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Posts posted by ASHxHOUSWARES

  1. lv. 32 already and roundabout 300k from dotting and trying to avoid those annoying Sentinels / Maraus ( stun them kick them slow them ---> they will look for a new person to attack).


    LMAO!!!! Yeah that works!!!!! Stun them and they break your stun and then they interrupt every heal you try and kill you within 4 hits tops... wait ti lyou hit lvl 50 and see whats really going on. I get 300k+ in every wz and it doesnt mean a thing...

  2. I've found that Sith Inquisitors, especially Sorcerers lack an ability to DPS, even perhaps last in pvp around level 50. Sure we can heal, but getting ganked is no fun when you are supposed to be one of the most powerful, damage-outputting classes in the game. Anyone else have thoughts like this? I just feel a tiny boosting may be helpful. I don't seem to have trouble as much with it, but I know alot of sorcerers that suffer from this, and seem to lack in pvp.


    This is old news... 1.2 ruined this class. The Sorcerer is almost useless. The only Inquisitor that has any power is the assassin... The sorc in pvp dies in 3 hits against a warrior. Has lost most of its healing ability and is all around useless. Its wonderful how well they are doing with this game. I hear the same thing constantly and that is that Bio ware is killing this game. I have watched hundreds of ppl quit this game. This class is almost utterly useless. Take my advice. Do not waste your time lvling this class if you want to play this game. Go make a Merc healer or somthing else anything but this ruined class... Or you could follow the masses and quit... Watch how fast they delete this post!!!

  3. Hey if somebody is attacking you force run away, you may not be able to win a 1 vs 1 with them but with all your cc tools you can keep them at bay forever. My vanguard (sucks) was chasing a sorc the other day, it took me about 2-3 minutes to get him because he kept force running to the healing packs. I probably won't do it again unless it's somebody on my "attack on sight" list.

    Force run away doesnt work... It gets me pulled back or stunned when I try... This nerf has totally ruined the sorcerer!!!!!! I cant solo quest.... I cant heal... ***??? The worst part is i hear nothing from the devs about making things better...

  4. I am a die hard sorcerer... Even though I am useless now i still play it because I spent a couple hundred hours making this character I love.... But it is worse than before... I used to get owned alot in PVP because the sorcerers are weak , dont try and tell me they arent because all it takes is one interrupt and a couple attacks and im dead. I went into a pvp area today to price some black market crystals and was attacked by a knight.... I lasted 5 seconds. Could not stop him, could not run because he was able to counter everything I tried. So not only can I no longer heal I cant fight either....


    Same thing happens to me in WZ's.... Everyone sees my armor and knows exactly what I am and they immediately gang up on me cuz they know I will die in 3 seconds flat... Literally 3 seconds!!!! So this nerf took away our healing and still leaves us defenseless???? I cant take this!!!! How can i get a refund for the months i wasted on this game???????? I dont want to play another class. I will go back to wow because at least there the healers are worth playing.... Unless you plan on making this right. I see thousands and thousands of hits on every thread about this horrible mistreatment to the consumer so I know its not only me... Everyone i talk to, and every member of my guild is upset because the healers cant keep them alive anymore!!!!


    Do something right.... Make us healers again and if pvp is your concern then limit the # of healers allowed on one team!!!

  5. I would like to agree and bang on about it all not being good enough but im afraid i can't. I think the changes have been good and well thought out but it would be nice to see it isn't a constant shifting tide but we shall see eh.


    Balance is going to always be very hard to achieve and surely balance around pvp cannot be due to human error if nothing else so they aim it all around pve with an eye to pvp and itll all be fine in the end....as i say, im happy.


    .....not the support you are looking for yet its nice to hear someone is happy eh LOL


    Spoken like a pvp'er who doesn't play the sorcerer class... Or is only lvl 30...

