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Posts posted by jEdiTrickzzsss

  1. :rak_03:id like to start off by saying its been a year SWTOR has been out i figure a few more classes would be a intersting idea my thoughts on the matter is that im sure most players playd thourgh most classes so these should sound like whisky on rocks for variety the republic side a republic spy like the agent it differs from just sniping while the off hand is optional for duel wheeled or the player has the ablity to counter the opponent with a sniper rifle or assault rifle the range ability could be like the bounty hunters unloud but differnet it does a 3 burst with the sniper 4 rapid burst with a asssault rifle and dual wheeled 1 burst for 1 secound 1/2 or 2 secounds. now empire side soldier strats off on korriban yes i know the whole sith thing FYI but it makes sense unfortunately no imperials on hutta XD it could play out though have it start off like the tropper class and the regiment explains how korriben is dangorous with force corruput military and students killing thire way to become sith now on to the roles like the tropper abilties can be rocket launcher sticky granade shotgun frag granade flash bang inforno blast shoots out a deadly projation of flame.


    lastley for upgrading the classes


    soldier has medic as heeler enforcer as tank


    repulbic spy has overseer as heeler / infiltrator as tank a cool cloak ablity would be nice as to soldier decide what to make for upgrad class

    if this could be out by summer you all have my thanks :cool:

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