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Posts posted by Oberstein

  1. My Xalek has 17.5k hp and all T1/T2 and I solo 4+ heroics on Belsavis with him, L2P?. Use Endurance, Willpower + Defense gear (companions don't benefit from sheild rating / absorb). The only reason Khem would be better is the slight increase in armor from light to heavy, but Xalek is better at grabbing agro (leap + AOE) and does more damage. If they ever fix sheild rating / absorb Xalek will be more of a beast. Also, Khem is a giant oaf that continually gets in your way, no thanks.
  2. How about the fact that Biochem is still the best tradeskill with any good shot at making consistent profit AT LEVEL 50. As more people start doing hardmodes and ops it's the only consumable that people will need to give them an edge. I spend 50k a night for two of these, so basically the money I make from dailies goes to repairs and stims. I'm a 400 Artifice and I can't sell enhacements or hilts because you get the EXACT same item from dailies... Only thing that sells occasionally is color crystals, but it's hardly worth the effort or cost. Even with the nerf I'm still considering dropping Artifice and picking up Biochem, no other tradeskills are viable once you make the Rakata pieces.
  3. BTW Towlie I wasn't trying to knock you, because I myself haven't solod this, so hats off. My comment was more towards the people saying to nerf Sorcerers for being able to solo a "world boss". Still you got me wanting to try this now. I'll probably go heals again and give it a shot. Just out of curiosity, did you put defensive mods on your tank? I use Xalek and have him well geared but only recently realized that absorption and shield rating dont count so he has a ton of wasted stats. I'm thinking if switching all his mods to + defense to bump up his mitigation. He's also using some T1 / T2 gear with absorption which sucks.
  4. world boss


    This is not a world boss.. it's a triggered spawn for a crafting component designed for an average 4 man group to kill. World bosses like the one on Belsavis still take a very well geared group of 6 or a raid of up to 12 "casuals"

  5. I've been two manning this guy easily with T1 equivalent gear (124/126). A powertech with blue/purple lvl 50 gear and me in the same as a hybrid heal / dps sorcerer. Not even a challenge, just takes a few minutes to DPS him down. Now that I'm geared a little better I may try to solo it. If he was kitable it would be trivial. Doesn't surpirse me some 4 man groups have a hard time with this when I see some of the paintlickers that I get trying to run HM flashpoints in lvl 40 green gear at lvl 50. So many baddies, it hurts my brain.
  6. You didn't specify, so I'm assuming PvE. I've tried both and in my purely anecdotal opinion (like any opinion will be without damage meters) I think a hybrid spec is the way to go right now. I'm running hard modes and normal ops as this 17/24 hybrid:




    There's stuff in there like electric bindins and haunted dreams that obviously doesnt help your dps, but I like the utility and find it useful, especially in hardmode flashpoints.


    Keep affliction / deathmark up, spam force lightning and Crushing / Chain Lightning on Wrath procs. It's a relatively easy effective rotation that "flows" well imo. That said, to each his own and play what you think "feels" right to you. Nobody will be able to prove your DPS sucks without meters or combat logs.


    I don't like full lightning because thundering blast doesn't do enough damage, lightning strike also sucks (lower damage coefficient) and I don't like full madness because you have to maintain an extra dot and the top of the tree doesn't really add much to your dps.


    Also with 30% crit or better I hardly every drop below 80% force due to lightning effusion and spamming force lightning.

  7. 17/24 here, tried them all and this is by far my favorite, sacrifice some dot damage but in return you can take consumption off your bar:




    Lightning Effusion with 30%+ crit is very good, then the issue becomes agro management, because I pull agro like crazy if the tank doesnt have solid agro on everything, especially when I start dropping Chain Lightning and Death Field on AOE pulls.

  8. You can't get anything from the dailies, but the mods pretty much = tionese gear, if you have a modable item.


    Exactly, which is why you should do your dailies. Tionese / lvl 124/126 modded gear is a huge step of from the stuff you are wearing when you hit 50. On my server you can buy player crafted implants and mods for 20k each, even artifact quality boots, gloves, etc for < 50k. Considering you can make 150k just from one day of dailies there is really zero excuse to not be in full lvl 50 T1 equivelant epics within a few days of hitting 50, then you can start farming T2 + in hardmodes.