  6. I havent seen one thread from biio ware talking about a posible compromise to this.... I have tried desperately to make this work. In WZ's I die in 3 seconds because everyone know now that I am the easiest kill in the place so they all attack me right off- so war zones are absolutely no fun anymore... Then I try and do Hard Modes and my group dies over and over and that makes them not want to invite me on raids, so my gear progress has officially ended. Basically I have come to the end of the line with my Sorcerer... Not what I expected at all!!!! So where is the thread talking about fixing what they did wrong? I notice they keep getting deleted because I guess we arent allowed to tell people bio ware has ruined their game.... The only people that arent complaining are low level healers because they have no idea what was lost.... I notice there are over 5000 hits on this thread.... Seems like a pretty good amount of your customers agree this nerf was way overdone!!!!! So my question is if you arent going to fix our class (I also wanted to be this class since before I got this game) then how do we go about selling this game and getting out money back we wasted on the last few months of play?
  7. I completely disagree... The consumption nerf is awful it was a very important thing in HM's as it is so very hard to keep enough force and heal everyone. The nerf was totally uneeded. Sorcerers were no overpowered unless there was 3 or more in one pvp group.... So instead of nerfing us limit the # of one class allowed in any pvp team!!!! The faster cast times and refillable force was something so necessary for the pve groups! I can't do any HM's anymore except Black Talon and even that one is hard to keep the team healed. You lowered the amount of healing and raised the cast times and took away the free consumption which wasnt a 100% of the time thing so instead you could have kept it to where only 50% of the time would it give free consumtion but keep the innervates high heal as its cast time is too long to be worth using otherwise!!!! You took 5 different abilities away from the healer!!!! WHY???? I can see maybe one ability but 5?? Plus you took away other abilities of ours and moved them over into the Legacy??? So we got nothing new for those 2 when everyone else got new stuff. So basically you don't want anyone to play the Sorcerer??? I bought this game to be a Sith and a healer so I found the perfect class for it and was having fun keeping my team alive. Now my team yells at me cuz i cant keep them alive. So this actually affects everyone. EA does this with every game I have ever bought!!!! Once people whine about things being too hard EA nerfs everything!!! They did the same thing With BF2 which was a great game and well balanced but people whined cuz they had to have skill to play it so EA nerfed everything and ruined the game!!!! This Game is not for 11 year olds!!! Sorry it is a game for more mature players as most of the role play genre is.... So instead of nerfing when they complain point them towards strategy guides!!!! If they dont want to read then its their problem!!! I had to read to learn to use my Sorcerer and right when i get really good and everyone wants me in their group to heal cuz i can keep them alive, boooom!!!! You nerf it all and make it impossible to play... Oh boy now I get to repspec to be a DPS.... Wow What joy.... Now I get to be a class I didnt want to play, and from what I understand you already nerfed the Sorcerer DPS so all I will be doing is making pretty lights shoot out of my hands.... Seriously the only fix is to return most of the healing abilities... I hardly play anymore because I am useless.... A free month... Oh boy.... I get to go start a new class to be a healer because you think there are too many sorcerers... I remember in Wow there were too many Death Knights... They didnt nerf them so people would not make them....


    EA QUIT NERFING!!!!!! 1.2 would have been great but you ruined it for a ton of players!!!!!!!!

  8. I have tried and tried to figure our new ways to keep my team alive in pve HM's.... I simply cannot. Eith the team dies before I can get my cast times off or I run out of force and we die, or I die trying to keep force. There is simply no way to run HM's with this nerf. I cannot concentrate on my health and everyone elses health as well as my force when I cant keep up. I have tried to use AOE heals to compensate but it just doesnt work with all the other nerfing seeing as AOE heals do not give enough health to keep up with your team getting killed, not to mention it seems like I give off more threat than before so now I have to worry about that as well and spending force on that? It is simply too much there must be a way to restrict the healers in pvp and not anywhere else, maybe only allowing 2 healers in a pvp arena at a time? Regardless the current system really needs to be returned to the old way for pve. Or bring it closer to what it was instead of this huge nerf....
  9. The sorcerer desperately needs the consumption for free to keep from losing its entire party... Not to mention the reduced cast times... If you want to leave the innervations nerf I can see the reduced heal there sort of but not really... The sorcerers heals were exactly what was needed to get through pve hard modes!! Now I can't get through them at all... The group dies over and over and ends up rage quitting because they are tired of dying and it always falls on the healers blame. Make changes in pvp if thats the problem! But restore the healer in pve so we can run the HM's with reasonable ability!!
  10. I cant keep anyone healed in 1.2 on any HM.... Everyone dies... even against easy mobs it is hard... I couldnt get past the first movie in Kaon... LOst Island? FORGET IT!!! I have all columi gear and I cant keep any groups alive anymore cast times are too long and the heals are too weak... great patch I hope the pvpers are happy now since they are the only ones who matter... Healing wasnt simple in the HM's before now its almost impossible!!!!!
  11. I waited for this game so long, at first it was bad but playable. Now it is pointless. I have loggout of of my character with a bad taste in my mouth and sedness in my heart as i play to heal, and my character can no longer heal. I understand my roll extrememly well and am a core raider doing every flashpoint weekly. Now its not worth it, those that play sorc healers understand how hard it is to let a player die cause you simply have no force power to heal anyone except the tank and yourself. even using consumption as its absolutly possible time ( usually when you have low health so its takes less health). I know this is just rant and few will care but it feels good to get it off my back.


