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Posts posted by Sareeph

  1. Ardrossan, disengage. He is a troll. He even admitted it. His every post here "has been written in a style to mock" someone's post. Their "ill-informed opinion" apparently and then further tries to denigrate them by referring to them as kids. Do not feed the troll.
  2. To answer the OP's question - NO, you're not the 'only' one, you're just one of the few. 🙄


    So glad you are here to speak for all the people you have never met. I know more than a few that look in to see what was dropped on Friday and discuss it with them all the time. Mostly because of the quote below.


    There's always hope, but generally Friday news is bad news. They drop a bombshell then let the forums burn for the weekend and hope it dies out by Monday.
  3. You make it sound like the last update about anything was weeks ago. The last staff post, by Bryant Wood, was on Monday 12 July, ffs. https://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=10039585


    Not sure where you are going with this. The title of the thread as well as their opening sentences was to ask others if anyone else log's in to see if the Dev's squeaked in an update just before going home on Friday's. The rest as I see it is their reiterating of what has been a major touching point by many many posters in these forums for years, lack of communication.


    To answer the OP's question, no you are not the only one to log in and see if a tidbit was thrown our way just before the weekend.

  4. Now we've reached level 500 so we can only advance 1-2 levels each week which provides a very small amount of guild perk commendations. It's been 7 months since you said it would be looked into and patch 7.0 is out now. A guild surviving long enough to reach high levels is supposed to be a good thing but currently the game punishes us for it. Please can you do something to help. Thank you :)


    Please tell us there is a plan to fix this in 7.1 which has not been passed on to us. I don't want to tell my guild mates that I can no longer provide them with constant guild perks due to the system not giving us enough guild coms to do so. We've hit experience cap every week and now that cap is too prohibitive. Please update us.

  5. Another version of the beginning and end of summer is 1st June to 31st August (rather than solstice to equinox), in which case "mid summer" would correspond to the middle part of July.


    What system is that? We have 4 seasons with each season lasting 3 months starting mid month.

  6. One post mentioned we get the update midsummer.

    I googled mid summer and got a date in june...

    I mean did i read something incorrectly?



    Mid summer is supposed to be June 24th, so basically any time between now and August 31st in Bioware time.


    That being said, 7.1 is already on a several month long delay and we haven't had any new content or a dev livestream talking about the large quantity of promised content we were supposed to be getting throughout the non-existent 10th year celebration, so who knows at this point.


    Can't wait for 7.2's PvP update early 2023 with the 11 year anniversary celebration! :D


    The first day of summer was June 21st, That puts August 21st as about the middle of summer.

  7. As in the title, where can I see my current Valor score? It's not anywhere that I have found on the character sheet (where it used to be), and I don't see it on the Activities panel's PvP tab, so where is it?


    (I'm well aware that I'm probably late to this party, but here I am...)


    Click on Activity Finder. Select PvP at the top. Click directly on the words Ranked Arenas and then look to the right.

  8. Or they'll update the event calendar article for July if they fix up the dates and decide it begins in mid-late July.


    Fingers crossed :)


    My bet is that it will come with 7.1 which still has the PTS open. Once the PTS shuts down its last iteration, we usually have a 2 or 3 week wait before that material is released. I'm guessing we will see it some time in August.

  9. According to your signature, you've pretty much been here since day one. You know how each class works and they warn you multiple times that choosing a second class will be permanent and you still picked the wrong one?


    I have a dark aligned toon on Pub side. When I went to convert it to the opposing combat style, the game FORCED me to choose a second class even though I did not want to at the time. Hit escape to avoid second selection, first does not register. Not sure why one has to pick both at once especially given their tease that other styles might be available later.

  10. What I heard as well, but back then you only had 1 companion who would heal you as well. So if you wanted the healing companion, you had to use them.


    1 Heal

    1 Range Damage

    1 Range Tank

    1 Melee Damage

    1 Melee Tank


    Were the 5 companion setups. Quinn was the healer for Warriors.


