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Posts posted by roadrunnerNM

  1. yeah this is very annoying....


    anyone tried to replay all chapters with the choices that matter to avoid this bug? i mean at the rate this bug gets adressed i would be much faster off replaying the chapters.... then again, the choices really dont fit my juggernaut im playing right now. guess i have to level toons...


    You'd have to do the replay on a different character since your effective choices are locked after you do the chapter once for any given character. Besides, I like the outcome of getting rid of Koth but keeping his crew.

  2. This just cropped up for me. The conditions appear to be Koth leaving, but his crew remaining loyal to you. I have playthroughs where Koth stayed and where he *and his crew* left with the Gravestone, and didn't encounter this bug. Resetting just brings me back to the conversation with Tora, and the bug kicks in when I go to the war room to talk to Theron. Not happy, Bioware.


    EDIT: If this bug was introduced with 5.9, it might not matter whether or not Tora, et. el., stayed since my playthrough where they all left was before 5.9.


    I submitted a bug report, but not a ticket to customer service. Can they actually do anything, or is a ticket to them a waste of electrons, as I suspect?

  3. OK, I did the Nathema fp on my one character who has done everything - Makeb, Oricon, Ziost, KOTxx, everything. But when I checked my ship's console on a character that's done KOTxx but not Makeb, Oricon, or Ziost, the quest isn't there. I checked another character that's done Makeb but not any of the other expansion stuff - no Nathema fp. Really, BW? I'll be damned if I ever want to do Makeb ever again. :p


    You can take the "Do the Nathema fp" quest from the menu that lists all the solo flashpoints, but there still seems to be no way to start it. Is there some alternative way?


    UPDATE: OK, I figured it out: go to Odessan, go to the Alliance staging area, and through the purple door at the end. Now that I think about it, I probably didn't do the rest of the Iokath stuff on this character because ... Iokath.

  4. OK, look, I know what desync is, and I know what I saw, and it wasn't desync. If it were lag, the player would have just appeared at the new position without gently flying from the corner of the top platform (original huttball) to the lower middle ramp in a manner impossible without hacking. I see I shouldn't have used the word "flick" in my original post.


    I saw something similar in a voidstar later that day: a player flew from the floor to the top of the wing of the shuttle on the west side of the first area.Yes, it was a jugg, but no, he wasn't jumping to another player, friend or foe. I call hax. And yes, it pisses me off.

  5. I'm seeing people suddenly flick from one position to another. Like just now: a player just suddenly moved from the corner of the top ramp to the middle of the middle bottom ramp. No way is that a glitch! I've also been seeing a lot of other moves that look like position hacking: people suddenly darting forward over obstacles, for instance. I guess huttball is a good target since position hacking can really help. No more huttball for me. And how pathetic and small do you have to be to want to cheat in a video game?
  6. I finished KOTET on my Sith Warrior, but got bored part way through on my Smuggler. Now I want to get Risha back (oh, and I guess that Corso dude, too), but there seems to be no indicator anywhere how far I got on my Smuggler. Is there a way to tell?


    Edit: Apparently I did finish KOTET with my Smuggler, because I got the Alliance Alert for Risha and Corso. (Shows how big an impression it made on me. :))

  7. Star Forge, at least two different matches: one Voidstar and one Odessen. Not sure of classes, but more than one. Maybe mara/sent, guardian/jugg, and sniper? And no, it wasn't transcendence/predation. I play a mara myself, and I know those when I see them. These folks were moving way too fast for that -- their characters seemed to sort of stutter around.
  8. Assuming that the warzone map is oriented north (and that's what everyone does),. that makes east always to the right and west always to the left. It's not that complicated and people who complain that it is confusing expend more energy doing that than just memorizing right = east, left = west. You don't even need to look at the map if you know where east and west are.



