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Posts posted by Vodamin

  1. I just wished we could skip all the missions, give us an option where we can make the choices without playing the chapter or mission. Maybe a terminal or a NPC with dialog options.


    For exemple a terminal with:


    Chapter I : Choice A / Choice B / Choice C = select which major choices you want.

    Chapter II : "same thing" A,B,C etc.


    select one and do the same for all the other Chapters.


    I just cant stand doing the same **** 16x times.... especially when 90% of the history is similar with all classes.


    Great idea! Doing the story once or twice is bearable, but more than that? Nah.

  2. Yes, I also hate the new no exploration single player instanced story mode of KOTFE and KOTET.

    I miss the 1-60 experience - with all the little side missions, open world, big planets to explore, hidden achievements.

    Sadly this is probably never coming back.

  3. Hey, OP, how does it HURT YOUR FEELINGS to not have those mounts?

    Now as I said previously, be a good boy, make some credits (actual solo content for you, does not require group) and pay to some raid team to carry you through Brontes or whatever.

    These mounts will stay exclusive, and that's how it is going to be. Deal with it, you whiny little communist.

  4. THANK YOU for your honesty! I really appreciate it.


    But seriously, don't you feel it's a bit silly to rely your "pride" in a video game item and hope others don't get it easily? Even if you have pride on it, it should be about how much effort you've spent on it, it doesn't have anything to do how did others get it.


    Do you think it is fair if I spend 30 years of my life building my house, and then some freeloader gets the same house for free? How do you think I am going to feel about it? I will be furious.

  5. If NIM is solo content, then you got a point, sorry it isn't. You need a group to do anything. I simply don't want to change my game style, honestly even if I am a raider, I won't want to try such old content, nor would I would care about did the content or the reward become pub obtainable. I would simply want new content to try on, simple.


    Like I've said, many contents weren't that easy/nice like they are now, shall we change it back to make it fair for everybody to "earn" it with effort like the 1.0 or 2.0 players? NO, that's not the case, same with these content and reward. There is nothing wrong to let people get it in other ways.


    I can live without Wings, but seems like some people here can't live with other people having wings from different ways.


    Thats like saying "if the PvP content was PvE I would do it". See, I don't do PvP, but do you see me crying about ranked rewards being exclusive to the PvPers? I don't care. These rewards are exclusive to ranked players the same way NiM mounts are for the PvE players.

    You want to equalize everyone and everything? A little online communist paradise? It never works.

  6. See, so many people simply do NIM for things others can't have. They just refuse to admit all the way.


    You can have it, bud. Nobody is stopping you from doing NiM. You are just salty because some people are better than you in this game and have some exclusive rewards, that don't give any actual advantage.

    You can live without wings from brontes or rancor from DP, I am sure :)

  7. How sad for you. Really! you really need 248 gear for the game to be fun for you?


    Well my level 70 characters running around in 230 gear must really be the most un-fun characters out there still in game. :D


    Maybe BW should just remove all gear above 230 from the game and give something different in command crates and from operation bosses.


    Says the guy who does not run Gods of machines HM or any other NiM operation.

    You know other people have different interests than roleplaying obi wan on fleet?

  8. According to Bioware's posted DPS range, melee classes indeed should be parsing higher than ranged.


    Why? This is the reason why I named this thread "Incompetence" - because there is literally zero reasons why melee specs must parse higher than the ranged specs.

    Melee specs have skills that allow them to shorten the distance, and are usually on a very short cd (15 seconds).

    They have speed buffs.

    They do not have to cast their abilities, which means moving out of stuff during raid encounter does not prevent them to use their abilities.

    The only advantage of the ranged spec is well the range itself, which is almost neglectable on most boss fights, because the mechanics are created in a way to not put melees in a big disadvantage.

  9. Ruffian/Lethality is parsing 10.6-11k on a 2.5mil dummy, dominating the parsely leaderboard. OP doesn't know/care that it's only like the top few percent of Ruffian players that can manage such numbers, he's just throwin' shade.


    Bet he plays an Arsenal Merc.


    I main a Ruffian... I know nerfs are likely to come in August, I just hope it's a light tap to bring us down to Melee Sustained target and not a smash with a sledgehammer to drop us down to Melee Burst or Ranged Burst levels :(


    This explains the snarky remarks :)

  10. The point I am trying to make is that before the so called "balanced" patch, the leaderboard was so much more diverse - we had almost all the classes with the exception of sages.

    Now we have maras/operatives and assassins.

  11. Ruffian/Lethality is parsing 10.6-11k on a 2.5mil dummy, dominating the parsely leaderboard. OP doesn't know/care that it's only like the top few percent of Ruffian players that can manage such numbers, he's just throwin' shade.


    Bet he plays an Arsenal Merc.


    How come there is not single ranged dps in this leaderboard? Not a single one of top 1% of skilled ranged players made it to this leaderboard? Or are you implying that the most skilled players play operatives? LMAO


    It is a melee fest.

  12. I hope you're right. Finally the game will be balanced.


    Another ignorant statement. Melees have leaps, teleports, speed buffs etc. They are in no disadvantage. Almost every mechanics that makes a melee dps to disconnect from its target, does the same for the ranged dps.

    Also the range dps is forced to interrupt their cast when moving out of stuff etc, which never happens to melees.

    This new melee meta is the worst thing ever, and BioWare proves once again their extreme incompetence.

  13. Also do add to the discussion of rotation difficulty, to make IO really shine you need to know boss fight to its very little details. Which makes the rotation not only hard but requires the players to be aware of the fight every single second and to know exactly when and what comes next etc.

    Most people who think IO is OP never played IO.

    Also not a single FOTM reroller plays IO.

  14. Your class balancing is pretty good about those melee/ranged and burst/sustained sub-classes , but you forgot about some other thing which is very important , that is how hard the class is to play , for example , you want to nerf IO/AS class , but you forget how hard the heat management on this class is. I think you should take it to considering as nerfing this class will discourage people from playing it due to it's difficulty.

    I think you should add one more attribute to class balancing - difficulty of class , and make difficult classes stronger , while easy classes a little weaker(not very)



    They are not smart enough doing this. Most other mmos when nerfing some class usually change OP mechanics, and here we see decreased damage of this with X% and damage of that with Y%, based on a DUMMY parse.

    Devs are a laughing stock.

    IO has no burst capabilities whatsoever. IO has one of the worst and hard to execute AOE in the game due to its heavy energy drain, and you basically cant repeat until you get back on track with your energy.

    The only aspect of the game where this spec shines is pure single target damage (i.e. tunneling), which is very very rare in swtor NiM content.

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