    **** you bioware, **** you


    read fast cause this thread will be deleted soon

    I feel you my friend.... I am a devoted healer. It is my only class... I have spent 3 months making my healer awesome... LVL 50 witht almost all columi gear, just need the implants to be complete... I thought from the beginning however that healers were weak though... Unable to stand against any class at all, but at least I could heal my companions and friends in PVE. But the lame PVP players complain cuz they dont know how to kill the healers first and we get nerfed... What an ingenious tactic.... Ruin the weakest class and make them even weaker!!! Are you awake Bio ware????????? Or is this EA's stupidity???? Either way nerfing the healer is the worst possible idea ever!!!!!!!!!!!! This game is anything but easy and nothing needed to be nerfed!!!!!!!!!!! You are idiots for nerfing anything!!! Make PVP play have different rules for players since that seems to matter to you!!!!! Most players dont care about pvp and they are more concerned with pve and leveling!!!!!!!!! But now the healers are completely useless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whats worse is I cant even respec as DPS because you already ruined the dps for sorcerers!!!!!!!!!!! So I now have a completely worthless and useless lvl 50 charector.... Thanks alot I get a free month... *** good is that???????????? It takes me 3 months of serious play time including 8 hour days to try and get a lvl 50!!!!!!!! And what is the point of making a new toon when it wont be able to get lvl 50 gear because NO ONE will make another healer because they are useless!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wake up you idiots!! Put the healers back where they were!!!!!!! if pvp is an issue, make a restriction on the amount of heaelers allowed in a war zone!!! Dont allow more than 2 healers per war zone!!!! Thats the correct fix!!! 2healers per WZ is easily overcome with a group with any brains... But pve needs fast healers!!! Fast effective heals are needed for PVE and ops groups.... Wake up and give us back our healing abilities

  12. I wasteed 3 months leveling my sorcerer... Now it is completely useless... Tried to heal a HM with a geared group and I couldnt keep them alive when we should have breezed through as we all had columi gear... You ruined the sorcerers healing is destroyed!!! I cant even respec to dps cuz it's worthless as well!!!! Thanks for nothing 1.2
  13. they ruined everything in this game what a ridiculous patch!!! I hear everyone complaining about their class being ruined except the tanks.... Healers-nerfed and ruined... Operatives,nerfed and ruined, Marauders-nerfed and ruined.... Herd this from everyone... Great job!! Oh boy i get a free month of crap!!!! My charecter I spent 3 months making into a good one with almost all columi gear and all champion pvp gear is now worthless... Great work!!!! So you gave me a free month? How about 3 so I can level a tank to 50 and have a playable class? Oh wait it wont matter you ruined all the other classes so there will be nothing but tanks running around.... Of course i am sure next I will hear about how you screwed the tanks up too... You completely ruined the Sorcerer Healers. Oh boy i have a useless lvl 50!!!!!
  14. They have completely ruined the sorcerer healer.... Totally useles class now can even keep your teammates alive in a regular HM much less in any WZ's.... Great patch the weakest class has been nerfed, great thinking!!!!! The only power healers have is to heal and now you have taken it away from them!!!! Not to mention the heals are all bugged now!!!! So why am I going to continue my subscription to a worthless game??? even if I level another class to 50 they wont be able to get healed because no one will want to have to be the healers now because it is almost impossible to heal!!!!! I am beyond outraged:mad:
  15. YOU have completely ruined the healer.Great patch!! I went into Kaon HM with a fully geared group and was wiped out in no time.... The heal times are awful and nothing works right anymore. The tricks that used to give you unlimited power without using up your health.... DOnt work.... The trick that made dark(forget name) but the one that gives most health the trick that used to reduce the heal time from 2.3 to 1.4 is not working.... plus none of the heals have any of the power they once did, not to mention healers seem to generate more threat now... What a wonderful patch. The class that is weakest gets the nerf.... How ingenious... The only thing healers had going for them is taken away because of stoopid pvp??? PVP sux anyways.

    HEALERS WERE WEAK TO BEGIN WITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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