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Posts posted by Stego

  1. Global chat handles a la City of Heroes.


    It was awesome that you could see what character your friend was playing and contact him without having to add every single of his characters to your friends list. When they added legacy I was certain for a second they were actually going to add this. Sadly that bubble has burst.

  2. Was playing around with the family tree a bit and had some ideas that could spruce it up a bit for people like me that like this little feature.


    - Why not allow players to put non-playable characters into the family tree, this could easily makes the tree just a bit more logical. Add options for wives/parents/children/etc.

    - On that note, it would be nice if players would be allowed to add certain companions into the tree like if they become romantically involved with the player.

    - Also if non-playable characters could be allowed in the trees you could give the player the option to give them functions/jobs/roles with small perks. For example you can turn your non-playable father character into a merchant and it gives all the characters in your legacy to sell items to merchants at a slightly higher price.

    - These job/roles could be made unlock-able, either through legacy level, credits or maybe tied to an achievement or codex entry.

    - The ability to link to multiple characters, allowing a character to be someone's relative and add the same time another's rival for example.


    Also a little criticism on the current state of the tree is that the automatic location assigning can be quite annoying as it occasionally drags the tree out way too far in a direction and makes it a bit annoying to look at. Like when brother and sister suddenly find a huge gap between them because you added a spouse or ally. It be preferable if you had some say about the location the portraits go.


    Oh, and add a master/apprentice connection please...

  3. I'm still hoping for a Global chat handle ala City of Heroes to be honest, cause it allowed people in your friend-list to see what character you were playing both cross faction and even when you were on a different server all-together. It also allowed people to communicate no matter what character they were on.
  4. Don't see what's wrong with it, the good pvp'ers get an extra challenge, the mediocre pvp'ers will stay mediocre and the bad pvp'ers get the idea that they matter and can tag along. Seems to me people want the advantage so badly because they are not actually part of the group of good pvp'ers although they believe they are, good pvp'ers will still have an advantage be that through skill or gear.
  5. Activated my CE today, but the store is the one thing I forgot to check out, did check out the authenticator store, which sells various items from customization packages to pets to a speeder and some gear. The rest of the CE gimmicks are lovely as well.
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