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Posts posted by Terrorshard

  1. I just want something done. Between this and Guild Wars 2 bunker meta (the 2 games I play), it is super maddening to fight fight fight and nothing dies. I think this is more frustrating because there is no interaction with sorcs. Even if I get them to where I can kill them, their 10 secs of invulnerability that I have no counter play for. It is auto loss in pug 4v4 simply because you just can't kill them fast enough/at all. Can't target the sorc and can't not target the sorc...
  2. Just reroll to Sniper/Gunslinger, no point to play Powertech/Vanguard any more, it's what EAware obviously wants its players to do.


    Hah. I'm v-rank 90. I have all the datacrons. I've enjoyed the Vanguard more than any other class I've played in an MMO to date. Close second would be my Iron Breaker from War. I also am very busy with work and the fiance that I just don't have the energy to do it all. I just have to hope Bioware looks at this thread and maybe makes a few changes to get us back to par.

  3. Enjoy and L2P. We were infected more then 1 year with PT/VG spamming 2 buttons. You have 30% healing, shield who make you almost untouchable ( i saw skilled PT crossing fire in Huttball taking 0 dmg almost), u can use a med pack, so basically u can recover more then 18k Hp easy mode (if you have 30k HP). Just stop using 2 buttons. Only skilled PT/VG are still there doing more dmg then classes that you consider here are OP. :eek:


    So much I could say. But I will not be trolled. I'll just say that you know you're being unfair and biased and it isn't helpful.

  4. Wutsup shard.


    I've fought against you lots, you are definitely a force to reckon with. I don't have a trooper so I'll stick with hunter terminology.


    Long story short, I'll say again that shoulder cannon should remain exclusive to middle tree, and pyro's generic CGC dps potential should be increased. Thermal detonator should have the dot placed before the explosion, not after. I, like the rest of you have found use of shoulder cannon, but I think it's actually a joke. When calculating/balancing the dps potentials, it's actually hurting us more than helping. I'm done developing my jug so I'll be heating things up alot now on my PT. see ya out there.


    Hey! Thanks for posting. I still love my Vanguard and now I am running a full tactics build. Is it good? no...I'm lucky to see a 5k crit on fire pulse, but it has slightly more survivability than assault, and I figured assault has no burst anyway. Tactics is like being a sentinel without force leap/burst damage/defensive/execution cooldowns.


    Instead you get...uhhh, let me think. Slightly better resource management?


    Anyway I hope a dev sees this and does something. It just feels like none of our skills got any better from the additional 5 levels.

  5. at first they should fix the 30% critdamage bug for ionpulse in the assault tree


    This is true. I still think HIB/Railshot needs something. For being an attack than can be blocked/dodged and can miss....and so for so many skill points invested in it, it just doesn't do the damage other skills from other classes do.


    I feel like we invest a lot of wasted points now. With the plasma cell nerf, it didn't just nerf itself. It nerfs every point we spent buffing it in our trees as well.

  6. I'm just trying to figure out what went wrong. Certain skills don't feel like they scaled at all with 5 levels. HIB hits for about the same as it did before the patch. I have 2600 aim, max expertise, and HIB rarely hits 6k. My sentinel who has 600 less mainstat hits far harder.
  7. I have played Vanguard since launch, almost entirely Assault. If you play on POT5 you may recognize me. Since 2.0 the overall changes to the game coupled with the heavy handed nerfs leave this class just not feeling right.


    Things I have noticed since 2.0


    1) Healers are very difficult to take down. Especially Operatives. Since I don't play every class I'm not sure how, but healers seem to be much stronger than they were.


    2) Burst and TTK across the board has been increased. HP pools have gone up but damage seems to have outpaced that. 6.5k - 9k hits are not uncommon now.


    3) Vanguard is the only exception to this rule, where the TTK has decreased since before 2.0. Vanguard got double dipped a bit here.


    I have been lurking on the forums and rarely posting since the patch. I have seen both sides of the PT/Vanguard is broken and L2P good ones still wreck. I'm somewhere in between this. I feel like I am close to the same in power level from 50, but everyone gained 5 levels.


    I won't debate the current state of the game, but as it stands the Vanguard seems like the odd man out now.


    I think the Vanguard in its current state needs a few changes and additions to compete again at the level on the other classes.


    1) Railshot/HIB needs a damage increase. It also needs to not miss/not be a ranged attack anymore. It does not hit very hard. It doesn't seem to have gone up at all since 2.0. The nerf lowered its armor pen, but it rarely hits for more than 5.5k tops even with a relic proc. This seems unacceptable given its ability to be blocked/dodged and to miss. We also invest many skill points just getting it to that damage level.


    2) We need a 50% healing debuff - If you plan on just making us a dot class then we need a strong healing debuff. Healing is just too strong now, we need some kind of tool to be able to deal with it. This would at least give us a purpose even if our damage isn't very good.


    3) Reactive Shield and Adrenaline Rush needs its cool down lowered. It is all we have, and it isn't very good. TTK is high right now and we already have the weakest defensive cool downs in the game. If we have low damage it isn't acceptable to also have low survivability.


    4) Shoulder Cannon needs to be reworked. It is clunky and not terrible effective at anything other than preventing a node cap while stunned (within its crappy 10m distance). It has a long cooldown and requires you to mash the thing for minimal DPS increase.


    5) Buff High Energy Cell - You nerfed Plasma cell by 50% and it is still better. That should tell you something. Make it 8%. Then add 3% from the trait that currently adds 1% (a joke)


    For those of you who demonized PT/Vanguard for some really strong burst prior to the patch. Right now we aren't in a good place.

  8. By AP I assume you mean Assault Plastique? I'm not really sure I understand where you are going.....AP is Assault Spec. But yeah, what made Assault so great was the AP SG combo. Follow that up with a HiB and it was a done deal.


    Sorry. By AP I meant advanced prototype which is tactics for vanguard.

  9. Ok lets set things straight. (I actually don't know what was said past the first page because I didn't read, so if I'm covering something that was already said, apologies). A) Vanguard is still a good DPS in PVP. Certainly not the best, but still great. B) Assault Specialist is no longer the best build: Tactics is. So for tactics, go up the tank tree until you get elemental damage bonus. Then spec damage increase on stock strike in assault tree, then finally go all the way up tactics tree. Rotation: Sticky Grenade, Fire Pulse, Gut, Stockstrike, High Impact Bolt, Ion Pulse, Ion Pulse, Pulse Cannon. Of course, you must have High Energy Cell activated for this to be effective, and wear the Combat Tech armor set. But back again to the person who was saying Vanguard DPS sucks: I played 10 warzones the other day, while spec'd assault, and came in number one damage in each of them...So yeah, Vanguard is still great DPS. Hope this helps!


    AP really has no burst damage, then you kind of run out of abilities which leaves you spamming 3-4 flame bursts which now do really bad damage since losing crit damage. If is a clunky spec and isn't terribly rewarding.


    Pyro in its gimped state is still a better spec.

  10. I just hit 55. I have WZ comms to spend. I have tried Tactics...and it is pretty poo. Assault is pretty terrible now too. I'm kind of stuck at which pvp gear I should get...15% crit chance on HIB or the Tactics set? Really which one is more likely to be usable first?
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