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Posts posted by nervousfred

  1. Everyone knows that the performance in Ilum is horrendous. That needs to be fixed first and foremost.


    But what needs to be done after that is to eliminate OPS groups from Ilum. I don't know about other servers, but on mine its just a big zerg fest at the republic base with the only kills being from people pulling the other faction into their zerg/turrets. If OPS groups are eliminated it will create an environment that doesn't encourage the zerg. Everyone will have to make their own groups and that means that zerg will be harder to do because one person from your group will have to get into combat not just 50 people sitting AFK while one person pulls into turrets.


    This would encourage people to roam Ilum, help with lag issues caused by the zerg, and make world PvP more fun for everyone.


    Something else I want to throw in, there should be controllable siege engines. You should be able to get into a walker and go own an enemy base somewhere. :D (look into DAoC if you want more of my opinion on how PvP should be)

  2. I have just a few points that I think would be pretty cool to do with legacy.


    1. Share the money between your characters, instead of each character having their own money pool.


    2. Have a legacy storage area so you can access non-bindable items from any character.


    3. Maybe implementing some sort of XP boost for your legacy if you already have a 50 to help people get through the leveling grind quicker.


    4. A menu that allows you to access your other characters bags and character screens so you can look at their armor or bags without having to log into that character.



    Honestly, I didn't read through to forums to see if these were suggested already so if they were then my bad.

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