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Posts posted by LaLiLuLeLolz

  1. These threads really are getting kinda silly. Some things in life are expensive, deal with it. Stuff is overpriced in real life too folks. "Thousands of dollars for a wedding dress? REALLY?" "Thousands of dollars for a piece of jewelry? REALLY?" "Hundreds of dollars for a brand name shirt? REALLY?" "8 dollars for water at the amusement park? REALLY?" I mean get over it. You don't want it that bad, don't buy it, it really is as simple as that. Don't act like you somehow deserve all this stuff at a price YOU think is reasonable or that people who pay the asking price are fools.


    Things are worth what people will pay for them.

  2. As much as I love this dance, I really feel like the word "chicken" shouldn't be used in the emote text since there's no such things as chickens in Star Wars. It'd work just as well with any other random Star Wars animal. Like "____ does an insultingly bad imitation of a Tauntaun". It's a nitpick I know, but still, it'd make more sense and doesn't really ruin the joke.


    "That's not how a Tauntaun sounds.... Tauntauns don't CLAP!"

  3. - Paying players should get the ability, at any time except the fleet, regardless of faction, in or out of combat to force choke a free to play player. Free to play players cannot break this stun.


    - Paying players should be able to attack free-to-play players at any time except the fleet, regardless of faction.


    - Paying players should receive an out of combat ability called "Pulling Rank" which forces target free to play player to perform the /grovel, /salute, /cower or /bow command.

  4. Yea I've heard of that and I also hear that in some instances, only one faction's story in terms of flashpoints and operations is considered canon, or in some cases, they happen sequentially. I admit, I was somewhat weary of this game before it came out because of the plot issue that always arises in mmos. Defeating ____ may be epic, but when I realize that everybody else around me has also defeated ____, it suddenly becomes much less satisfying. It's an issue I eventually got over but I think it would be much more jarring if we were talking about movie characters. It would just seem weird to me to say... farm the Emperor on the Hard Mode Death Star operation. Weirder than say farming Kephess or Soa.
  5. I like all the eras and am more a fan of the general universe than any specific character so I'm not bothered with not seeing Luke or whatever. Plus, Bioware imo has a sort of bad habit of making your character eventually become stronger than most other NPCs and I don't think that works all that well when dealing with a famous character. (Spoilers) Revan for example in this game I thought was handled somewhat strangely. It sort of rubs me the wrong way that my character in this game is capable of defeating Revan, particularly when this game also says Revan somehow managed to live hundreds of years. Could you imagine if Revan had been a movie character like Boba Fett for example? Or maybe killing Luke Skywalker at the end of a Sith Warrior class quest? It'd just be... weird imo.
  6. No offense, but have you considered you might not be an RPG fan? I mean... most of the complaints listed aren't really common to this genre and the suggestion that you prefer Force Unleashed and Star Wars: Uncharted, says to me that maybe you're more attracted to action type games? -Shrug- I mean, space combat is not a typial RPG feature, and the sandboxes that you're referring to that make up SWTOR are quite common in most RPGs. It just seems like a lot of people were expecting this to be something other than an RPG or something.
  7. V.I.P. Shuttle Service(This perk can be purchased multiple times)

    You may travel to any other planet's spaceport.


    Recon Scout(Planet)

    Use to see if world boss is up on the specified planet.


    Comm Hacker Probe

    Range: __

    Hit an opposing faction member with this ability to reveal the opposing faction's planetary general chat for _ seconds.


    Personal Cloaking Device

    Become invisible and more difficult to detect for __ seconds. Not useable in combat. __ minute cooldown (Since anybody can buy an out of combat force speed with rocket boots, why not give other classes a chance to buy some new abilities?)


    Short Range Jump Jets

    Leap towards a target __ meters away. Does not do damage. Not useable in combat. __ minute cooldown (Force leap, same idea as above but since not in combat, can only be used to start a fight or for mobility purposes out of combat. Probably not for warzones.)


    Concussive Emitter

    Purchasable 360 degree knockback with __ hour cooldown. (I'd say no warzones but wth)


    Gravity Manipulator

    Purchasable pull move with __ hour cooldown.


    Astromech Protocols

    Your ship droid now provides a +__ buff to all your starship's stats in space combat.


    Henceforth, You Shall Be Known As..


    Hazard Insurance(This perk can be purchased multiple times)

    This perk applies a buff that reduces repair costs for the next _ hours.


    Emergency Call: (Soa, Karagga, Kephess) ((This perk can be purchased multiple times))

    Immediately transports you to the operation Eternity Vault, Karagga's Palace, Denova respectively.


    Emergency Medivac(This perk can be purchased multiple times.)

