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Posts posted by naor

  1. Hi! My name is Emmafrost. When I am not molding the young minds of the future X-Men of the world, I like to take time to kick back and use my mind tricks to make the evil Sith empire attack me instead of my friends. I prefer to simply push the bad people away, but, if the need arises, I will strike them down with my trusty white lightsaber because its super cool. When I am not fighting for control of a node or the huttball, you can find me keeping watch over the PvP Terminal while working on my squat thrusts. Well, that just about does it. Hit me up if you ever want to play!
  2. New guardian rolling around in min/max partisan and some conqueror. Moshalicious(Mosh pit?) or something like that.


    Never seen anyone do what he does when playing Vigilance or Focus and **** especially vigilance.


    Anyways, on my list for best guardian on server/game.(individually anyway) have yet to see a dps beat this guy 1v1 on his stream.


    Another regular WZ player so I don't know how much my opinion is worth but as someone who has been on the server a hell of a long time, the fact that this guardian/jugg, who I have never heard of before, has been named before Liege proves to me that this thread is just absurdly trollish.


    But if the OP is still reading this, Liege from Casual is one of the best Guardian/Juggs I have seen, and I would bet 69 credits on Liege to beat this other dude.

  3. Many thanks for your answers.


    As I am a casual gamer I seek for relatively straightforward gear nearly out of the box ;p

    I aim to play with some of my buddies in normal WZ or soloqueue and still have fun.


    I was wondering why not get 2 war hero and 2 vindicators? The 8% life on protector leap is not worth the loss of endurance that can be mitiagted through the good choice of part to use in vindicators set (gloves has the same endurance and the chest a bit less).


    Once again thanks for your kind answers.


    Sorry, I do have the two sets, forgot to put that part in. That's how you can get the healing numbers easily, plus, it keeps you alive a bit longer if you are using guardian leap on cooldown as you should be.

  4. Or you could go something in the middle road, like this.




    You are still a huge annoyance to people if you play objectively, being able to utilize all of your cooldowns, your blade barrier, your focused defense being great, plus the cooldown of awe being lower.


    You might not have full expertise or full HP, but you have over 24k health, a very nice crit rating for a tank which means you can solo, and kill, a lot of people that a normal tank would not be able to.


    You can actually peel for your healers! This is a big one. Instead of just being able to keep your incoming enemies away, you can actually put enough of a hurt on them to make them think twice about hitting your healer friend because if even one DPS friend helps you out, that enemy is going down no problem.


    Now caution, I do not recommend this for any ranked play. In ranked, you have a role and you stick to it. I would go hybrid build with tanking gear to give you that extra health and mitigation. But, for regular warzones with your pals, if you stick a healer with you, you are guaranteed to have tons of fun.


    Numbers don't mean crap, but you can get 150k damage, 200k protection, and your 75k healing medal in many of matches with this build. If that's something you like, give it a shot.


    Have fun PvP tanking! It's a blast if you do it right.

  5. Yeah, forgot to mention that. The 25K health is with a rakata fortitude stim. I thought I read somewhere that shield and absorb aren't a huge deal in PvP, but I could be wrong. If anyone out there knows if this is correct or not, I'd appreciate a response.



  6. Hey there SWTOR. I have never done a tank before, so I have a guardian tank question. How are these stats looking? Is there something I am doing wrong, or do these look good? I'm looking to be a PvP tank primarily, with some damage output. Definitely looking to guard healers and DPS, with enough punch to hold my own in a 1v1 fight.


    Damage 672-834

    Bonus Damage 348

    Crit Chance 20.87%

    Force 625

    Crit 21.71%

    Health 25,054

    Armor Rating 7724

    Damage Reduction 51.7%

    Defence Chance 30.98

    Shield Chance 38.14%

    Shield Absorb 20%

    Exp 1133


    Thanks for your help!

  7. FW: Nerf


    New stun range: Huuuuuge nerf


    Force Mend: Kind of pointless in PvP. Useful in PvE...for the people who otherwise had to heal me. It's not my job, as dps , so keep myself topped so it's really doing more for the healers than for me personally. In PvP it has always felt like I'm either untouched or being hammered by four wild maras. No need for a heal ability when no one is touching me and it's only delaying the process by 0.1 s when I'm focused. I would have lasted longer with the 360 degree knockback.


    Also, I never experienced the pre-1.4 delay on our KB to be a huge problem. ...or a problem at all.


    You really haven't seen the added benefit of Force Mend? How much is it healing you for in WZ's? I find this a very interesting thought on an instant heal that sages have been missing.

  8. Yo Bate, nice to see a fellow SoEK on a live stream for once. While we may not have as many people as The Fatman or Swiftsure, we definitely have some quality players.


    Keep up the good work!




    EDIT: Slash, Sweetnsanity is my boy.

