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Posts posted by Larmoth

  1. I warned you!


    If you read this, you get spoiled with the end of Act 1 of the Jedi Consular Storyline!!!





    First: I killed every single Jedi Master, because the Noetikon-people told me that I would kill myself by saving/shielding too many of the others..

    Of course did I save my Master.. As a healer, I absolutely need Qyzen to be happy. :rolleyes:

    Before I can leave to hunt Vivicar, Yuon Par again wants to get beaten up.. I, again, let her live, because Qyzen would've hated me.


    Then I get sent to Vivicar's ship..

    So, I finished chapter I by killing Vivicar which Qyzen loved (+140 affection, if I recall correctly).


    I got home to Tython where the great and annoying Master Syo standing next to Master Yuon Par told me that all the Masters that I had saved had died unfortunately..


    Remember my first point? I didn't save a single one of them... except for Yuon.



    Now the best thing:

    I go on, to the fleet, where I get a letter.. Syo is soooo sorry for the loss of Yuon and all those hundreds of other Jedi that had to die because I wanted Vivicar dead..


    Why, is she dead now or did I get too confused with all the killing and brabbling of the Jedi Council?




    I fear that the problem lies with the story design and that not everything was well thought-through...

    Maybe the writers first had one outcome in mind and then changed to something else and the designers forgot to change the dialogues of previous encounters?



    I'm confused..




    Was this some other old lady standing there with Satele (yeah, she looks old too..) and Syo meeting me at the Council after defeating Vivicar?


    Or did she die only afterwards, in silence (without costing me any affection from Qyzen :p ) or didn't she die at all? Will she ever reappear?






    Besides this little issue:

    I'm totally happy with the Consular Storyline so far!


    Only thing that I don't like:

    I'm lvl 30 and only got Tharan (as a healer, the healer companion is not really useful) and Qyzen (I'll use him till the end, I guess :) He's already in full custom gear and quite the killer in 1 on 1 open pvp :D )

    They should've brought in more companions earlier, so that one has a choice...


    In the end, I'll only be able to play with Nadia, when I'd happen to do dailies, which I won't.. Leaving me to buy her presents which I can't afford, because I don't play dailies.. :rolleyes:


    To be honest, both Qyzen and Tharan are very good compagnions. If I wanne go melee and dps myself i choice tharan, if i wanne do more cc and healing i take qyzen. They are both fun the have as a comp :)

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