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Posts posted by Zakaan

  1. I'd like a time machine to be added so we can teleport back to launch with promising endgame content. That's why this game failed, not because of the cartel market, not color dyes or barber shops but because the endgame content wasn't appealing for either pve or pvp. Raids were buggy and easy, the PvP gear unlock system was asinine and Ilum was a disaster.


    Those complaining about character customizations are like angry customers at the Barely Satisfying ice cream parlor enraged about the color of the sprinkles on their "mediocre medley" sundae.

  2. I actually don't do this dance everywhere I go. I played WoW since 2004 before I started playing SWTOR, I was a loyal subscriber to WoW up until the release of SWTOR, why did I leave WoW not because I wasn't happy with it. I left because I changed to something I felt was going to be a lot better for what I enjoy. I am a fan of the whole KOTOR series, and that for me was what I made the change for. I was subbed to this game since early access, and I have and still am subbed to WoW as well. I have no problems spending money on a product I feel is worth my hard earned money.


    People on the internet love making assumptions about people so they can attack said person based on the imaginary image they've created for them.


    It's pretty funny, actually.

  3. If you're telling the truth when you say that this was meant to be a facetious thread, then I'd say you should be ashamed of yourself. There is nothing about paedophilia that is funny, or should be joked about. On the other hand, if you're lying, and meant this honestly, but backed down when you got called on it, you should probably go introduce yourself at the local sex-offenders registry.


    That sounds like a terrible idea.

  4. Listen you whinny little kids.


    If you don't like things coming into this game - leave. Don't just unsub and come on my forums to tell us how it is. You made your statement (even though 99% of the time its a bluff and we still see your moronic posts on these forums).


    Don't like it? don't buy it. Want to complain? Do it on your time, without flooding the forums with your garble. Send private messages - emails to them. Stop trying to rally people to your pathetic b*tchy cause. Its sad. I know this thread will likely get deleted, but the difference is I am a subscriber. If you're not - eat sh*t.


    I love you bioware! Do your worst!


    Not everyone is a masochist with low standards. You should learn to accept that.

  5. Instead of lifting successful and intelligent aspects of games already out there Bioware steals the stupidest concepts and makes them worse.


    Making compelling end game content is hard (which, if you ask around, is the main reason why SWTOR failed) so, instead, they give you cat people and dressup for you and your companions.

  6. I think its more of a case of bioware (in general) having a penchant for malnurished, short early-teens looking girls.

    What that tells us about them, i'll leave unsaid.


    Of all the female companions the majority of them seem to be of body type 1. A few are body type 2.

    Not a single one are of body type 3 or 4.

    Akaavi spar could easily have been a type 3. And alot of them could have been type 4.


    But nope. Almost all of them look like dainty little teenagers despite them supposedly being 20+.

    Its one of my pet peeves in this game actually.


    This guy gets it.

  7. Nadia is an adult woman, who's overprotected by an overbearing single father if memory serves me right. The storyline goes out of the way to show that every chance it gets.


    Well, they tell you she's an adult but she has the demeanor of a 16 year old. Nadia's youth was a running joke in my guild around launch.


    "You know Nadia's like, 14 right?"

    "What, really?"

    "Nah, they tell you she's an adult but that's obviously just to keep the police off their backs. She's clearly a kid."


    Naa - people just use the excuse "Oh, I was being facetious/sarcastic/using humor" when being busted on their ignorance/trolling.


    Obviously you were not being 'facetious' until you got shot down by people.


    Please, tell me more about how the obvious exaggerations smiley faces in the OP were not part of a joke. Did you really think I felt nervous romancing the characters that all had codex entries professing their age and that I thought Bioware is filled with lecherous writers interested in underage girls whose lewd fantasies were bleeding into their work? :rolleyes:

  8. We know their ages as written -- they're all adults. They're not even underage by current American cultral standards, let alone actual children.


    And I love how, when confronted with how wrong you are, you fall back on "but I was just exagerating for effect! And to be funny!"


    but that's not what happened there are all. Your interpretations are as bad as your humor.


    ^ "I'm rubber and you're glue!" Cute.


    Pretty much. Wanna fight about it?

  9. So far I've played through 3 of the romances on 3 Republic classes: Trooper, Smuggler, and Consular.


    All three appeared to be a romance with adult women.


    The only one I haven't played through so far, as my Knight is a female, is the first female companion you get. And she's also an adult woman.


    So I'm with the others... not sure what or whom you're referring to.


    Nadia struck you as an adult woman? I ask about her specifically because I saw Risha, Kaliyo and Dorne as the only exceptions.

  10. Sounds to me like you are talking about the forum now. :p


    But I digress...


    So.. what.. 7 pages in and what have we learned? That peoples taste in other parties to be romanced are all over the map. We have people who are uncomfortable with romancing jail bait and we have people who are uncomfortable romancing old gummers... and everything in between. Conversely.. we have people who are completely fine with both extremes as well as everything in between... including soup cans... err.. I mean Scorpio. :)


    I just vomited in my mouth.

  11. Mature as in older? Like way older?


    Dorne for trooper might come out that way actually, but only older by a couple of years.


    Kaliyo seems older to me, but I already forgot her age :p But again, only a couple of years older at most.


    Mature as in less childish. It's not always about the numbers. You can be 30 and act like a 13 year old or be 17 and appear more mature than most adults I know.


    The first thing I thought when I saw Nadia was "since I got this girl as a companion does that mean I don't get a romance?".


    That and the sagging jowls and no-nonsense ways. You've pegged me pretty good.


    Oh, those soft and wrinkled cheeks of hers....

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