  9. Still too much accuracy, so skip it.


    And Master Strike is simply great in pvp now, I have a full Vigilance Guardian and a hybrid Juggernaut (using the build I posted earlier in this thread) and I can't decide which I like more. The Vigilance is topping DPS in warzones and tearing targets apart 1v1, but the hybrid is still up there and just never dies. And I haven't even bothered to buy Focused Defense with the hybrid yet! That's another defensive cd I can go to, spec'd to add 15% damage resistance on top of my 52% in Soresu.


    I like that build a lot. But why did you pass on guard stance if I may ask?


    EDIT: Nevermind, looked at the wrong build. So yeah, I like your build a lot! :p

  10. Hello All! So I have been leveling a tank spec guardian in PvP. I always thought it was a no brainer to take both guard stance and blade barricade, considering the defensive perks = more survivabilty. But now I have been reading that they are both pretty useless in PvP? How accurate is this? And why are they not as good as they sound?


    I'm a tank that focuses on protection and objectives. So I am all about protecting the ball carrier, defending nodes, guarding doors, defending healers.


    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!



  11. Hello all,


    For a defensive minded guard with this build:




    What PvP armor should I be looking to get at lvl 40? I have heard that the defensive gear isn't that great, but is that only for people who want to DPS with their guards?


    I want to protect, interrupt, stun, and go for objectives mostly.


    Am I still looking to go with the plus strength gear over the endurance gear?


    Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

  12. if you really want to use something like that, i would take the points out of second wind and put them into blade barrier, i think blade barrier would offer a lot more mitigation cause of it's shorter cd than second wind would as it does also require you to be stunned for that heal even then, the heal isn't THAT game breaking (~2k heal crits)


    So something more like this?




    I really could care less about DPS, that's not what kind of Guardian I wanna be. I am looking for survivablity, objectives, and pissing people off, haha.

  13. I too am wondering about different builds. Has anyone tried this build?






    I feel like it has a lot of utility, seeing as how I have:


    Free bladestorm after leaps

    35% stronger sweep (on a faster CD)

    The instastasis/master strike combo

    Reduced CD on Challenging Call

    Warding Call

    Spammable freezing force

    Extra Defense from being in Soresu

    My own heal after resolute

    And Unremitting!!!



    No major move, eg Guard Slash, Plasma Brand, Force Exhaustion

    No Protector


    But other than that, I feel like my focus generation is great, and a lot of my major moves are on a shorter CD.


    I plan on PvPing mostly as a protector guard, while still being able to stun the imps so my DPSers can knock em down.


    What do you experienced guardians think?

  14. Hey there fellow sage. I am currently level 42 and am ultimately going with this spec...




    I started out getting the 7 in TK first, then the 2 in balance for extra willpower (really helps with your healing or damage, so either way you go, I would say grab it.)


    Then I moved to seer, getting everything except for Wisdom as soon as I could. This is when I moved to Balance for my improved TK Throw, then maxed out wisdom when I had to in order to move up and grab Healing Trance. The rest will come as I lvl, finishing seer tree, then the final two in Critical Kinesis in Balance.


    It has been a great way to lvl because I just toss a bubble and rejuv on my lizard friend and spam TK Throw, Project, and my Dots on mobs. I have found that as long as Qyzen stays alive, I am good. And the fights aren't dreadfully long either.


    As for PvP, I cannot be happier. I am getting anywhere from 150-250k healing and 20-30 kills a match. I feel as if I am really helping the team, and I usually get 1-3 mvp votes a game.


    If you have any questions and would wanna go with something like this, just shoot me a message and I will go into more detail!


    Have fun out there.

  15. Hello everyone. I have recently made the switch from my main (Sage healz) to my alt (Defensive/Vigi Hybrid). My goal is to be a good protector/tank, while being able to still kill people relatively well. I have played around with this build...




    How does it look to experienced defensive/hybrid tanks? I didn't get anything to do with riposte or blade barrier because I have read that neither is extremely great in PvP as of right now. Is this accurate?


    I put two into Master Focus for the reduction of cooldown on my non-channeled stasis.


    Any tips would be greatly appreciated. As a healer I know how much I love my guards, and so I want to return the favor to other healers out there!



  16. If you have Purple at-level equipment in every slot your post-bolster stats will be better than if you have Green gear ten levels below you. Bolster doesn't make gear irrelevant, basically, but takes how well geared you are (for your level) into account.


    Very interesting. Thanks for the info!

  17. Yes you should. Jumping ten levels in gear is going to make a big difference, especially with how bolster works (gear below your level is bad, basically.) A huge difference? Probably not. But you will be doing more damage.


    wait, what do you mean how bolster works? Bolster works against me because my gear level is low?


    Thank you for your speedy reply though!

  18. Sorry if this is already on the forums but I am about to hit level 40. I have all of my PvP gear bought already and waiting for me. My question is, am I going to see a noticeable difference in my PvP play at all? (healing output, survivorbility, damage output, etc.)


    I am currently equipped with level 29-31ish gear from synthweaving. I am a seer sage that is mostly concerned with healing, though I do try to get some kills while everyone is in decent shape health wise.


    I know my own skill is the ultimate factor in PvP, but I am just curious as to whether or not I should see some noticeable improvements during combat?


    Thank you for your time.



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