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Posts posted by Ravagexe

  1. We can have least one new class.

    A total revamp on space missions rather than rail shooter.

    Pod racing PvP.

    Storyline for each class.


    But more than anything, I want free space roaming with my ship. If you are not going to give it to me, then your "expansion" can go to hell. Everybody knows that if there is one thing that can save this game to higher ground, its open world space simulation.


    Been palying this since its out, went ahead for a while and recently returned. Im not shocked to see NOTHING changed at all. Except a bunch of limitations and a very clever CashShop. Do they even care at all for this game? It is very surprising that someone actually designed a bunch of missions and land under the name "new expansion".

  2. PUG's are a living nightmare in this game. Any sane person should avoid it.


    Else you will stuck with a bunch of clowns that is barely capable of understanding their role, gazillions of bro-teams needing every possible item for their friends, drama queens ready to bro-team-kick you in your first mistake and just because you told them to "watch aggro" or "focus on healing"...


    Seriously...I roleplayed in Ultima Online, I raided in WoW, I met people in Secret World, got into groups in Champions Online and DCU, I even played Final Fantasy. But hell, SWTOR has the worst PUG community out of all. If you want to be succesfull or get an easy time through community, a friendly Guild is a MUST.

  3. *Make Space Combat more interactive and friendly. Make it multiplayer. I'd say self controlling rather than rail-shooting but that would be a bit much system overkill for now I guess. Hell if you go outer limits, just auto barrel roll back rather than hitting an invisible wall...Let us have Space PvP with our own customizable ships. Paintings, Stickers, Modifications...Let us have our own friggin 4-20 man SPACE COMBAT FLASHPOINT and OPERATIONS. Maybe Pod Racing in Tatooine. All you have to do is to redesign a track, new vehicles and fix 1st person camera.


    That is the only thing I want since the launch. Screw everything and work on this Bioware, I can assure you that there are millions of people thinking about this. Its just such groundbreaking idea that it would revamp the game back into its former hype.

  4. I leveld my character at launch, I was the lucky bunch to play in a medium server at its best.

    Then I leveled another one in highest populated server.

    Today Im playing at that server, still good.


    All that time I was faithful to Bioware and SWTOR and never went away. It was a great game that was highly overhyped to godlike expectations. But it had endless growing potential. No game made it to awesome point in a year.


    BUT I cannot endure a F2P system. It is pretty much declaring that "This game is lost and done for, we will try to milk you losers with cash shop" statement. And I fail to understand, more than half of the community is pleased with final step of server transfers except total whiners, the game is living its golden age right now.


    I am not saying "never go free" but It is TOO early for such step. If this goes live, Bioware will brand themselves as "We really f*ked this game up" and will lose another ever-believer customer here, FOR GOOD.

  5. Main reason Im playing Online games with subs is to get away from that terrible crowd of humanity. Most of those underage kids cant afford to pay. And Im happy about this, it goes F2P > Gazillions of sad kids and troll will devour the game. Its like combining game itself with the official forums. Bug abusers, Trolls and Admins that cant give any less damn about. Your average F2P.
  6. SWTOR is definitely going up after this last Server Transfer attempt and lots of good thing coming up.

    The game is finally rising from the cesspol it fell, We dont have an official expansion yet. There are lots of good things that we can implant, Pod Racing, Freeroam space, new worlds and such...


    It would be total suicide run to turn the game into F2P in next 2 years. Even Blizzard knows that as soon as WoW goes completely F2P, the game will die in less than a month for good.

  7. All I can say is, those "sub numbers" of yours are extremely inaccurate. Sure they may be more active subs on WoW but %90 of its players are people like me stuck with annual pass for Diablo 3 and never get into game.


    Real story : I logged in after a decade, I play at Argent Dawn, most populated RP server ever and it took 2, yes 2 ******* HOURS to gather a group as a goshdarn TANK. I am capable of doing 4-5 dungeons in SWTOR at that amount of time by screaming at general chat. This is my experience, and I cant give any less damn about sub numbers from now on. Go try it yourself. Not even mentioning that I puked my insides out of boredom leveling an alt gnome warlock to lvl 15 then quit. There are few players around than people think.


    So much for world's "most crowded and populated" online game. %100 False advertisement is all.

  8. Is there anything but whining going on in these forums? You want more people, Bioware gives it to you and this time you whine because of too much people. Sure we should just limit the server at 100 people maximum and this time you will whine because you cant enter the highest populates server because its already full and stuck with medium one for an eternity.


    These people dont even know what they want. They just ask and ask like little children trying to get some attention. Nothing Bioware can do about that.


    In fact, there is one thing Bioware can do about this, closing this forum for good. When was the last time you got a positive or creative negative response you got from this place? Oh hell, I dont even think that they even care.

  9. It is nice to see something positive in these forums once a while. Thank you.


    And yes, the game is amazing now. GODLIKE is more like it.

    There is even a heavy populated RP server now in Europe list. Been looking for that one.

  10. You really dropped the ball with character transfers.


    Yes some servers population was low, but cramming 5 servers into one is not solving a problem. It's creating more.


    How much time am I going to have to spend standing around waiting for enemies and objectives to respawn now, because Johnny Greedy Jerk and Co. are running around hogging up all the kills.


    Why can't we just pick our own server instead of being crammed like cattle into the server Bioware thinks we should go to.


    And as for names. Whoever created the name first should get to keep it. I have to rename 7 of 8 characters now to keep with my legacy trend.



