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Posts posted by Sixthy

  1. I played through chapter 9 when it was initially released and made the wrong choice (didn't flirt). This ruined my romance lock with Lana. Just to be clear, there's no coming back from this mistake if I've moved beyond chapter 9, correct? I've been googling for solutions but don't see anything. Just wanted to come straight to the forums to make sure there was nothing I could do for this character.
  2. Hey all, returned to the game for 4.0, been having fun so far. Looking for a guild on the Imp side during APAC prime time mainly (although I play at various hours).


    I looked at different recruitment threads, but I'm not 100% sure which guild would be the best fit for me. So I'll briefly explain my background and what I'm looking for:


    In SWTOR, I mainly played on the Republic side on my Sent, Rokuthy. During the original preseason, I hit 2500+ rating in the old 8 man system. When season 1 launched, I swapped to the Bastion for more competition (it was a healthier PvP scene for the most part). PVE wise, I did all NiM content up through 2.0.


    While I have PvP experience in other games (WoW - Glad, blah blah), I have decent PvE credentials as well. During my time in WoW, I achieved a top 20 world kill on pretty much every boss from Vanilla through Cataclysm. Most recently I played FFXIV up until the Heavensward expansion. For anyone familiar with the endgame PvE scene over there, I was a member of Blue Garter and achieved several world firsts during 2.0, 2.2 and 2.4 (the Coil raids).


    With that being said, here's what I'm looking for during my time in SWTOR:


    Personally I'll be playing a little more casually. I will PvP casually (knock out dailies/weeklies, etc.) I may occasionally want to do some ranked games. PvE wise, again I'd just like to mainly stay casual. I'm always down to hop in impromptu SM/HM runs, but I really don't want to commit to a full time progression schedule right now. However, with that being said, I have to be honest and say that I don't particularly enjoy playing with... terrible players (ie pugs).


    So what I'm looking for specifically is a fairly active guild during APAC primetime, that not only does progression, but likes to do things on offnights (SM/alt runs, PvP, maybe conquest or something, just general SWTOR stuff). At some point in the future, I may be down for progression raiding again, so I'd like to keep that option open.


    Thanks for reading, hopefully anything I said didn't come off as too rude. :)


    Oh and my character's name is Kazumori (Sorc).

  3. Tons of threads beating on this horse, but there's something else to note about the changes to companions. With the introduction of 4.0 and the new alliance system, we're no longer tied down to our base class companions. We were presented with a much larger pool (more choices) of companions to use. Personally, I enjoy the new alliance system, and one of the things I enjoyed about having "overpowered" companions, was the ability to use a different companion on a whim. If I felt like running a few H2's on a random planet, I'd often pull out a different companion just to have a little bit of extra fun.


    It was possible, because even with a low influence companion, they were strong enough to get the job done. Funny enough, if you wanted a little 'extra challenge,' you could easily just pull out a rank 1 companion and feel a noticeable difference from a rank 30+ companion.


    However, with the new changes, you've somewhat stabbed this system in its gut. The huge army of companions at my disposal now (25+) has actually been limited to 1 or 2 (for me personally). Bringing a rank 1-5 companion out right now to have a little fun is basically suicide. So the choice you've given us with 4.0 has been dissolved into a simple illusion of choice. Sure, you can still choose which companion to put effort into now, but you're basically pigeon holing yourself into using that companion solely until you take the effort to boost up another companion.


    What's the purpose of having this new alliance system if you basically can only use the strongest one available to you? Just something else to consider with these heavy nerfs.

  4. I purchased a name change earlier for one of my characters, and since doing so, I receive no approval changes from conversations (during quests), or influence gains at all with any companion. Anyone seen this issue? I just did an entire planet to be sure, using different companions, and didn't gain any influence at all. Didn't see the typical "so and so approves" messages based on conversation choices, either.
  5. Like teacher said, I actually really enjoy the split strats - the 3v3's, 5v5's, etc. are probably the most fun PvP that exists right now in ranked. The only thing I don't like about the strat is the length of the games.


    With that being said, I'd personally be fine with whatever agreement teams came to, but I think the easiest way for people to get on board (at least at first), is just a gentlemen's agreement that during round 1, each team caps their side then battles it out in mid. Round 2-9 is FFA.


