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Posts posted by Banetek

  1. I figured you guys would have jumped all over this seeing how they received a rather good representation and screen time on the Fett series.


    You guys picked up on those lightsabers with the side blow holes rather quickly so I expect some Gamorean guards in some of your upcoming cartel packs.




    If I made any typos or misspellings its because I could not find Gamorean in the dictionary

  2. Mostly because you have to deal with countless bots and people using Cheat Engine speed glitches because the game mode is buggy as ****. To be bothered playing in it when they know there are obvious cheaters they need to stack rewards.


    PVP will have the same soon, solely due to the premade scurge.


    Those premade teams do so because they want to win instead of be in a group of mindless newbie weekend warrior pvE focused people running around padding their DPS stats so they can gloat at the end of the match INSTEAD of hitting objectives and winning which yields more reward at the end.


    I prefer both pve and pvp but have really come to see how dumb some of these warzones can be since the merger of pve and pvp servers.

  3. The pvv servers were only like that because Developers purposely created worlds so split and not open enough to allow most to enjoy world pvp.


    See the one thing that adds excitement for people is the chance to get to attack or be attacked when questing out in the open world. Sure, newbie zones off limits. They purposely made the pvp servers suck in that way.


    As far as Warzones its hit and miss these days whether you end up with a team of Corkey Thatcher's or people who want more than a med pack and a stim.

  4. I guess the community has really changed since coming back, pve focused people replying in pvp threads is a new one for me. I guess its another reason why separating pve and pvp servers would be a good thing.


    People out in the world on a pvp server know what they signed up for and on shared worlds there is no sense of excitement that a fight is right around the corner and could happen at any time. That sense of excitement was once a part of this game to a degree but is lost now with the merger of pve and pvp servers people take the easy way out.


    As far as objective based pvp, it is about pvp and objectives. You are dpsing for a box with a med pack and stim, that's it. I guess the farming of gear when you can easily go hang with your buddies in nim ops and get better gear is something lost on today's crowd. Maybe bioware can fix that little issue . Maybe earn coms for padding your stats with dps, derping in warzones could be some unlock or something.

  5. Since the merger of PvP and PVE severs, what little of world PVP there was has died as people can easily opt out while farming materials or engaging in other practices.



    So now we depend on structured objective Warzones which means following some simple guidelines if you want to win and not let your team down.



    1) Always assume when an alert rings or someone says "help" at a specific location, that someone else will get it. Never take initiative and go to help, always assume someone else will do it . This will allow you to continue mindlessly DPSing people, dying, feeding kills to increase the other teams chances of winning and PADDING your stats so when the

    DEFEAT screen pops up, you can still be proud you have highest percentage of damage.


    Even if its followed by 1 kill.



    2) NEVER, when guarding, call out INC to y our location. Calling out INC to your location would give your team too much time to get to objective and help out. Its always better to assume that YOU are so special and noticed in that warzone that people will just automatically notice you need help and come help you.



    3) Remember its just a game and its made better by people who play to have fun and ruined by people who play to win. Winning a match will only make other people ( the losers upset ) and its good to just relax, play lazy and remember the golden rule in Objective based pvp... Someone else will get that.... win.

  6. At what point can we expect you to reverse putting the opposite faction together on same team for pvp? Its just unsettling seeing as those the whole ideal is faction against faction elsewhere with a few interludes of teaming up against a common foe..


    Honestly, I have to wonder if that whole formula is what's destroying mmos and giving them a short-term IDEAL membership level. lifespan



    World pvp is lacking, mixing two different play style servers has all but ruined any chance of that. Most people will always take the easy route combined with no incentive to pvp.


    I'm just venting some. I came back and its shocking how people have just accepted having pubs on their team and how it somehow does not ruin the whole story or concept of faction against faction.


    Anyways carry on and yes I know no one is forcing me to play. I figured I would add my 2 credits worth.

  7. 130K hit: https://imgur.com/a/OhelCZe


    Gear of player: https://imgur.com/9I0czII


    Use a mod-able MH and OH, remove all mods except a crystal. (ive heard someone else say they achieved those stats with an aug as well), but no barrel, mod or enhancement.


    Am i a rat now? Lol idc, bc its not good for the game - certainly not good for regs. Maybe this'll hurry the pace on their removal of this 'bolster'... or stat altering... pvp gearing system.


    I wish I could give you a thumbs up for your post but instead Ill just post here and let you know that I fully support your claim. I hope they fix it soon.

  8. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1N9emf63IMOaEHt0-9qEQ2AvZGFS4jQQxOq93VcmNtIk/edit#gid=2097285454 (Enhancments)


    https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QmDklkEIBE6yBCTZNGb3zCLA3SPExJU_vNwSaJ6XTKE/edit#gid=567879846 (amplifiers)


    These are highly detailed spreadsheets. They should prove useful.


    Dunno who made these. Dunno if they are still valid, but I think they are. From what I was told, you choose the best stat pool...except for armorings. Armorings you take the 471 Mastery 409 Endurance. If you do that, your health should hover around 283k (my sentinel does). However, my Shadow and Assassin have more health. Not sure why. I need to review their gear soon.



    I looked at that spread sheet and it lists them all off but not really in order for bis in a sense that there is no if you want to A than go B


    If I want to be a glass cannon sorc and do dmg in pvp I need to X..