    Upon death, purchase this to return to the fleet. ((In case there's a gank squad waiting at your nearby medical center.))

  8. The Republic characters, landscapes and stories are all incredibly bland; They speak in a strange stilted monotone of overly-carefully enunciated English and everything that isn't beige or brown is an earthen pastel.


    The conversations are never surprising or controversial or even vaguely challenging, everybody cares completely for the sake of others and the Republic and have no desire or interest in doing anything beyond growing lima beans and collecting cub-scout achievement badges. Everybody trusts everybody else implicitly, they all live in some crazy uncanny valley where people all just do what other people tell them to.

    The only thing in any way remarkable about the Republic is that it is generic incarnate.


    Despite being a setting where their civilisation spans an entire galaxy, where individuals own little ships with super-FTL drives and can galavant around fighting an obscenely evil civilisation.. there's nothing even vaguely interesting or challenging about them - other than not being the Empire.


    Both sides are guilty of wearing robes in a super-sci fi setting though... that's just inexcusable, it's a whole other topic but this fascination with robes, no matter what the setting, must end.

    Seriously, robes are not appropriate for any kind of physical exertion let-alone the extremes of melee!

    They're really stretching the friendship in typical fantasy settings after so many years of them and they're absolutely, categorically not appropriate for a sci-fi setting!


    The entire Republic exists only to mirror the Empire.

    It doesn't have an identity of it's own and yet it's supposed to be a fantabulously, many millennia old galactic civilisation full of influence from a massively diverse alien populations on thousands of worlds, with whom it trades freely and completely embraces.


    The Sith are the Empire, it doesn't really have an identity either and the Sith are just comically extreme individuals, sociopathically and psychopathically evil. Waking up each day to grab a coffee and un-thinkingly eviscerate a random somebody on their way to do whatever's on their evil agenda that evil day.

    They're all so extremely evil that it really loses its impact - like driving through a crowd of people in GTA


    Their motivation to destroy the Republic is simply that, to break stuff. Their opposition could be absolutely anything and they'd do exactly the same things, they're simply 1-dimensionally evil for the sake of being evil.


    I didn't get this at all. Playing as a trooper I've come across lots of Republic citizens who weren't all gung ho about the Republic, constantly thinking of others, or overly trusting. Even as a Jedi on starting on Tython you come across more than a few locals trying to screw you over so I'm not really sure what you're talking about. Also on the Imperial side, you come across lots of Imperials who aren't evil for the sake of being evil, but just doing their jobs. Sure you've got stereotypical evil sith characters but this is a universe where being evil literally makes you more powerful, so it's not like it doesn't make any sense for Sith to act this way.


    I'm not sure what your beef is with robes. Ranting about how robes don't work in any setting seems odd, when you can point to several examples of them working in almost every setting. People wear robes in religious institutions in the real world today and the Jedi and Sith are religious institutions in this game. In fact, almost every successful future sci-fi franchise I can think of has at least some characters who wear robes. It just makes me wonder what you think they should be wearing.


    I also don't get your beef with the Empire's motives. They are an Imperialist society. Expanding their territory by conquering and subjugating other societies is what they do. It's not really a cartoonish extreme we're talking about. Imperialism is an actual thing and plenty of civilizations in reality have done exactly what the Empire is attempting to do in this game.

  9. I actually think some of the Jedi Knight stuff looks a bit cooler in terms of animation than the warrior stuff. I liked tossing a light disc at people with my lightsaber instead of screaming at them. I also think the Jedi Knight force leap looks a lot better. The warrior force leap looks kinda sloppy imo, like they tripped right before the jump and had to flail around in mid air to keep from face-planting.
  10. Apprentice

    Become a student to a higher level player. Gain a bonus to exp gained, along with stat bonuses just for being their student. Bonus increases if both players are in the same group. Bonus increases again if both players are within a certain distance of each other, similar to Zorn and Toth of Denova.



    Become a mentor to a lower level player. Gain a daily(or other) commendation every time your apprentice levels. Slight stat bonus for being a teacher. Bonus increases if grouped with your apprentice. Bonus increases again if master and apprentice are within a certain distance of each other, similar to Zorn and Toth.

  11. These ideas are nice, but I think they are sending the wrong message and aren't fully representative of all players. Not everyone wants even more exorbitant credit sinks. There should at least be some perks that are obtained by legacy level alone. They're also contrary to the idea of Legacy in the first place - the whole point was originally to tie your characters together, like a family, so that one character could have the abilities and benefits of another. These character-specific perks of extortionate cost are a step in the wrong direction.