  9. If you are wearing green / blue mid 40's gear you will be worthless in HM FPs. Spent a few days doing dailies to get 50+ mods in your gear and run the normal FPs. 4 man groups in this game means people will be less willing to carry someone with crappy gear. Skill has nothing to do with it if you cant take the hits, can't heal enough, or cant put out enough dps to kill the "gear check" before the enrage timers. I cant tell you how many groups have fallen apart because some fresh 50 said he was "geared for HMs" and when I inspect him its all green / blue.
  10. Essentially alienating the customer base that made wow a success.
    The 5% (or less) of people like you (and me at one point) did not make WoW a success, the millions of casual players paying $15 a month to keep those servers running and fatten their wallets is what made it a success. Games are product made by companies that are trying to make a profit, not really sure why it's hard for folks to understand. Stock holders want returns, they don't give a crap about your raid content.
  11. Is anyone else finding endgame content rather "ho-hum"? Personally, I don't care for flashpoints, so I guess that part is of this my own fault (that I am missing out on those). As much as it seems like it, this isn't just a complaint thread. I really do want to know what I am missing!


    Beyond the missed flashpoints, all I have found to do is some rinse and repeat dailies on Ilum and Belsavis. The latter incur so much surface travel that it becomes a drag, not to mention all the time spent in loading screens during space travel (ie- planet to orbital station to hangar to airlock to ship to airlock to hangar to orbital station to planet and finally to quest hub). Some of this wouldn't be as bad if there weren't so many no-mount zones involved.


    I guess I should stop complaining. Leveling was a blast, I loved it. There are so many cool things about this game, but my interest is starting to wane a bit (quite a bit). Participating in a couple warzones a day are fun, but more than a few becomes mind-numbing. Crafting is easy to max out, then almost pointless. Ilum daily/weekly pvp objectives can be either frustrating or boring, depending on how imbalanced your server's pub/imp population ratio is.


    I want to love this game, I really do. What am I missing (besides flashpoints and leveling a string of new toons) that can keep this fresh?


    I don't think I would add anything to this, exactly how I'm feeling right now.

  12. I hear you about the game WoW has become, I came from wow as well, but a more casual small raiding guild. Despite all the things wrong with WoW you will notice immediately all the things missing from swtor that you took for granted before, like the smooth animation, nice interface, tools (like dungeon finder) that are missing here. I've been 50 for a couple of weeks and finding it hard to log in. Hard modes and raids are buggy, content isn't nearly as polished, still it's worth the $60 to level an imperial / republic to 50 and experience the story. Keeping my sub active to support Bioware and hopefully they can build on this solid base, but I'm really looking forward to Diablo 3, Amalur, ME3 and GW2 in the meantime. Take your time and enjoy leveling up, because that's where this game is strong NOT in the endgame.
  13. I use the customization for Xalek from the Ilum orbital station, the one that gives him the two extra face spikes. I have him wearing a mid 30's custom hooded robe (black and purple in color, "Introspection" I believe, also using the lower robe) and it shows the hood. Looks great actually and much better than the stupid hood on his starter armor. I also put a magenta +33 endurance crystal in his lightsaber, so my tank is wearing a purple robe with a pink double lightsaber - sorry Xalek :(
  14. Always confused by people saying companions are useless, regardless of your spec. If you are a tank build, and don't have Talos yet, then use Andro, he does very good dps as long as you arent cheap and give him level appropriate gear. I'm full heal specced and I used Andro nearly full time except in cases where I needed Khem or Xalek to tank a couple of elites or a champ for me. Now at lvl 50 I have Xalek and Andro geared out in full lvl 50 custom gear + lvl 50 purple mods and earrings / implants, they make soloing +2 heroics easy enough that I never even bother looking for another player. I also easily 2 man the +4 heroics. I just use Xalek to tank melee mobs or Andro to tank ranged mobs and stuff dies very quickly.


    TLDR; gear up your companions and learn their strengths / weaknesses.

  15. I switched from power / alacrity to crit / surge when I hit 50 yesterday, holy crap did healing get easier. At 35% crit and 80% surge my Inervate crits most of the time even without casting resurgence first. Definitely seems like crit is the way to go, since you get more bang for your buck in terms of force usage. It's also nice as when I drop dots or force lighting between heals that benefits as well.
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