    It wouldn't satisfy everyone (some people want 9 rounds of 8v8 in mid, some people want to run orbs, some people want whatever), but at the very least, it would guarantee the game ends at a reasonable time.

  6. http://www.wildstar-online.com/en/news/what_is_wildstar_arenas.php


    +1 for Wildstar, another thing I want that swtor won't do :p


    See you in Wildstar Roku! Make sure you stay in contact with someone and we'll all have to play together there!


    I'm signed up for the beta, but I doubt anything will pull me away from FF14:ARR when its released. P2 Beta is this weekend, so I'll be playing that, but on the pvp front - not only does FF14 have the DAOC style world pvp, but it has 4v4 and 8v8 Coliseum's with LoL style spectating planned. ;)

  7. i only played with you a few weeks Rokuthy, but i thought you were pretty hilarious! have a good one. and dont be insulted by every talking about wildstar while you are trying to say good bye.


    their warplots sound awesome though.......


    Other game talk is the best thing I could have hoped for by posting a stupid quit thread, haha. :)

  8. Somehow you always manage to piss me off. This is no exception.


    You know I love you and would have your babies if it were at all possible. You can message me if you want my email...even though I hesitate to give it to you since I know you'll just track me down so we can get rid of all of this- pulsating, twisted pretzal, hot and bendy monkey sex- sexual tension we have between us. ;)


    I will actually miss you.






    :) I'll be thinking about this while I cook my eggs this morning. haha jk


    I'm signed up for the Wildstar beta. The Neverwinter beta weekends were pretty fun, but it's an odd game (F2P though so easy to try when it releases). It has 20v20 pvp and 5v5 arena style pvp (but with some objectives), the rest is typical DnD dungeon crawl. TESO seems a little bleh to me - they also created all of the groundwork for the game on the hero engine, realized it was crap, scrapped it all and then reworked everything (hence the huge release delays). It's also another left click attack / right click block, 5 abilities MOBA style combat game. So dunno.


    FF14 ARR is really fun though and flies under the radar, no one ever talks about that one. The guy that took over development is an old school gamer. SE basically gave him a lenient budget with no deadlines and said, "fix this game, rebrand our company because FF14 1.0 ruined us." So they're pulling out all the stops to get things right, they listen to player feedback, and have cool things already in game plus a whole bunch of stuff on the horizon. PvP wise, they're going to have DAOC style PvP (The lead dev played it for 8 years) and WoW style Arena. My only concern with the game is how worried they are about making it "accessible" and are really starting to WoW-clone some things out, whereas before, it was even a distance cousin to other MMO's. But we'll see, they constantly listen to feedback and make adjustments.


    They also have housing and chocobo breeding / racing for all the female nerd kenzie types.


    JK my chocobo will be the greatest in the land. :)


    Wildstar looks fun though, hopefully I get in the beta.

  9. Man I play almost everything at least for a while to kill time - when I took my break from SWTOR originally I was playing FF14 1.0 (which was god awful, but 1.23 was pretty fun), those servers were pulled and they're reinventing the game basically as A Realm Reborn - I've been playing that Alpha and Beta off and on for a while now and that will be my next full time game. In between now and then I'm going to be playing WoW since I skipped MoP and then Neverwinter when that comes out, but I'll be quitting both of those for FF14:ARR. I might check out anything else in between as well.


    I'll miss you guys though, SWTOR PvP was a blast for a while, I actually enjoyed it more than the peak of WoW Arena (close, but the larger teams were actually fun). Also to be clear, I'm not quitting SWTOR because I think it's garbage or anything, or think the new teams are lackluster, it's just simple burnout coupled with the fact that the dudes I've played games with for the last 10 years have all quit, and my core group of SW buds quit long ago as well, so time for me to move on too.


    And damn that alt, Stingray, haha. See ya bud.