    I get that gold sinks are necessary in an MMO, but they should be restricted to rare items or vanity. There's no need to extort the 80-90% of people who do not even have more than 1 million credits (I believe a statistic like that was given at the guild summit) just to be able to use features that are supposedly for everyone.


    For the record, I play the GTN and have millions of credits at my disposal, but I still think this system is flawed. I despise dailies and can only imagine how painful it is for the average player without business know-how to accumulate credits to buy these unlocks or do even the most basic thing that is taken for granted in most other MMO's - changing your appearance - without having to do a week of dailies beforehand.


    Excuse my brashness but I find it unbelievable that people are making these suggestions and actually want to spend 3 million credits on something that should be available to everyone, like dual-spec. I guess this is their way of having something that others don't?


    There's a reason WoW's economy thrives. The basic things like dual spec, changing your appearance, and respeccing are incredibly affordable and are available at early levels. But there are tons of things that are incredibly difficult and/or expensive to get, but these are things to show off with rather than basic commodities. I didn't mind building up 750,000 gold to buy a Swift Spectral Tiger, but years ago I did mind having to grind up 10,000 or however much it was when dual-spec was first introduced and when gold was much more difficult to get.


    Seems like your only real issue here is the price of a proposed dual-spec perk. I'd like to remind you that these are fan suggested character perks so things like pricing and hard numbers on bonuses for these perks would obviously be up for debate and scrutiny should these perks actually be considered and implemented by Bioware. I understand your issue with wishing more of these were legacy wide upgrades instead of character specific perks, but it's not like anybody's suggesting they do away with legacy wide perks all together. It's just legacy-wide perks aren't what this thread is about. As I understand it, this thread is mostly about character specific perks.

  12. Party Animal(possible rank 2,3,4.. etc)

    Cost - 200,000 credits

    Duration of Party Bomb, Party Instigator, Sparkle Powder and Rhythem Augmentation Droid are increased by ___%



    Cost - 200,000 credits

    Your character may now speak in huttese, droid or jawa language during cutscenes. (I don't care if they just recycle the same 3 existing huttese/droid/jawa dialogue lines over and over again for every single cutscene my character has. It can still work)


    Speeder Armoring(2,3)

    Cost - 75,000

    Increases the amount of damage your speeder takes before exploding and dumping you into combat by __%


    High End Speeder Parts(2,3)

    Cost - 2,000,000 credits

    Increases the speed of your current speeder by __%


    Room for Two

    Cost - 3,000,000 credits

    Your speeder license now allows you to drive a second person around in your speeder.(Possibly restricted to larger speeders.)


    Pack Mule(2,3)

    Cost - 20,000 credits

    Your companion may now hold __ additional items for you.


    Pet Mule(2,3,4,5)

    Cost - 10,000 credits

    Your mini-pet may now store _ additional items for you.


    Mascot(2, 3, 4, 5)

    Cost - 30,000 credits

    You may name your mini-pet, and having it out during combat provides a __ bonus to Presence.



    Cost - 2,000,000 credits

    Unlocks the /troll emote. (Expensive perhaps but I guarantee some people will buy this, even if the /troll emote doesn't have an animation.)


    Just throwing a few random ones out off the top of my head.

  13. Yea it seems like you're missing the point of orange gear here. Orange gear isn't like a tier, it isn't supposed to automatically be better than blue or green or purple. The point of orange gear is that you can customize it and potentially make it as powerful or more powerful than other gear. It's mostly a fashion thing, but it can be practical for leveling. Like someone else said, get orange gear as soon as possible, and just keep upgrading it with mods, armoring and enhancements bought with planetary commendations and you basically don't have to spend any money at all on gear.


    Orange gear is basically just about looks. If you don't like the look of your class armors, maybe you can check out some other orange armors or social gear just to switch your look around and make it your own

  14. I'm kinda curious about this too. On my sorc, my willpower is to the point where my crit has hit the softcap of 40%, so the only thing she gains from added willpower is more damage really, but it's less damage than I would get if I stacked more power. So technically power would be the way to go right? I've also thought about stacking surge instead of power. Does anybody know the cap for surge?
  15. I agree more color customization and general gear looks would be appreciated, and I do think there is an unnecessary abundance of shoulderpads currently plaguing SWTOR gear, however I don't really agree about the bonus stats or removing costs on pulling mods. It really isn't THAT expensive to move mods if you really want a certain look and removing the cost entirely isn't that huge a deal imo. Plus it sorta makes sense from an in-game logic point of view. If you're modifying armor to do something it's not designed to do, why wouldn't that cost money?


