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Posts posted by Delusionallama

  1. There is only one location currently in the game that will provide you the environment you are looking for. That is The Outlaw Den on Tatooine. It has two Repbulic GTN's and 2 Imperial GTN's with a mailbox located right outside the hut they are in. You should not have anyone near you there since it is a FFA PvP Zone and very few people go there unless something has been organized.


    There is no cargo hold, however. So, just clear out your bags and put in what you need from your CH prior to disembarking your ship.

  2. Yes, I am aware the rendering is done client side...it'd be impossible for that to be done server side.


    I'm more talking about the characters state in the world. Currently, the way the game works is allowing hacks/cheats to be used by players. Speed hacks are apparent and common enough to be causing an uproar. There are a few others as well that are around, but not as common.

  3. Why did the developers design the game to allow the client to run a large amount of the game itself? I thought this practice in large scale multiplayer games was abandoned in order to prevent hacking/cheating as much as possible.
  4. Just for the record, I enjoy playing this game right now, though I do feel as though it may be short lived. I will give it time to work itself out and pay per month instead of some locked in 6-month deal like some people are in. I am not going to compare this game to any other because well, this isn't another game.


    Anyway, so far in this game I have enjoyed a lot of things, combat and the profession system being two of the top ones. I do agree with the outspoken members of the community about a need for UI modification created by both BW and the end users. However, my qualms are much more basic.


    This is an RPG, role playing. You are supposed to able to submerse yourself in the world and see it as a living thing. This is something SWTOR has failed horribly at. All the worlds are bland and boring. The leveling is very linear. It's do this planet, on the to next all the way to 50. There is little to no room for going off the beaten trail. It would be nice to have a choice of where to go after the initial quest line (ending with the procurement of your vessel) instead of having to go next planet that allows your level. Linear elements in a RPG will always be a negative thing. That brings me to another thing...


    Sandboxing the world was by far the worst thing you could have ever done. You put in all this effort into making the game and have some very appealing graphics and landscape elements....but we have no way to enjoy the creativity of a level designer. Even in older RPG's on consoles, I loved to admire the vast worlds we were allowed to traverse through. Here, in a game that should have this epic feel to it, we're boxed into a few small to decent sized zones per planet that are generally very plain in their overall design.


    The story for the game is also very meh. There is no real sense of background. Yeah, Sith came back...yeah they destroyed the Jedi Temple on Coruscant and an uneasy and fragile peace was formed....That's weak. There is no real sense of urgency to the story or like there is some big bad in waiting. Maybe I've missed something but I listened to all of the dialogue when I quested to 50 and was left wanting at every turn. I think the big problem here is that there is very little depth in any of the 'main' characters and for that reason, myself and others I have talked to cannot invest ourselves in the story.



    TL;DR = The story is underwhelming. The central characters are bland and the worlds are linear and restrictive. These are all elements that must be solid for a RPG of any kind to be successful. As it stands, SWTOR fails at the most basic of RPH elements.


    Alas though, I will continue to give it a shot. A couple more months at least.

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