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Posts posted by Rheticent

  1. Cross-server ques would fix the population imbalances.


    My server generally has a short-handed warzone group facing any of 2-3 premades running at any given time. These warzones end with everybody leaving prematurely and handing a free win to a group that won because they qued together and have more of a population to do so. Solo que should be a viable option and currently is not.


    Illum is usually about 3-1 or 4-1 against my faction. The limitation placed on Illum would help some of the severe lag issues people have been experiencing and give both sides a fighting chance to do more than hang out at the base hoping to kill enough people to get the daily/weekly done.


    On the content side, your right more content will come but getting the thought that people are hungering for more can't be bad.

  2. Here's how.


    1. Cross server ques for all PVP content

    2. Pre-made ques and PuG ques separated

    3. 20 max in Illum instanced, with cross server ques

    4. Penalty for leaving a game early

    5. More warzones for variety


    It's just logical for the most part. Those that disagree most likely enjoy their population imbalance.

    Free commendations/armaments are hard to pass up I know.

  3. Any type of arena implementation should have zero rewards beyond cosmetic items/titles. Mmo's are supposed to be centered around a group of people working together towards a goal not a couple people. Rated warzones make much more sense to continue to build that. WoW proved that arena gameplay was the best way to make your guild green chat and nothing more. More warzones, bug fixes, rated warzones, content and game balance should be the precedent. Before you post l2play you suck flaming, I was a high warlord/gladiator for cyclone battlegroup. Game on!
  4. Absolutely incorrect. Cross server ques in smaller groups of servers would fix que times while still promoting the rivalries. If you happen to be on one of the many servers with crazy que times anyone should appreciate that. If you wanna keep rolling the same groups of ppl go to Illum. Just my opinion.



  5. First off I love the game but feel it could be made so much better with a few changes. The biggest frustration I run into is class inbalance in pug Warzones. This could be solved with cross server ques and a system that checks classes. There should never be only two classes present in a given Warzone and no healers of any kind. For premades they should have their own ques as well free from the class restraints so as not to limit the strategies of these guilds (as they can be countered in like kind). Just my thoughts.



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