    My three would be


    1. Gear dye system. Don't see a huge reason why this would be difficult or unwanted

    2. Pazaak. Should've been there at launch. Great way to fill downtime between flashpoints/ops/pvp

    3. Speeder Racing. Same as Pazaak.

  16. The reason that they did this was the reason why the species that they selected to include all had to be able to speak basic in the first place.


    Now they could cut-and-paste gibberish from here or there, I suppose, but dialogue costs money and takes time, no matter what 'language' it is in.


    That is why the Chiss player character doesn't speak Chiss, because Bioware and EA were not interested in spending the money to record any Chiss dialogue.


    If they did just do a paste job, you can bet that someone would be here complaining about how the Chiss character is saying the same lines that were spoken by some alien merchant somewhere, or that they were Huttese rather than Chiss, or whatever other little grain of sand someone around here would proclaim to be the next boulder ready to crush this game under it's awesome weight.


    Yes, I realize that, but the ease of the paste job would be why this could be do-able. Changing how you sound isn't really the point, it's using the different languages of each race to unlock race specific gear looks and or race specific datacrons to provide incentives to play as different races.

  17. Actually, you can include Cyborgs in the language system, though it would work slightly differently than the other alien languages. Instead of speaking a different language in cutscenes, Cyborgs would be given the ability to communicate with droids. So while a Twi'lek player can find hidden dialogue options, quests, race specific armor looks, race specific datacrons etc by speaking to Twi'lek NPCs hidden on random planets, a Cyborg would find all these hidden things by interfacing with droid NPCs hidden on random planets and interfacing with them.
  18. When playing as a Chiss, you may come across a Chiss NPC who speaks to you in Huttese because he refuses to speak basic. It makes you wonder why you don't have that ability when playing as a Chiss yourself.


    I've noticed a few complaints about most of the races being basically the same and one way to bring some diversity to each of the existing races(cyborg and human excluded) would be to give each the option to have their character speak in basic, or in their native language during cutscenes. It would just give players the ability to feel like they're still playing a different race even when their alien features are obscured by gear choices or dark side taint pigmentation issues.


    It could also be tied into the existing legacy system in interesting ways. If you leveled a Chiss to 50 for example, you would be able to create a Human that would have the option of speaking "Chiss"(or whatever their language is called) during cutscenes.


    Outside of Legacy, the introduction of a language system could have interesting implications in gameplay. If you spoke to a select hidden Chiss NPC in their native language, it could open up hidden dialogue options, quests, race specific holocrons, race specific gear, etc that could only be accessed with a certain race's language, either natively spoken or learned via the Legacy system.


    Likewise, if you spoke to Human NPCs(or any race not of the language you're speaking) in a language that isn't basic, you may have to restart the conversation in basic, or perhaps have your dialogue option be ignored or randomly misinterpreted as a different option in by the NPC. Perhaps if the player purchased a reasonably priced translator item or protocol droid pet, they could bypass the language requirements for conversations without having to switch their language back to basic(for those RPers out there).


    The concept of race specific gear could just be cosmetic, in that it's just gear that's tailored to fit your race(Twi'leks would appreciate it :p), or it could provide tangible stat differences that provide mild incentives to roll certain classes with certain races. The same would go for race specific holocrons. These could either simply be a new tier of holocrons that add identical stat bonuses no matter what race you are and are just additional little easter eggs to find, or they could act as ways to make certain races better at certain things.


    Pureblood Sith are supposedly very strong in the force, moreso than other races. So maybe if you play as a pureblood for example, you can access an additional willpower or surge datacron if you can find a hidden pureblood sith NPC on a random planet and speak to him with the "sith" language. Maybe a +10, +30, +50 willpower datacron reward that you get for being a pureblood, or that you can access on another race if you have that legacy language. Or maybe if you play as a Rattakai, you can access a datacron for Aim because they have keen eyesight or something. If you had a character for each race at 50, your characters could speak any language and therefore access any of these datacrons, providing you a way to match a pureblood sith sorceror with a human sorceror if you wished to put the time into it. Or as I said, it could all just be balanced as a new datacron tier available to each race specifically.


    These things would provide incentives to reroll with different species, and race specific gear and datacrons would provide the ability to further distinguish and customize characters and make their racial choices matter. Plus, like I said, the addition of the language system would be a way for many players using races other than human to retain a bit of what makes them different even if their physical features are concealed in "human" gear.

  19. Well since they mentioned new abilities along with the level cap increase, that would probably be the tangible measure of a higher level instead of just numerical boosts to stats like the ones already given from lvl 50+ gear. The trick is making sure that these new abilities tied to the higher level cap are not only relatively balanced, but also necessary for something, hopefully the new op will actually require an understanding of these new abilities along with perhaps the new warzone, world bosses, and new planet content.
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