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Posts posted by Cherepk

  1. If you were getting 4v4, it means there weren’t enough players in the queue for 8v8.


    I understand that yet i don't want to play 4v4 most of the times since its very unbalanced. 3 healers vs 2 tanks etc.....


    No that i want to play into premades........ I want a choice to leave the game without being punished for auto loss of a game.

  2. I agree with roll nerf the way its done is bad thing. Maybe leave second roll but remove any damage absorption from a second one ?

    Operatives are quite squishy, roll is main ability where i can kite people and get to people. So if roll is nerfed the way it is, then we need more damage.


    Bioware please listen to Snave, he's actually pretty god on operative and know what he is saying when ti comes to operatives.


    P.S. I don't get how snipers get 4 rolls and teleport....... and they are on pair with mara/mercs whent it come to the performance in PVP, and now they get all of that and operatives roll is nerfed...... Doesn't make any sense.

    Sniper litterly will be GOD even more broken then pre-nerf mercs.

  3. PvP has been trash in this game since shortly after launch. Ranked is the biggest joke of it all. Without cross server queues it’s literally meaningless. Even regs queues would seriously benefit from xserver. If I want to play esports I play battlefield or WoW. It’s tragic that anyone would consider themselves a real pvper and use ranked in this game as an example. How this game made it past Q&A in 2010-2011 with no xserver is baffling.


    Strangely you mentioned games that aren't that better in PVP. Wow PVP was declining for ages in the resent tourney wow stream had 2x less viewers that wow streamer that streams lvl 40 vanilla classic adventures.


    Would it be amazing to have cross server ques, sure. However having solo ques already is a big plus. Wow BG actually aren't better than Swotr WZ. both have similar problems.


    WOW arena is actually at this point worse than swotr SOLO. Most in LFG don't use voice anymore, wait time on finding players is enormous especially if you alliance and most quit party on the first loss.....


    Actually watching 1800 swotr stream you can see skillful players, same applies to rank 1 wow players anything below in both game is just keys smashing.

  4. Snave is the best :D

    He’s helped this community so much over the years.

    I think you must have him mixed up with someone else.


    No one else but him.

    Again as i mentioned he can be helpful and nice but it gets diminished by how toxic and rude he gets time to time.

  5. I think you are mistaking Snave for someone else. I think you are thinking of a guy that streams and goes by the name "Angry Joe."


    Also, he is just using the angry moments for satirical purposes. I don't think he is trying to offend anyone. :(


    We all have different opinions, this is what i saw on his streams.

  6. I don't know who is mr Devil but Snave seems very toxic, enrages like a @@@@, opinionated to the point of stupidity, and profanities that comes out of his mouth are just awful that actually lots of times pointed at his streamers.


    There are much better streamers that stream SWOTR that are not toxic and actually play on higher level than snave.


    Where snave seems can be helpful and decent time to time but its gets diminished by him being toxic other times.

  7. My suggestion is to give them an ability much like Invisibility from the Immortal spec, but with some modifications.


    Positive effect: Provides a high amount of direct Damage Reduction (50%)

    Negative effect: Will lover damage with an equal amount (50%)

    Time: 15-20 seconds

    Cooldown: 5 minutes


    The trick would be to use it when they expect a high amount of incoming damage, and not when they are free casting damage themselves. With a lengthy cooldown it would (mostly) be a one-trick pony in regs and PvE, but it would be reset between rounds in arena.

    Definitely good suggestion now we need BIoware to read this and do nothing on it .... knowing Bioware

  8. Juggs are one my favourite and most fun classes to play. I’m 1000000% against giving Juggs a camo feature. They don’t need it and it would ruin the last bit of uniqueness between Mara’s and Juggs.

    Well then what do you propose for ,giving them more survival will make them OP in regs...

  9. So is it me or Pub side's Ossus is dying....


    Two days in a row.... Empire side ossus 25 + Pub 3-7+


    I should've gone with empire on my scoundrel......

  10. Bruh... PT has been red headed step child since kingdom come.


    They are God Tier mode in a good team ranked game tho.


    Conclusion? Delete the stupid class because BW has no idea how to balance there way out of a scale.

    If only most of us cared about team ranked... Team ranked dead long live solo ranked....

  11. Well i enjoy both regs and solo. Do i get frustrated hell yes, stupid losses, class imbalance, like facing 3 mercs that off heal each other..... but here to compare:


    Here are wow (most popular mmo) problems: complete faction imbalance(alliance losses most of the times), que times(horde 10+ min), arena popularity is lowest its ever been(finding team as dps might take hours), gear grinding and necessity doing pve for gear, absolutely op trinkets that make playing healer is hell job....


    So in comparison swotr pvp is actually not in the bad place at all.................Just adjust classes slightest buff PT, nerf mercs.......


    But no game without problems.


    I don't agree with game one sided. WZ usually one side yes, but its goes both ways. Sometimes your team loose or wins without giving any chances to the other team. Actually ability to que with pubs in the same team on all maps is amazing innovation that brought me back for example.

  12. Well if we continue this way how the freak knife can kill powerful sith for example......


    Btw where do we keep that machete/shotgun ? Like isn't it suppose to be visible, mercs have both guns visible........



    I play operative due to this that i kill stuff with shotguns/punches and machetes........ Also have great survival and ability to reset the battle.

  13. I feel like my sin is lot more squishier than any jug out there.


    The reason u focus jug because he's right there in your face, but then again before they apply any fixes to JUGGS there are PT. That feel like butter in PVP. I love my PT and would like to do some SOLO but i dare not to go through such psychological stress :).

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