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Posts posted by Bokamon

  1. Here's a rough layout of what i'd like the vanguard class to be like. All trees should be viable in both PvE and PvP:


    Shield Specialist

    PvE: tank

    PvP: protecting (squishy) allies


    Haven't played this spec much after 2.0, but i think its doing allright. Could do with a bit more defensive cd's tho.




    PvE: sustained dps + cc support

    PvP: tactical dps


    This tree needs some work. While it lacks both survivability and burst in PvP, it should have some tricks up its sleeve like more cc's, like another stun (mezz?) or actually good slows for kiting . Also there's not much tactical about having to go into the fray, so give it some ranged abilities. This, along with the sustained dps should make it viable in PvE too.




    PvE: (burst) dmg

    PvP: burst dmg


    Needs it's burst back, simple



    my 2c's

  2. guarding the turret like a boss.


    hey, an incoming enemy. you're gonna get it... yeah that's what i thought running away like the scared sissy you are... it don't matter, i'm gonna kill you even if i have to cross the entire map.

  3. I agree with your intention but not your suggested solution based on gear. Like I tried to say, people can enter WZs in level 9 green gear and put on their augmented WH gear once inside and ruin the experience for the fresh 50s. It would work against it's intention.


    a solution for this would be not to allow players to change their gear once they're in.

  4. Too late now but instead of going F2P they should have tried lowering the subscription to $10 bucks a month.

    I think that would help get and keep a lot of players IMO. Just sayin!


    My sentiments exactly.


    Yes, a lot more ppl will play this game.. for free.

    If the whole game doesn't justify $15,=/ month, than added features certainly won't.


    I hope i'm proven wrong tho..

  5. BW went overboard by making ALL item slots augmentable. If they'd done this for all previously augmentable slot (possibly also offhands) it would have been fine. Sadly this is irreversible.


    Being forced to work inside a game (you allready pay real money for to play) has allready burnt me out on another MMO.

  6. I like the idea of being able to customise my char. Yet i can't fully, because if i want to wear a custom belt, the best armoring mod to put in there would be.. a daily comm one (?) and i would be gimping my stats.

    So would it be possible to let endgame (PvP + PvE) belts be modded?

    Bracers are less of a problem because theyre not visible, but maybe also these?




    edit: just saw 25 mods on the GTN for ridiculous prices :(

  7. i respectfully disagree with the OP:


    basicly i'm the guy you describe, but SWTOR doesn't cut it for me



    choices don't affect anything, basically they're a rep grind with possible cosmetic bonus. dialogue options don´t really effect the outcome of a conversation, safe turndowns and the occasional shoot him/let him live option at the end (i played trooper). choices never affect your standing, with anyone.



    man, i friggin LOVE to get immersed into SW stuff. Got immersed in (most of) the movies and in a particular videogame by BW. I feel that an SW MMO could, possibly should be the pinnacle of immersion, but sadly it isn´t for me. The galaxy doesn´t even feel like a world. Planets are just big pass-through places. Deserted, but not for NPC's, which you have to work your way through if you dont have stealth or a fancy mount. Apart from that there's not much going on. it's all very static.


    well written

    It may or may not have anything to do with the shere quantity of content (as opposed to SP RPGs), but i don't find the quests particularly well written. I would say the quality is lower than say.. DA2. But then again it's not a SP game, which brings me to my final point:



    A while back i played Global Agenda. Here you hung around in a sort of lobby waiting for your PVE or PVP mission to pop. everything instanced and set maximum players (they also added an outside area where you could solo and occasionally group up for a harder quest). See where i'm going with this? My point is i (basically no-one) considered GA to be an MMO. To feel the MM in MMO you need to be able to encounter more than 15 players and not in a few set places.


    that being said i still play (occasionally) and i have a faint hope the game will improve.

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