    Ive been looking over that and running across lots of old websites no longer updated because of the popularity of swtor

  9. I don't know about solo ranked, honestly. It probably is less alive than usual.


    Team ranked is alive and well due to the components RPM-13 for top-tier augments only being obtainable through doing it. Many Solo-ranked regulars are doing TR instead, since they know they'll get their Elo either way and now have monetary stuff to gain as well.


    Basically, if you want to do ranked, TR is it. Joining a PvP guild is a better way to achieve this than grouping up with randos.


    Good luck.



    Also thru raiding as well, I believe ops drop those ..

  10. I figure since a sorc is a glass cannon you may as well go all the way. The problem is I've been gone 4 years and although it appears easier to min/max because of the variety, its harder trying to find out EXACT what you can stack and what is pointless to stack as far as stats ( aside from endurance)


    Every time I ask in gen chat I get "google" or "duckduckgo" it and when I do I get old guides for pve sorcs that are outdated due to the site owners being over whelmed from the mass influx and high demand of people seeking answers...


    Even on this sub forum Im having a hard time finding out what stats like crit etc and what mods, enhancements will take me there. Asking in general chat you get two types of answers. PVE focused people who are very helpful and pvp people who act as though giving you a clear answer is going to make the batteries in their lightsaber shrivel up ...



    Question: If you want to maximize dmg or spec for rated ( aside from yellow augs )


    For a sorc Lightening spec what is considered meta stat wise.. Sub golds for purple as far as augs.

  11. Toxic behavior is already defined as harassment. If you don't like someone you can ignore them. if they happened to miss gender one of your 213761827361genders you can ignore them.


    if they rolled N on an item not for their class , you can ignore them.


    Ignore is a powerful tool to allow you and them to enjoy the game with out behaviors that violate your personal safe space policy, definition of hate speech or gender , no matter how many times a week it changes.


    Suffering from Trump Derangement syndrome and tired of general chat being flooded with Trump talk? /ignore

    Suffering from random newbies talking about their *****es, Chuck Norris jokes or who did what to whos mom? /ignore

    Someone not RPing as YOU think they should /ignore


    Its not that hard and its a hell of a lot easier than real life where you sometimes have to grow up, suck it up and realize that the world does not revolve around you or your life style, play style or gender choice...

  12. Thank you very much.


    One last question.


    Imagine the bar in is front of you. Its empty. You plug in 5 ability's and want to keep all buttons open instead of reduce it down to 5 button slots. You notice a blank background. You clicked remove background in the interface editor option for that bad but you still see the background.


    is there any other options for removing the backgrounds for that bar until you decide to put an ability in one of the open slots?

  13. Question 1) I choose remove background from interface editor and it removes a small portion of the boarder but not the background the ability or button rests over. I would like that removed as well.



    I have looked all over, is there a FAQ someone can please point me to to learn more about attunement , seems some of the gear I've received has this new stat .30% force attunement or whatever...


    I noticed some of my old mod able gear does not, I would like to keep some of it, especially the pvp gear I earned that's super cool looking. Am I out of luck?


    ALL I can offer is my thanks, if I could post some really cool pictures of my cats I would just because they general bring happiness and joy to anyone who sees them but this forum won't let me...

  14. I have yet to finish the chapters after you defeat arcann so I could be wrong. Also had to get used to not being on a true pvp server... everything is so consensual now when it comes to pvp. I guess I'm just old school where a man rolled on a pvp server and stuck with his choice. No any one can just pussyfoot on over to their pvE instance any time ..


    I can't be too dour about it because as much as I love pvp in SWTOR, leveling up never gave me that excitement I felt in other mmos on a pvp server.

  15. Seems when I first bought SWTOR it was built on world pvp and Imp Versus Pub . Granted world pvp is rare because bioware designed the shared worlds to discourage world pvp by making it hard to get to the other side. Not all but many of them.


    Seems the direction SWTOR is taking is Imp and Pub versus computer NPC uneasy truce milk the player base buy not delivering what SWTOR was intended to be.

    My question is will SWTOR ever get back to war with each other?

  16. For some reason men always feel intimidated when they see a strong woman and instantly hate something because of it. They seem to think that all women are supposed to be shrinking violets or always in some kind of distress and need a man to get them out of it. That is just sexist and stupid. The real thing that is killing this country is close mindedness and the inability to see things from another perspective. So you are welcome to your opinion, even though it is ignorant and misogynistic. Oh and I am a man by the way and no I'm not gay.


    You don't say HOW it is ignorant or misogynistic though which is a form of intolerance by the way not all men and never always feel intimidated by strong women.. Here is some truth, men will always be stronger in strength than women, that's just biology and fact..

  17. I really love continuing paying for my subscription , nothing beats waiting for upwards of an hour after work for a warzone match to pop up!!!


    Can you please address server population as your game becomes more and more unpopular to the point that server populations make it hard to enjoy the game as intended.


    Straight forward and to the point.


    Enter the fan club to tell me how stupid I am for complaining..

    Please address this issue or stay in denile of an issue. I won't continue to make it my poor choice to stay subbed much longer.

  18. I was against the same sex romance because of Star wars being family friendly and all but I am happy at least its toned down and not done in such a mundane political manner. The wording on the options it gives you is not pushy and I don't feel at this point it will push any of the younger players to make choices that go against their nature.
  19. This server is most friendly PUB side for RP. gentlemen gankers is actually a RP pve focused guild but you see them sometimes in warzones. ( Mostly doing their conquest stuff. )


    For Imp side you have .. Dark Knights of the Empire or something like that.



    Both big Pve RP guilds. !! You should fit right on, welcome to the server

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