The Dev's are NOT the only thing that has an effect on the PvP community. In fact I'd say the player base has a larger effect. Especially once PvP is bug free then its really on the PvP community... which I'm really hoping season 2 starts with no bugs. If it does have bugs its gonna seriously hurt an already crippled and nearly dead part of the game...


    So make a choice: Be constructive and help out. OR Be destructive and complain and not have any fun. The choice is yours.



  2. I put out decent damage as a balance sage, however I just feel like I am not "hitting hard enough."


    I play my class well, I'm just curious what some of you think as far as enhancements, hybrid, etc. think.


    I currently have all power/surge, though I'm curious if I should get some crit to get myself to 25%. Good idea or no?


    Any good idea for hybrids, tree numbers that is? The most annoying (clever) thing is to go against decent hybrid sages.


    Thanks for your input.


    I tried the sage forums, but got guided towards a pve guide. No bueno.


    You might feel like you "arent hitting hard enough" because balance is not a single target burst DPS tree. Its a DOT (damage over time) tree which looks good on the WZ scoreboard parsers recording a lot of damage per second and total damage but translates into less kills. Mainly because you can just spam tab/dot/tab/dot/tab/dot AOE etc... Putting burst damage on the right target at the right time is what is important in pvp and you can do this in the balance tree but TK middle tree is better for single target burst.


    Even more important for PvP -- timing your interrupts, knock backs and CC's on a healer is key. This is difficult to do without being able to target fast. Practice proper targeting too.


    Check the score board. Mouse over the damage and kills. How much DPS did you do? How many killing blows did you get? Chances are if you are on the wrong target you will get less KB's. This isnt always the case but 9 times out of 10 it is the case. I noticed my KB's go up drastically when I played TK spec but my over all damage output went down.


    If you are new to PvP a good rule is to look for and target the lowest health. Its not a good idea if that target has a guard up on them though or has obvious defensive cool downs up (usually some aura or sphere around them indicating some kind of DCD or a guard which is a darker blue tanks with guard up have a honey comb beneath them). Also a bad idea if that target is way behind other enemies. When you go too far to chase prepare to die. Its called "over extension". Great way to get killed and I see melee DPS do it every game.


    Hope that helps :D

  3. <Deadly Force> New Republic POT5 PvP guild! Everyone is welcome. Our goal is to improve the PvP community on Republic side Prophecy of the Five PvP server!


    Why COMPLAIN to people if you can EXPLAIN to people who are eager to improve their PvP skills??? We use Ventrilo but it is NOT required!


    -Currently have PvP coaches with multiple years of MMO PvP experience. We are always glad to welcome more knowledgeable and experienced PvP coaches to our ranks. Alt coaches are welcome.


    -We encourage the guild to focus on spreading any knowledge or information that will improve our factions competitiveness in PvP.


    Guild coaches are not here to carry you but rather to help improve your PvP experience by offering HELP with:


    -PvP based UI set up.

    -Keybinding help.

    -Character movement.


    -Line of Sight.

    -Timing interrupts, CC's, roots/slows/snares.

    -Being aware of the resolve bar and how it works.

    -Working as a team.

    -Reading and using the map.

    -Calling incs effectively.

    -Forecasting enemy movement and finding weak nodes.

    -Focus targeting keybinds/hard switches.

    -WZ strategies.

    -RWZ strategies.

    -Timing cool downs and rotations.

    -Gearing for Min maxing/theory crafting.

    -Being aware of and breaking tunnel vision.

    -Situational awareness.

    -Stims, Adrenals, Medpacs and Seismic Grenades.

    -Class compositions - strengths and weaknesses - Class vs Class strategies.




    Those interested in joining just ask anyone in game from guild!

  4. Thats how its done! Nice job :D


    Nice push. Critical CC timing and back on the kill target to nuke them :D


    Great example of when your team times everything right, all the stars align and BLAMMO!


    Now you just need a good healer that doesnt stand in the middle of the fight :p

  5. Good guide, thank you! :)

    Watched it and I have a question about dealing with shadows/assassins.


    I need to keep them off my back. :)

    Should I use mouse for movement or do you suggest to slow them and press S?


    What class are you playing? I would always use your mouse to control your character because you can turn faster and have superior movement all around. You can "kite" them by doing the 180 jump and turn then 180 turn back to the direction you are heading before you land tactic to avoid them hitting your backside.


    What I normally do though as soon as I got a stealth class unstealth and "open up" on me I try to tab target them immediately and either CC or knockback+root/slow them to give me some distance and cut off their bonus damage or ability they get from after they unstealth or "open up" on me. It also will give you a moment to see if they are a scoundrel/operative or a shadow/assasin. Always get a DOT (damage over time) spell on them so if they do restealth the damage will knock them out of stealth shortly after :D

  6. Hey all lately I've been getting more into pvp and I've got to say, I've been getting much better at it. I've even been getting people tell me how good I am the past week or so. But...I'm a clicker :( I've tried getting into key binding because people say the reaction times go up a lot but I can barely move around when I do it.


    So I guess the question is, what are some ways to learn key binding? I've tried using my mouse and the hitting keys but I just seem to run in a straight line :mad: Are there any pointers you guys could give me that I could use on my lower levels while I level?


    P.S. My main is a 55 Commando on Bergeron Colony


    Sounds like your main problem is movement... set up a keybind to auto run, right click to steer. Problem solved :D


    Also check out this video I made that goes over in depth PvP settings in your UI and my philosophy behind why I set up all my stuff the way I do. Its a long video but its loaded with things I have found doing nothing but PvP for 7+ years in MMO's :D hope that helps!

  7. I made a video a while back explaining this and some other useful pvp tips. I would say the best "spotter" or what I would call a "DPS Captain" would be melee DPS. My reasoning for this is a tank who is tanking will most likely be targeting friendly targets for guard swaps. A healer would most likely be doing the same and its harder for melee to navigate to a target than it is a ranged dps. Ranged dps should probably be focusing on doing off target CC's, roots and interupts using the melee for a focus to get back quickly to the kill target.
  8. Still bugged.... Confirmed in this video: http://www.twitch.tv/volantarism/b/470553093


    [Obroan Relic of Serendipitous Assault] and [Conqueror Relic of Serendipitous Assault] stack proc still... *** devs i wanted to play arenas this week...


    Conq does not stack with partisan serendipitous assault. I checked on my other guy. It is only Obroan and Conq that is still bugged for the power stacking and procing together.

  9. I couldnt get my [Conqueror Relic of Serendipitous Assault] and [Partisan Relic of Serendipitous Assault] to proc at the same time. I timed both never in the 20 seconds did the buff show up or 2 at the same time. I was on my Jedi Shadow on a practice dummy in my ship. Not sure if that helps.
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