    This isn't exactly true. The ships droid could always heal. In fact, it healed better than your healing comp because it had no weapons. Every cast was a heal. No waste of cd's using ineffectual damage abilities.

  11. As it was explained to me earlier by someone on korriban who claimed to PvP ...


    "class Imbalance is *healthy* for the game because it encourages everyone to play the best classes and leave the worst ones to die off" this was said to me just a few hours ago by someone on Star Forge


    Yea I have to question the validitiy of someone who saids this and calls themselves a player its painfully obvious.


    Considering that quote has been an ongoing meme for years now, I would view that as sarcasm. In a realm of type, unless an individual does something like /s or straight out says they are joking, one may not be entirely sure they understand someone's actual intent behind a comment.

  12. Yeah, i also mentioned this multiple times before that i am usually struggling trying solo heroic quests. (atleast on some planets like Belsavis & Hoth) even tho the character i am doing it with is level 80 and had an item rating of 322 at that point, which should have been sufficient enough. I mean, don't get me wrong, i know they did it because some people complained about content being too easy but not all of us are elites and quitte frankly... on those said planets, it's just plain ridiculous.


    I do not believe this to be the case. It's not elitists that made them do it. It is their lack of new material each expac. The only way to keep us busy is to make it so we can not breeze through all previous content. Let's face it, previous content has been made current content for most of this game's life.

  13. Was it ever indicated there will eventually be a rep vendor?


    What is the point of this rep track? Honestly asking.


    Is it really just for the 3 titles found within the track?


    Since I have had all Rep's maxed out for a long time, it's a way for me to get Conquest points again. Other than that, nothing special.

  14. Well, it seems as though some people are more hung up on the 'color' of the gear, and some sort of assumed 'purpose', rather than simply using the gear that most fits their goals. 🤔

    Would you feel different if the gear had the same stats but was some other colour like gold or red?


    To state it another way. The 330 Item rating Rakata tank piece of gear (which happens to be purple) has less defensive stats than the 326 item rating Columni (which happens to be blue). Rakata is supposed to be superior to Columni according to the Dev's but it is not, even when at a higher I-level. This is for the tanking set only.

  15. It is kinda tiring to get the "thank you for reaching out to us. this is a known issue and will be addressed in a future update." Generally speaking, either A) they do not know how to resolve the issue, or B) they do not have the power to resolve the issue. If it is A, they need further training. If it is B, they need to be given the power to do so.


    Having a standard response implies CS is just an answering service and has no ability to actually fix things for us. Oh wait, there is one area they can though, billing. Gotta make sure our accounts are paid for. Anything else though, and we don't get much help it seems.


    PS, don't forget everyone, we get double Renown next week.


    Not even that. My card was expiring so they sent me a new one and when I went to update my card info it would not allow me. CS' answer was to unsub me and say wait for my account to go preferred and then enter my card. This may be their mistake as I am undecided if I will renew now.

  16. Not exactly true. The plan according to the dev's is to raise the gear level as "The year of fun" progresses. When 7.1 is released then the caps for each type of content will rise accordingly. A proper statement would be to say Solo and those who do not wish to run nim op's will never have bis for the current cycle.


    I solo.

    Not been fun so far.

    Think they missed there.


    Yes. I have considered this the year of fixing bugs/short sightedness. I have not even bothered to try and finish the new bit of story. I barely was able to advance to it because I had the bug previous to 7.0 where the temp bar did not populate when fighting Valkorian and so could not interrupt his heal. None of my toons had finished Echoes of Oblivion due to that bug and I will not attempt to finish the new story until they fix it. I almost quit the game because I was furious that I could not even complete the content because of a failure on their part and slow reaction to try and fix it.

  17. Not exactly true. The plan according to the dev's is to raise the gear level as "The year of fun" progresses. When 7.1 is released then the caps for each type of content will rise accordingly. A proper statement would be to say Solo and those who do not wish to run nim op's will never have bis for the current cycle.


    Have you considered running for Congress?


    No idea what you are trying to say here.

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