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Posts posted by Fadepink

  1. They can't really do that (award Black Hole commendations) though, since HM flash points are now repeatable on the same day; the people complaining about casual players being disadvantaged by the level of difficulty will have even more to complain about. I do agree that more Rakata drops would be nice, but really, if it's gearing up for Story Mode Denova that's the issue, the new op is definitely doable with a columi-geared group of decent players (as experienced first hand)
  2. They still have lot of other, easier flashpoints. No one is forcing anyone to do hard ones.


    YES, this. BW have even removed the lockouts from Hard Mode FPs, so even more so there is plenty of content to keep one occupied. I enjoy, immensely, that they've given us 'hardcore' players some trickier FP content to do - my guild group wiped no less than 15 times on the droid boss before downing it, and it actually felt like an achievement when we did.


    1.2 has only been out for two days; it would've been disappointing if everyone had the new content on farm already

  3. The fight is far too punishing for melee characters, especially considering the paltry rewards they provide. The droid is a difficult fight, yes, and that's good..


    But the difficulty shouldn't just up and vanish when you swap to a ranged group, which it does. That's poor design. Introduce mechanics to either **** up range or cut it with the ones that make melee miserable, Bioware.


    Actually, they have tried to introduce mechanics that disadvantage ranged in 1.2; the stomp on Project Sovrak, and rail shot in the last boss encounter in Denova. To be fair, these are quite easily avoided by simply moving in the right direction, but when you think about it isn't that really the same idea for melee on the Droid boss in HM Lost Island?

  4. This doesn't seem to be addressed anywhere except in the PTS threads, but I was wondering if anyone could clarify how this title is awarded/distributed to the Operations group after defeating Colonel Vorgath? My guild killed him yesterday, and only one member received the title; the person who operated the tower didn't even receive it :/


    In PTS threads, people have claimed that their entire Ops group received the Minesweeper title, whilst another group had only two players receive it.

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