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Posts posted by tdcr

  1. you really are a noob. bioware has a long history of demonstrating they don't have to understand nothing


    and you must have a long history of being a snot nosed punk *** wanna be troll HAHA MFR SUCK IT :eek:

  2. wow, someone that actually sounds like they have a clue about something. to rare in our world nowadays IMO. it is what it is though. a have a new 1TB SSD and its so fast its corrupts data its just TO FAST lol, it does seem better now thats it broke in or something but a few months ago i had a problem with disappearing fonts and icons and things in the game and i was suggested to delete that bitraider folder and yes it made me install the whole game which takes several days on my 1.5. now i keep the swtor folder backed up lol. that didnt even work either i had to get a new install from my friend who has 6 meg and it was an ordeal. im going to keep my current game backed up up somewhere and try to install a new game with the steps you outlined. i appreaciate the help! but just in the rare event some dev does see this post please guys make the game where in default mode it can download ok on 1.5 dsl. it used to so i know you can do it. otherwise you gunna lose subs, figure it out.
  3. ive figured it out i -think-, its not as much data as i thought its just coming in SLOW like slower than an old dialup modem, i have a feeling its p2p and since my upload is VERY SLOW and i cant pass it on to others very fast its not giving me much either. this is very disturbing. its not the patcher either i have tried that before and it doesnt help at all sometimes it makes me start over. im not gunna pay for a game that requires i have intensive upload speed just to have good download speed on patchs.
  4. cant be, i play other games and their patchs arnt excessive. gurantee that chick-fil-a wasnt 1.5, matter of fact i know it wasnt because no way 1.5 would support a restaraunt full of people and whoever else is suckin off it, betcha 10 to 1 they have cable internet and their wifi pulls off that and its WAYYYY faster than 1.5 trust me. it would also be helpful if the patcher would show the size not just the speed. to me it seems these patchs are gigabytes large and thats just not acceptable for the small changes that are made.
  5. hey guys yall need to understand some of us live in the country and do not have many high speed internet options and alot of them have 5 gig caps, so ya really need to WORK FKN HARD to bring down the size of these patchs!!! my ONLY option here is 1.5 meg dsl and these patchs are incredibly huge and im startin to get pissed because they didnt used to be this big i have been a sub since day one dam near but if every patch its going to take 3 dam days to download the patch im heading on and im sure im not the only one. FIGURE IT OUT!! REDUCE PATCH SIZES!!
  6. they could also do what wow did, battlegroups, which is still all seperate servers but when you go to pvp you get to play with people from like 5 other servers too. i really dig that it has made the Q time on BGs drop WAAAY down from what it was before. wouldnt help for like normal raiding/grouping etc tho. i expect in like oh 3-6 months some merges
  7. devs, i just wanted to say thanks for making a decent game! i have been playing mmo's since everquest original in 2000 and have played eq1, eq2, swg, planetside, pirates of burning seas, wow, eve, earth and beyond, warhammer, conan, lord of the rings, vanguard, matrix, cov, 2nd life, guild wars, dungeon runners, auto assault, archlord, runes of magic, tabla rasa and even more i cant recall. i have some experience with these games, -trust- me. all had there goods and bads but none were -really- good except wow. now star wars galaxies did have a better space part than tor imo but other than that tor is the best game i have seen since wow. ask lucas if you could have a space part more like swg and then it would be better but i just wanted to say good job i have been waiting on something to rival wow for years. i really like this game so far! thanks!
  8. with the amount of different abiltys ya -REALLY- need more hotbars at least 1 more on left and 1 on right and on top of that ya companion needs their very own smaller like on top of the bottom 2. PLZZZZZZ add more hotbars!!
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