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Posts posted by Saiba

  1. Bioware Community Staff,


    I have been watching the Developer tracker for quite a while now. I have been noting how you respond to customers on the forums. Most of your responses are very good and do not get into flame wars with customers. In fact I would say all are, but I hate make a blanket statement. The problem I have isn't with your responses, it when you choose to respond. Many times there are some very well thought out posts from the community asking things or making suggestions. These "appear" to go on deaf ears. I am sure that you are reading them and considering all of these requests, but for the person making a post, it's nice to know they've been heard. A simple personalized thank you for the suggestion, or a generic response that says we'll talk more about this and get back to you, or even offer some constructive criticism to help them understand the bigger picture. This sort of thing would be extremely kind to these customers. Instead, it appears that you choose to respond to trolls, irate customers, and general childishness. In most cases this makes you come off appearing you think you're smarter or better than the person. I am sure this is not the image you want to put forth.


    Please stop giving people who don't deserve it responses and start focusing on those that do. Encourage good behavior, or I believe you'll end up with a community of whiners because they don't know any other way to get their point across.

  2. I think this is an area where you guys are trying to re-invent the wheel. Rather than trying to re-invent the wheel, why not just learn from other games in the same genre that have the same concept, and focus on real problems?


    Yes these are some welcome changes for sure.


    However, there is a laundry list of things that are more annoying and really could go a long way to improving the game-play experience. I realize that there are large items, like:


    1. Fixing Ilum to make it exciting rather than a place to get your Battlemaster gear daily done
    2. Consider making PvP servers different than PvE servers.. as in make the questing zones the same areas as the opposite faction so you actually see them while you're leveling and at 48+ there's a reason to go out there over farming Ilum for armaments or sitting in town queueing for Battlegrouns, oops I mean Warzones.
    3. Think about the drastically low force pool for Assassins when PvEing, and consider making them a real DPSr in PvE. I'd say we are fine in most cases for PvP with the exception that Operatives and Scoundrels still burst harder and can do it to multiple targets or heal unlike us.


    Those will take time, I'm patient for that. What annoys me are the other little things that affect my game play more dramatically.


    Few items off the top of my head.


    1. Get booted from group after joining warzone
    2. /who doesn't allow parameters
    3. Find a group is very simplistic and not customizable
    4. Respeccing cost is treated as a credit sink
    5. Make gear more easily customizable, I shouldn't have to look like every other Sith Assassin, I should be able to move mods to any gear I choose.
    6. Give me the option to group with players lower than 50 for warzones and fight others that want to do the same. I can no longer play with my kids who aren't 50 yet.
    7. Why do I have to add all my guild members to my friends list to invite them to group through the UI?
    8. Make it so guild members can actually pull up the guild tab and see the MOTD and Description. The WHOLE thing, not just the first 2 lines.
    9. Make mods on PvP gear available for purchase instead of having to buy multiples of the same gear just to take the mods out to put in another piece.

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