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Posts posted by Shazzi

  1. I believe the grenades use to kick out like 5-6k dmg but were nerfed BW seem to have forgot the CD. I believe it will be reassessed and CD lowered, when however is the mystery.


    I suggest posting in suggestion like mentioned above

  2. I know people will disagree with me but I have a feeling we'll see Purebloods on the republic side. Why? We get Miralukans. Also it's already been shown (through scourge) that Purebloods can become Jedi. Also I don't think there may be new races at the start pe se' what I gathered from the system is it all has to do with your chars legacy. It's very possible if my char is say.. a pureblood he can have a related family member republic side.


    Scourge is not a Jedi he has just teamed up with a Jedi for story reasons.

  3. There is a upcoming patch 1.1.1 where IA and smuggs are getting a nerf.



    Acid Blade: Now provides 30% armor penetration while active.

    Jarring Strike: This ability now knocks the target down for 1.5 seconds.

    Hidden Strike: The damage output of this ability has been decreased by approximately 20% to control burst damage and because it was enabling significantly faster than intended kills in PvP.


    patch notes here; http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=212341

  4. Not sure what went through BW minds when they decided to rework Ilum, yes it needed a rethink but *** have they done.


    Not sure what its like on other servers but on mine, Ahto City, we are out numbered 3-1 or higher. With this new buff we can never have even one stack of Ilum buff to go into PVP as soon as we cap an objective it gets capped back. We can barely hold on to one stack let alone have x5.


    This has ruined it for me and until they fix it, and i cannot believe i am saying this but i am unsubbing if nothing is sorted. This along with performance issues in Ilum is a joke. i have a AMD quadcore 3.4Ghz, EVGA 1GB geforce 560 Ti, 8GB of 1333Mhz ram and i am getting a max of 7.2 FPS.


    As a jedi knight i have nothing to tag kills for valor with in what appears to be a zergfest of crap consisting of both sides spamming AOE, as a JK i am not going to force jump into 80+imps lol. I am force to sabre throw every 30sec with a high risk rate of getting pulled into 80imp then getting /roflstomped


    Yes i am aware the game has only been out a month and i do not wish to end my sub ive been faithfully following this game since 2008. yes i know my tag says 2009 :). I want this game to be successful but *** are they doing.




  5. The reason i suspect this is there have been several matches where it has clearly been a draw yet at the end of the WZ it says we have been defeated.


    At first i thought perhaps its because they have a better overall score, but if i lower scoring team manages a draw surely they have been at a disadvantage and should win? Anyway, that cannot be the case.


    In Voidstar niether side got passed first gate and it was a good match, they played well as on the endscore board 5 republican players were top. At the end of the match it said we had been defeated.


    Is there no such thing as Draw, does it say defeated for both sides? I am pretty sure ive seen draw in huttball.


    Another thing i have noticed in Alderan WZ if both side have just one turret and it played like that the entire game the imperials would win as they seem to have an extra 5-10 tickets than republic.

  6. I have seen several topics regarding the current mechanics in Ilums PVP zone. In its current state i see several groups milking/farming it for dailies which is fine, but i am pretty it was not created to cap stamp (several groups of say 2-3 imperials and 2-3 republicans not attacking each other just constantly capping one point over and over)


    I think the main reason for this is lack of incentives and bonuses to kill other players onsite. I was wondering if the community has any ideas of how to solve this issue in Ilum.


    I have had several nice ideas from guildmembers of which there should be a endreward for being involved in a total control victory, or commendations for killing a player in the PVP zone.


    I have also read in other posts that the PVP zone in Ilum was supposed to give merc commendations when a player is killed which for some reason is not implemented.


    Any suggestions on PVP zones in Ilum?

  7. I was looking for a suggestions area of the forums but could not find one. I am excited about the upcoming legacy powers feature of the game and have been thinking. I have a Jedi Knight and a Sith Warrior on the same server (excellent storylines XD) and as such share the same legacy name Pendragon.


    My suggestion is this. Since toons of opposite faction who share the same legacy name perhaps could trade items between each other? perhaps unlocked in the legacy skill tree? (if there is one ^^)

  8. Ok am on the end class quest for Jedi Knight, [Doomsday] inside the Dark Temple. There seems to be a puzzle inside where you click on several images to create a Image on the floor of the imperial flag/symbol, once i had done that lighting hit the symbol and a chest appeared.


    I clicked on the chest it came up with USING, but then nothing happened, any ideas?

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