    Ahem. Counter-example: defending in Voidstar. The top of your minimap is *south*. Drives me nuts. Please just use left/right from spawn. Otherwise, "east" could mean left from spawn (actual east door); or if you assume north is at the top of your minimap (as it is in *every other* warzone), east could mean the right door (which is actually the west door :p).

  9. I finally got to Tier 2 GC on one of my toons and discovered that crates drop 234's while drops from ops or pieces bought with unassembled components are 236's. And I understand 234's can't be upgraded with op drops or components. WTH? So not only does our "primary gearing method" (GC) give worse gear than the "supplementary" drops, but the two systems don't mesh. And this is a "simpler" system?! Just had to vent ...
  10. Agree. I don't quit them but I really dislike arenas, totally understand quitting out.


    And I really hate Huttball. Sometimes I'll stay and play it, but I feel no guilt over quitting before the match starts. If it's before the start, someone else (almost certainly better at Huttball) can take my place.


    Also, now that farming has returned to PvP thanks to the broken bolster system, I think refusing to be farmed is perfectly reasonable.

  11. I stopped by the PvP forum to see if something weird is going on because I've been seeing some incredibly lopsided matches in PvP lately. Of course, there have always been lopsided matches, but it really seems extreme lately. Over the past few days, I've been in matches where one side has hundreds of kills, and the other side has maybe a dozen. I'm not a great PvPer by any means, but I'm not awful, either. I used to really enjoy PvP. Being killed by a better player or in a situation where I get outnumbered doesn't make me rage; I just try to improve. But today, I was getting shredded in seconds ON MY TANK. From reading the threads here, I'm guessing it's people exploiting the DvL bolster bug. In any case, it's pretty much sucked the fun out of PvP for me. I'm not unsubbing because I also like PvE and run on a couple of raid teams. But I'm no longer going to participate in a game mode I used to really like. So it brings me one step closer to the day I will unsub.
  12. Look at it that way - people spent hundreds of hours doing dvl event and now they are being rewarded.


    I don't give a damn; it's ruining PvP for me. Add to that the fact that there's no way to get that gear now if you don't have it, and IT'S COMPLETELY BROKEN.

  13. It's a complete disaster for anyone who enjoys PvP. What I don't enjoy is getting curb-stomped just because someone has better gear than me. I also don't enjoy curb-stomping someone else just because I have better gear. PvP is supposed to be about who plays better. Fix it now, Bioware. Otherwise, I'm not going to grind for gear; I'm going to quit.
  14. Most MMO publishers (there are some noble exceptions) have been pulling this sort of scam for years now - pacing progression in such a way that customers are tempted to purchase a shortcut. It's hardly new.


    So on that basis why on earth are so many here on this thread wailing & crying "oh woe is me" at the horror that Bioware & EA are doing the same? Either accept the game, warts and all or just give up, leave and go and play something where the "Store" doesn't feature in core gameplay. Simples when you think about it.


    The difference is that we are *already paying for the content* with our subscriptions! Selling boosts for subscription-only content is *sleazy*.

  15. 1. The music is *beautiful*! I want a soundtrack. Seriously. I am blown away by how lovely the incidental music is when you're exploring planets or going through a loading screen.


    2. The graphics, on the other hand. The clipping, the muddy textures, the ugly outfits! Ugh. Though the environment and landscapes are lovely, as some recently posted screenshots show.


    3. The story continuation in the expansions is rather poorly written. "The Rise of the Hutt Cartel" in particular is boring ... not looking forward to going through it on all my characters. And that's the worst thing about the expansions: no longer can I pretend that all my characters coexist in different parts of the same universe ... 'cause they can't *all* be the leader of the Alliance simultaneously. Also, instead of 8 different class stories, I have to go through the same story 8 times, once for each class ... I guess I couldn't expect the continuation of 8 separate stories ... No, wait. Why couldn't I? That's what Bioware originally committed to. What did they expect to do as the years went by? Roll all the stories into one and thus eliminate one of the game's greatest strengths?

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