    Then I hear rumors of a real money store? As of this moment my subscription is dangling on a very sharp edge


    Let everyone choose their own server and you will get nothing because everyone will transfer to different places. In the end you will have 15 medium servers. I'd rather have 6 like full servers thank you. You should really get medical treatment as soon as possible OP, that amount of idioticy leads to Alzhemier.

  11. Hello, yesterday I was wandering around with my character and I realized that how less of character interactions we actually have. We have a jedi here, he shouldnt just hop and land, he should we able to jump longer than any other non-force users around, BH should be able to use his trademark Jetpack and Smuggler/Agent/Trooper should have their own zipline.

    SWTOR is not an open world that is bug abusable like many MMORPG out there, for example the worst scenario we can abuse a high jump is to retrieve a datacron.

    So in this case, wouldnt you enjoy the game more with better jumping animations?


    Here are my ideas :


    JK/SW/JC/SI : Force Jump. A higher jump with some cool Jedi/Sith style animations. Hold space for launching in an artistic way high, hit it again for a roll and land.


    Bounty Hunter/Commando : Jetpacks. Bounty Hunter was expecting this for a while now. Im not sure about Commando but they are armored high enough to have a small jetpack, in worst case a zipline. Jetpack can allow you to hover for a limited time, as long as you press Spacebar.


    Smuggler/Agent : Zipline/GrappleGun, we saw them being used by many not Jedi. For example, take the Naboo soldiers zipping their way to upper floor just before Maul fight scene. We can have an acrobatic jump and then launch a zipline device to grapple forward with a cool landing animation. Think of it, hold Space to jump forward, hit it again to launch zipline and then land. No need an actual target to zipline, just make it (Like DCUO and CO did)


    What do you say? Shouldnt these little useless but cool looking animations make the game a bit more enjoyable? Its like another Speed Upgrade after Sprint!


    Sorry for English btw, just wanted to tell my point.

  12. After playing a long time of single player gaming, Im feeling a withdrawal of MMO games. I tried playing WoW again, I puked my inside out of boredom and hell, numbers may be big but in reality it has even lesser players than Rift+Swtor combined for you have to wait least 6 f*cking hours for a dungeon in one of the most crowded servers ever, Argen Dawn...I tried Rift and I didnt enjoy it much. SWTOR is the game for me and Im having a lot of fun here, I couldnt care less about these forums whinewagon. This game is gonna be awesome in a few years.
  13. I can gladly say YES.


    First of all I must say that I hate this godforsaken place called official forum to guts. Its nothing but a place filled with denial and lie and hate (as in all other gaming forums from Skyrim to WoW) yet I logged in only to say that Bioware, yo made an amazing fu*ing job with this one. So far my favourites are custom item (BLOOODY awesome idea. Way much better than coloring them yourself to prevent looking like a clown) , family creation and interface.


    So hell yeah Im keeping up my subs. And the most awesome thing is that its just the FIRST big patch. Keep up the good work Bioware! Cant wait to see this game growing even better!

  14. I think people will complain no matter what happens, that's what I think.


    The grass is'nt green enough

    The patch is'nt pre downloadable

    The Legacy makes no sence

    omgzorz its patch day

    WTH I'm expected to play this game?

    Why is'nt X feature in the game

    Why is X feature in the game

    Why do I pay for this

    Why does the sun shine through my window, it's hard to play

    Why why why....


    I can't wait for GW2. And omg why does GW2 do this, why does it not, GW2 will kill WoW, no it won't, omg its patch day, *** GW2's pvp is'nt hardcore enough, omg omg omg


    I love patch days, I get to come here and have a right chuckle.


    Thats why this godforsaken place is designed for.


    Seriously, if anyone wants any sane info and share thoughts about the new patch...Just login to your crowded realm and discuss it in general chat. Official forums are terrible -TERRIBLE - places to gather info about anything. Mostly a bunch of lurkers creeping around waiting for their sub time to end while bashing game for a few sad lonely laughs.


    Now me, what the hell am I doing here then? Im just waiting for hypocrits to start their random arguments to have a few laughs.

  15. Same reason why DF killed WoW.

    Easy travel causes the game to get filled with ignorant kindergarden kids that cant point you the way to RFC in Orgrimmar. Travelling and exploring is a part of MMO.


    Have a datacron at some thigh spot that only skillful acrobats can take? Screw dodgy jumping and land a ship on it!

  16. I think this game deserves better than "Here is your stupid reskinned content, race and class kid, now get lost and keep payin'" routine... No amount of race or class can be enough since there are a lot of other exciting things we can actually do.
  17. Its a stable and awesome MMORPG with some flaws that can be easily get rid of. I love it like this, it reminds me a lot of VanillaWoW I used to love before casuals ruined it and turned it into some kind of bizarre kindergarden.


    Possibilities of SWTOR's future are endless :


    - Free Space Roaming From Planet to Planet/ Space PVP Combat with actually controlable Space Ships. Customizable Ships like changing color, visual parts and such? Building your very own ship lego style by unlocking ship parts?


    - PvP oriented Pod Racing? Just implant the Space Ship Combat control schematics to ground. Have tournaments every week and give prizes.


    - Having control over planets. In worst scenario we can have ONE single weekly battleground that will decide the owner and fate of Planet. Maybe a special "voting" system to senate to add Buildings and other usable mini-game features around city in every patch.


    - Character interaction. Maybe marrying other players and a special "Adoption" system like choosing some newbie player as his heir and if he accepts, then let him have legacy powers of father when he grew up to late levels.


    Just a few of my ideas.

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