  10. Without trying to make some dramatic exit, I did at least want to say goodbye to all my friends past and present that may still be lingering around the forums, and to the ones that I can't ever seem to catch online. I've been playing on The Harbinger since day 1 of release and have been through all of its ups and downs. I miss the original pvp crews that ran things back in the day (Afflicted and the original Deadweight, the fantastic original pvp guilds on the Imp side, the original YES line up, Jawhorse's crew, Nine and Vitesse and their crew, etc). Some great memories from original Ilum.


    To the original ranked teams and competition on the server, it was a pleasure. After all the trash talk and everything else, in the end I feel like the majority of us came to respect one another. A special thank you to Ascendancy - namely Naena, Sorey, Val, Vanq, Smurf, Aerico, Agapex, Lanafear, Luigi, Chrys, Tuloc and of course Tai - for always being around to keep us on our toes, give us competition and in the end create a wonderful ranked atmosphere that I highly doubt existed on any other server (during the time that I'm speaking of). I can't really say much about the current atmosphere as I slowly stepped away from everything due to a lack of enjoyment on a personal level for the current ranked scene. Competition is fun, but it's more fun when you're playing with people that you really know and have a great synergy with, and sadly the majority of my original crew quit.


    However, a special thank you to Nello, Deltus and a few others (Willie and Myx, etc) for stepping up and maintaining some sort of roster while a lot of people bailed on you guys. Regardless of anything that's going on right now, I respect you guys fully for doing that, as it would have been easy to tuck tail and step away from it altogether.


    To the newer faces in the ranked scene, you guys are awesome. Lukewarm Tauntauns, you guys are amazing and it was humbling playing against your team - I have nothing but respect for every person on your team. To the original members of Ascendancy still playing (and those that quit), I hope to see most of you again in the future in other games. To the newer members, please try to keep in mind that the reputation the original team built was based off of a mutual respect and a display of pure skill. Words weren't necessary, trolling wasn't necessary, their actions spoke clearer than any forum post ever could, and the reputation you carry forward is and forever will be based off of a legacy that you had zero part in creating, so try to keep that in mind as you attempt to make a name for yourself in 2.0 and beyond.


    Anyways, I know most of this wasn't necessary, but I've been playing on this server since release, have made plenty of friends and plenty of enemies, and it's impossible to catch everyone to say a quick goodbye in game, so I figured I'd say goodbye here. :) I'll be playing a few other games casually and with friends. I go by Rokuthy, Sixthy or Gev in pretty much every game I play, so if you happen to be playing some other game and see me, say hi! And lastly - to my favorite person on the server - I promise I'll miss you even though you hate me (you know who you are and you better think of me every time you play a game on Novarie Coast).


    Rowling is awful. See ya Harbinger.

  11. Is there anyway the cost just be lowered to 42 helix's so it's at least possible to get the thing while the event is active if you participate everyday? As it stands right, unless you banked any then we have to wait until the next event yet again to get an item that was added late after a good number of people spent their helix's on weapons.


    *or make the helix's BoL so we can put them on one char.


    Is it really so bad? You would still have to participate each day of the event if it was changed to 42, but it would at least be possible to attain, where as right now, if you spent every helix on the weapons (which a lot of people did), you cannot get the speeder until the event returns once again. And just because it was only a 2 week gap this time doesn't mean it will continue to recur at that frequency.

  12. If you have that much time on your hands and have beat everything in the game then take a break. For God sakes man, go do something else.


    You don't need to come here to justify your boredom. The cartel market? Don't buy anything from it if its not to your liking.


    PvP is unbalanced? Fine. Everyone MMO on the planet has a very vocal minority who say the game is grossly unbalanced. It doesn't matter what game it is. WoW, war hammer, LoL, whatever. Just because you used hyperboles like "most unbalanced game" does not make it true.


    I have some advice for you. Get a new hobby. Play a new game. Read a book or play a sport.


    I probably play for an average of two hours a day, it directly replaces television for me as I don't really watch too much of it. I have plenty of other things to keep me busy, but it still saddens me to walk away from the only SW themed MMO out there knowing it could have been so much more. It's as simple as that. There are other options for games, but it's just recycled lore from the DnD games with a few twists here and there.


    And yeah, I don't have to buy anything from the cartel market, but that doesn't change the fact that the majority of the content added to the game is all based around the CM. Makeb has been in production for over a year (according to the dev post in the other thread), and what exactly does it bring to the game that isn't already here? Nothing expansive in terms of functional game elements. Just rehashed everything; more of the same thing. No new WZ's, no Ranked changes, one new raid (which I touched on as far as my issues with the imagination behind the PVE side of the game), etc.


    And yeah, I can thank the CM for keeping the game alive and getting us to the point we're at today, but I can't help but think that the majority of the money made from the CM just goes towards adding more content to the CM. It's just a cycle and residual money that ends up elsewhere is probably minimal, at least it seems that way - considering the most basic of technological functions in this game is non existent, i.e. server transfers, cosmetic character changes, cross server queuing, game responsiveness, ability delay / GCD skips which still exist since the launch of the game, and terrible desync issues (characters and NPC's not being where your display says they should be). The list goes on. And like I said before, the one unique and well done thing (outside of peoples gripes about a disconnect from it all) are class stories, and they're all but left behind moving forward in the game. So where's the CM money really going? Sorry, I just feel like the CM is making money so the CM can continue to make money.

  13. I get the sentiment but I don't get the gripe regarding armorings/shells. That's hands down the best thing in TOR compared to other games. You get the stats and can wear what you like. If you like the "epic" purple drop you stick with that, if you don't, you swap stuff out.


    Were the system not this way you'd just be hearing complaints how people are stuck with crappy looking endgame gear *cough* rakata *cough*.


    I'll explain where I'm coming from, as I can understand the confusion:


    First, for appearance purposes, the system does indeed work. Granted, it's not the only way to get a system in place where you can look how you want. They just happen to use removable armorings and mods; they could just as easily just add an appearance tab where you equip the item that you want your character to display.


    My gripe is with the very mundane system of actual end game raid itemization that they've adopted. It's essentially just script generated. Each boss drops the same loot table with very little chance of something being random. Take TFB or EC as the example (and SnV uses the same system): you have a boss that drops a random implant (which there's a limited number of), and then the remaining bosses each drop a guaranteed token which you turn in to a vendor for whatever item the token is for. It's an awful system that was dabbled with in EQ and later fully adopted by WoW (and other games I'm sure). It takes all imagination, both on the developer end and gamer's end, and craps all over it. It's very robotic.


    There was a time when bosses had huge loot tables full of assorted random loot. There was a chance that you'd get an item that remained hard to get and rare for a long period of time. While it maintained the sense of character progression, it also added a certain level of mystique and exclusiveness to the end game raid scene. There was a legitimate chance you might be the only person on your server with that item for a time being, if not for an entire content cycle. There was enough random loot across the loot tables of various bosses to ensure that every slot would be taken care of, but every single person wasn't always a carbon copy of the next.


    Right now if you inspect 5 different end game sentinels, in 5 different end game guilds on the fleet, chances are all 5 of them are wearing the exact same amorings/mods/enhancements/relics/hilts in the exact same slots. The only difference in them will be in their appearances. There's nothing rare and exclusive to be found. There's nothing that sets your end game raid experience apart from anyone else's. Hell, outside of the set bonuses, you can buy full best in slot raid gear off the GTN without ever setting foot in a raid.


    So that's my gripe. There's no imagination in the loot tables. There really aren't multiple ways to gear your character. It's all generic and robotic. There's nothing to hope for when you kill the same boss week after week outside of maybe a mount here and there. And while that may seem minor, it really lowers the drive to continuously clear the content week after week knowing that nothing new will ever happen. So my gripe isn't about the appearance of current end game gear (which is subjective), but about the actual itemization and implementation of the loot tables themselves.


    I mean, just as an example, what's more exciting:


    Killing the Terror From Beyond and getting - Unassembled Chest, Unassembled Main Hand EVERY SINGLE WEEK...




    Killing Terror From Beyond and having the CHANCE of getting:


    The Terror's Gaze

    Vestaments of Dread Masters

    Robes of the Dark Tide

    Saber of the Fallen

    Journey's End

    Ciphas' Calling

    Double Bladed Saber of Holy Damn


    That's all I'm getting at. There's zero creativity in SWTOR's current end game gearing system. It's a purely token based system, with scripted stat allocation.

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